The rampant sun god bird finally couldn't hold its strength and let go of the tree of origin world, so the immortal was able to escape.

Boom, boom!

The landing of "Taishan" directly triggered a strong earthquake. The ground around hundreds of thousands of meters cracked, and the ground in the central part was even pressed down for hundreds of meters. It is estimated that the terrible shock hit the fusion barrier, causing the roar of half an orderly place. Countless people and giant animals were shaken between the earth and the mountains!

This is enough to prove Li Tianming's strength now. Although he can't compare with the sun emperor, he is also ridiculously strong, surpassing the ordinary emperor!

In this collision, the sun god bird was almost flattened, the golden plumes splashed everywhere, and the ground was directly squeezed out of a golden sea of fire.

However, the vitality of knowing God is stronger than the accompanying animals. As long as the wheel is not destroyed, they will not really perish!

Boom, boom!

After being crushed, the sun god bird was still screaming underground and forced to prop up the "Taishan", which forced Li Tianming to devote all his strength to suppress the sun god bird!

However, the emperor has nine divine birds!

"What's the use of trying so hard to press only one finger?"

The roar came from overhead. A domineering sword fell directly on top of his head. Li Tianming ordered Donghuang sword to use the Heavenly Sword to refine God, rise from the ground and split the sky with a sword!


The sun emperor's face was dignified, and the golden feathers around him shot down, directly breaking the purgatory fire shield on Li Tianming. At the same time, the golden sword was like an epoch-making place, seemingly simple but powerful. With the emperor's indifferent eyes, the sword pressed on the Eastern Emperor's sword!


Li Tianming hit the ground like a broken kite. Although the scene was not as big as the sun god bird just now, it also caused earth shaking and mountains shaking.


Such a heavy force directly made his pores bleed, a large number of mustard seeds were annihilated by the power from the emperor, and the heavy injury swept through his body. The worst part of it was cleared by the worry free magic God, and the green spirit tower was also rapidly repairing his body... But how can he get up again?


The three legged golden black suppressed by Taishan flew up again. Li ignored Taiyi magic God and screamed again to kill immortal and silver dust.

The three battlefields of Yinghuo, Miaomiao and Lanhuang have been turned upside down and splashed with blood. As the emperor's divine beasts, they have stronger combat effectiveness than their two brothers and sisters. They can fight with each other alone without any points!

And everyone is bleeding!

The ten side era divine sword can also support the rush of three sun divine birds and stabilize the scene for the time being.

The most dangerous thing is the micro ink dye. Just two three legged Jinwu destroyed 49 fantasy gods and fantasy whales. Now they fall like the sun from left to right, tearing the fantasy whales, and directly take the micro ink dye with little combat power as prey.

"Do you recognize the gap? To be honest, your performance shocked me, but it didn't work. Even if you show a hundred times your willpower today, you can't make up the gap. It's over. The war looks very exciting. In fact, it doesn't mean much. You're too young. You'll die if you're not careful. "

The sun emperor is not joking.

He did find it boring!

So he waved his hand, and all the knowing gods rolled up in anger and directly launched a general attack, and he himself was killing Li Tianming in the light of calcium carbide fire.

Bang bang!

Li Tianming's heart beat violently.

In this war, he has become a moth. Naturally, he will not be frightened by the fire ahead. Even if it is a meaningless combustion, he still clenched his teeth!


Wipe the blood off your face, even if you fly!

As long as people see this light that belongs to him, Wanzong still has hope. People who are temporarily suppressed will wipe away blood and burn to death like him!




In the sky, nine sun birds screamed and flapped their wings, and fought Li Tianming. In the most core position, the youth and the golden emperor were even more deadly!


Li Tianming smashed it again!

His knowledge of God and his companion animals also retreated.

The micro living ink was knocked out and directly knelt down on the ground. His face was as white as paper.

Boom, boom!

Nine sun birds cover the sky, like nine suns, looking at the common people fiercely. Under the whole world, they seem to be their wings!

"In vain?"

Sun emperor Zun was mixed in the center of knowing God. He had used many means and didn't completely kill Li Tianming, which really surprised him.


In his eyes, the boy with white hair and blood insisted again, as he expected, and was infected by him. Countless people behind him were also insisting!

His sentient line has also been raised to 8 billion and 9 billion!

His combat effectiveness is still improving!

However, it is undeniable that even if it is 10 billion, the gap is still very large.

The emperor of the sun is strong enough to surpass the category of the world emperor of Yangfan. He must have the secret of surpassing the Star source of Yangfan!

Raise your head and look at the man surrounded by nine scorching suns!

Li Tianming knew that his body was full of holes.

However, the faith of 9 billion sentient beings still urged him to move forward, which made him put aside everything and bite his teeth.

He doesn't have to look at them!

Their hearts have been closely connected with themselves, and their hearts are close together.

"Kill him! Kill him! "

Even if this is an impossible dream, he and his companions take it seriously. They roar and scream, still like moths to the fire and kill against the hot sun in the sky!

"The myth of insufficient strength, will and courage is a deceptive poison. Only children will believe in it. In the final analysis, you just don't understand that all the 'miracles' you have won me are actually good luck. However, luck will not always be on your side. "

The sun emperor despised this.


With only one word, he would tell Li Tianming what is reality!

Power is reality!

Boom, boom!

Nine day resonance, divine bird!

The power of the emperor is handed down through the ages!

He looked at this brave and desperate young man and wanted to say something. However, the sin sword that came suddenly almost stabbed him in the face, which made all his "appreciation" incarnate into anger!

"Damn idealist! Dream in hell! "

He gave a low roar.

From this moment on, he had a strong idea that he would torture the child!

"No! From! Measure! Force! "

Boom, boom!

More surging power erupted from him.

However, even so, the young man in front of him, his eyes full of faith, has not changed.