Back from Xuanyuan lake, Li Tianming stepped into diyuanzong for the first time.

As soon as he came in, he found that the regional scope of Renyuan sect was more than ten times that of Diyuan sect, but the number of Reiki fountains was almost the same.

As a result, on the side of diyuanzong, there is a strong aura and fog in the air. The spirit fog does not disperse all year round. It looks like a fairyland. Some people who are a little farther away can't see clearly.

"It is said that the number of Reiki fountains of Tianyuan sect is equivalent to that of Diyuan sect and Renyuan sect. However, Tianyuan sect has only 500 disciples, and its territory is only one tenth of that of Diyuan sect. Almost everyone has a Reiki fountain. "

"Taigu Shenzong has done a very realistic job in the stratification and training of top gifted disciples. Talented people have more terrible accumulation of resources, soar to the sky, and mediocre people rarely have the opportunity to stand out. No wonder Renyuan disciples want to climb up in their dreams. "

"In the Taigu Shenzong, at least Di yuan disciples are equipped with dignity. The way out for Renyuan disciples is nothing more than the Taigu divine army, going to the border battlefield to fight for the protection of the Taigu divine domain. "

He walks in diyuanzong. There are only 50000 disciples here. As he can see, everything here is much better than renyuanzong. There are all kinds of facilities, so it looks like a door.

Under the blizzard, diyuanzong is like a city in the snow, cold and magnificent.

"As long as you become a disciple of Diyuan, you can practice in Zhanxing ancient road for two hours every day. In fact, two hours are enough. However, I still have a level of identity. I'm the leader of the sword King alliance, so I don't have a time limit. "

"The Zhanxing ancient road of the Diyuan sect, the starting place, is the end of the Zhanxing ancient road of the Renyuan sect. The stars here come from stronger ancestors."

Li Tianming was full of expectations for the practice of diyuanzong.

Diyuan sect and Tianyuan sect are almost bound together. The core of Diyuan sect is Tianyuan sect.

"Go to the yuan and Ming Palace first."

Li Tianming found the location of the Yuan Ming Palace when he met someone and asked the way.

He found that many di yuan disciples knew him.

These people probably watched the alliance battle of renyuanzong, so they looked at Li Tianming strangely.

"You live to this day? It's not easy. " After being asked for directions, a woman in Green said with a smile.

"Yes, it's not easy. Thank you, elder martial sister. " Li Tianming thanked him and went to Yuanming hall.

Many people looked at the background of his departure and said with emotion: "good luck."

"No, not to mention the talents of the Taigu Xuanyuan family, but the people of the Taiqing Fang family are more overbearing. How can he live to this day?"

"I don't understand."

"Luck, it won't last a few days."

"Taigu Shenzong is the Shenzong of the three clans. Even if we small clans have high talent and strong combat power, we dare not offend the ordinary disciples of the three clans. He broke the ban. If he doesn't show up in two days, everyone knows what's going on. "

While they were talking, Li Tianming had come to the yuan and Ming hall.

"Take it, your di yuan disciple token."

Yuanming hall is a place to collect the information of disciples and issue disciple tokens.

Every new Diyuan disciple should report here to officially become a Diyuan disciple.

"Thank you, Lord." Li Tianming said.

The head of Yuan Ming hall is an old woman named "Gou Yuqiu". She doesn't know her identity. It is said that she is very conscientious. She will check all di yuan disciples.

However, she did not pay much attention to Li Tianming.

After giving the identity of Diyuan disciple, he waved his hand and said, "Li Tianming, go and choose an empty 'Diyuan Pavilion' to live in, and then take root in Diyuan sect."


Taking the identity token, Li Tianming went to choose the "Diyuan Pavilion".

The residence of Diyuan disciple is at least four times larger than that of Renyuan disciple. Almost everyone can have a mountain.

Just after coming out of the yuan and Ming hall, Li Tianming met an "acquaintance" outside.

The man's hair was gray and dry, he bowed, his face was pale, his mouth was stained with blood, and his eyes looked very desperate.

"Fang Xingying." Li Tianming shouted to him.

"Huh?" Fang Xingying raised his head. Seeing Li Tianming, he quickly shrank back several steps.

"Why don't you have your teeth?" Li Tianming couldn't help laughing. "Like an old woman, is this the most fashionable shape this year?"

Fang Xingying bit his gums. The pain made him show his gums.

He glared at Li Tianming and turned to go on.

"Don't go." Li Tianming rushed up, "aren't you going to assassinate me? You're welcome, brother. "

"Don't laugh at me." Fang Xingying stared.

"Think too much. Let me guess. Did you pull out your teeth because you didn't kill me?" Li Tianming patted him on the shoulder and said.

"You can guess!" Fang Xingying said.

"Ha ha, you boss can't do it. Don't work hard for him. It's not worth it. " Li Tianming said.

"You know a fart, live yourself, live if you can, don't care about others." Fang Xingying stepped forward.

Li Tianming stopped in front of him.

"Don't make me do it." Fang Xingying said.

"Do you resent 'Fang xingque'?" Li Tianming narrowed his eyes and said.

"What does it have to do with you? You think you're smart, don't you? " Fang Xingying said angrily.

"That's not true. The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and we are friends. Tell me who this star que is. Maybe I can help you kill him. " Li Tianming said with a smile.

"By you?!" Fang Xingying lost his smile.

"I heard it. You really resent him. It's bad to have your teeth pulled out?" Li Tianming said.

"You really want to know who he is?" Fang Xingying's eyes narrowed, and Li Tianming said his real thoughts.

He probably remembered that Li Tianming was ordered to be sheltered by patriarch yuan. Is his identity not bad?


"He is the son of the Lord Tianyuan and the grandson of the Lord of the temple. One of the disciples with the strongest background of Taigu Shenzong! " Fang Xingying said.

It's sad.

He is also the grandson of the Lord of the temple, but he has never been looked at.

"Oh, that's great. What does he do to assassinate a little man like me? " Li Tianming said.

"He and a group of friends fought crickets on the one yuan battlefield. As a result, you bullied his crickets and humiliated him in front of his friends. Therefore, of course, he wanted to kill you." Fang Xingying said.

"Isn't it boring? Those who play crickets can still compete with crickets? This shows that this person is not a person, but also a cricket. " Li Tianming lost his smile.

"Hehe, no one dares to provoke Fang's children in the Taiqing Dynasty, because Fang xingque will report his vengeance, and no one dares to touch our people!" Fang Xingying said.

"So arrogant?"

"If you are the son of Lord Tianyuan and the grandson of the Lord of the temple, aren't you arrogant?" Fang Xingying said.

Li Tianming secretly said, "I'm the husband of God, and I'm not so arrogant..."

"Is he finished now? Do you know that Lord Renyuan protects me and he still kills me? " Li Tianming asked.

"He doesn't believe what I say."

"That is to haunt?"


"Simple, one day, I'll help you beat him flat and pull out his teeth." Li Tianming said with a smile.

"Ha ha."

"What are you laughing at?"

"He has the 'Caifeng blood' of our Taiqing Fang family. He is only 16 years old and has entered the realm of life and death. As far as talent is concerned, he ranks among the top three of the ancient gods. " Fang Xingying's eyes shine through the red road.

Speaking of Caifeng's blood, he clenched his fists and tried to control it, so as to make his tone easier.

"Awesome." Li Tianming said.

"See you later." Fang Xingying left.

"I'm looking for a 'Diyuan Pavilion' where no one lives. Do you have a good place to recommend?" Li Tianming asked.

"I have one next door." Fang Xingying said.

"Well, be a neighbor."

"You want to stick to me?"

"Man, don't be so ugly. There are many things I don't understand when I first came to Yuanzong. I have the opportunity to ask you for advice." Li Tianming said sincerely.

"No fight, no acquaintance?"


"Let's go."

Fang Xingying doesn't know who he is, let alone how long he can live.

However, from small to large, no one wants to take the initiative to be a neighbor with him.

Over the years,

If he hadn't knelt and licked Fang xingque like a dog, he would have died.


Li Tianming officially moved into the Diyuan pavilion next to Fang Xingying.

He was very fussy. Five words were engraved on the plaque at the door - the first Pavilion in the world.

The first Pavilion in the world is very large. It is basically a hill. Now it has been covered with ice and snow. On the top of the mountain, in addition to the palace buildings, there is a lake. The underground volcanic vein connected by the lake has become a hot spring in this cold winter.

Li Tianming fell in love at a glance.

"Shit! I really want to take a hot spring here with linger! "

Li Tianming can only imagine for the time being.

Fang Xingying said it was next door. In fact, it was in a mountain next door.

He likes to be quiet. This is a remote place. It is convenient to practice and will not be disturbed.

"The sect stipulates that Diyuan disciples are qualified and can let a 'Renyuan disciple' be their own attendants or even maidens. Although Renyuan disciples who have become servants of Diyuan disciples cannot enjoy the rights and interests of Diyuan disciples and their identity essence remains unchanged, they can at least enjoy the heaven and earth aura of Diyuan sect. "

"Many di yuan disciples, especially men, have maidens... One for promotion, one for beauty, and one for each other's needs, which is also a way for Ren Yuan disciples. It is said that the local yuan disciples' attendants will have a much higher chance of achieving the yuan disciples in the future. "

"What a reality, what a corruption!"

"But -"

Li Tianming grinned.

"Turn back and get Xiaoxiao over and let her be my maid!"

"Sleeping trough, you stinky hooligan, are you going to play 'maid cultivation'?"   Yinghuo was stunned.

"Boss, don't force Ben meow to complain to linger. I will vividly describe how you 'whip' Lin Xiaoxiao." Meow meow hehe said with a smile, "from today on, if you make Ben meow go to bed, you're finished."

"I support you! I want to play with sister youyou! " Blue wilderness fanatical way.

"Fuck you!" Li Tianming was ashamed and said, "the alliance will fight. Many people see that I am with Xiaoxiao. What I'm afraid of is that if people like Fang xingque can't deal with me, they will deal with Xiaoxiao. Anyway, it's all my fault. I can't bother her, can I? "

"Hey, hey!"

"We all know. You don't have to explain."


"Xiaoxiao is very cute."


Li Tianming feels that the three of them are too comfortable and should be beaten.

Just then, outside in the ice and snow, someone shouted.

"Li Tianming, come out."

Listen to the sound, it should be Xuanyuan Yuheng.