
Su Jinse refused and was alert. She even made a gesture to fight. Jun Fuling seemed to guess that she would say, "then, go cook."

Su Jinse is relieved. Fortunately, this man is not strong. If he is strong, she can't fight. It will be miserable at that time.

"Well, I want to eat something. I won't cook tonight. I'll make something special for you!"

"What's special?"

Jun Fuling seems to be interested. She puts on her coat and holds her hand. Su Jinse wants to get rid of it, but he holds it tightly and doesn't seem to be ready to let go.

"Well, what are you doing?"

I don't know how good their feelings are. In fact, they are all fake. She doesn't have much feelings for Jun Fuling.

"If you don't, how can you protect you and your sister? You should know that the attitude of the people in the stockade towards you depends entirely on my attitude towards you. You are so smart that you should understand what I mean?"

Su Jinse is speechless and dares to protect her. "Jun Fuling, you're very considerate. Take my hand and wander around. When others see that the leader dotes on his wife so much, no one dares to beat my mind, right?"

Jun Fuling smile, "you think so can also!"

Su Jinse snorted coldly, "let's go!"

Two people came to the kitchen together, Jun Fuling sat on one side and looked at her, "I'm here to watch you do it!"


She found some brown rice and some brown sugar in the kitchen, and her eyes lit up and she seemed to have an idea.

"Hello, Jun Fuling, I made a special cake for you. You must have never eaten it!"

"Well, there's something else I haven't eaten?"

Jun Fuling saw that she only found some brown rice and brown sugar, and frowned, "don't tell me, do you make cakes with brown rice and yellow sugar? What kind of cake would you like to make? "

Su Jinse said with a smile, "you certainly don't have it here. It's a pastry from my hometown. It's called Lianggao. It's delicious, sweet and soft. It's fresh and delicious. It also has the functions of detoxification, purulent, diuretic, detumescence, heat clearing, dampness removing, spleen strengthening and diarrhea relieving. The main raw materials are also very simple, just brown rice, well water and yellow sugar."

When Jun Fuling saw her talking about the advantages of the cake, she doubted her identity. "I heard that Su Jinse in Xiaojia village was a girl who had never been to the county town several times. How could she have a wonderful cooking skill after she fell into the water? What kind of cold cake do you say? Jun Fuling has traveled all over the country and eaten countless delicious food. This Suzhou cake, Liuzhou sweet scented osmanthus cake. I eat dozens of kinds of cakes, but I haven't heard of what you said. It's a bit fresh. "

Su Jinse soaked the brown rice first. Seeing that Jun Fuling was full of questions, she didn't intend to hide them. Instead, she asked him, "well, if I wasn't Su Jinse, who would you say I am?"

Jun Fuling got up, went to her side, slightly squinted, carefully looked at her, her body has a noble spirit, and that do not admit defeat momentum, such a temper, can not be a small family can raise a girl.

"Why do you ask me, madam?"

Su Jinse stopped and suddenly looked up, "if I say, I'm from the future, do you believe it?"

As soon as the words came out, the pupil of Jun Fuling changed. Su Jinse disdained to smile. Sure enough, no one would believe that the soul passed through this kind of Arabian Nights.

"Come on, I lied to you. Look at you. Are you scared? I've soaked the brown rice now, but if you want to eat good food, you have to help me? "

Jun Fuling frowned, "you do things for me to eat, but also let me help you?"

Jun Fuling's face is not happy. He has never entered the kitchen. However, he is very curious about the cold cakes she said. After listening to her talk, he thinks they must be delicious. However, with these ordinary things, can he make that kind of delicious food?

"Of course, you go to find me a very cold well and get the water from it. I can use it!"

"What's the difficulty? There are three deep wells in the stockade. The water in them is freezing and piercing. Even in midsummer, it is cool to the marrow. "

"I haven't finished yet. After soaking my brown rice, I'll grind it into fine slurry. It's physical work, but I can't do it with my small arms and legs!"

"Originally, you are looking for coolie to help, no problem!"

When the rice was soaked, outside the kitchen, Zhu Jiu immediately pushed the door and entered, "madam, I'm in charge..."

Jun Fuling pointed to Zhu Jiu, "coolie is coming, go on!"

Zhu Jiu couldn't figure out what he was doing in the kitchen when he and his wife didn't sleep in the middle of the night. Did his wife want to make delicious food?

At the thought of delicious food, Zhu Jiu immediately became excited. He was sleepy and didn't sleep any more.

Su Jinse laughs scornfully. She knows that this man won't do it by himself. Who do you call him? Anyway, she can't push the ancient millstone.

Fortunately, with Zhu Jiu's help, the brown rice was ground into pulp. Su Jinse quickly poured it into the boiling pot and kept stirring with a spoon. During the cooking process, he carefully controlled the heat.

The raw materials of a large pot of cold cakes are slowly boiling in the pot. Zhu Jiu is burning. He really doesn't know what this pot is. "Madam, what do you make? How come I've never seen it before?" When Zhu Jiuyi heard that his wife wanted to make delicious food, he immediately came to help. Unexpectedly, the leader was also here. Su Jinse said with a smile, "you'll know later!" It's may now, and the heat is coming. Eating this cold cake is the best way to relieve the heat. Of course, she didn't specially give it to Jun Fuling. The main reason is that she also wanted to eat it. It's getting hotter and hotter. In ancient times, there was no air conditioner, so we should try to avoid the heat. While talking, she stopped stirring the spoon's hand, and then put some ready lime water into it to continue to boil. Jun Fuling saw that he put lime water in it, and was even more puzzled, "what is this?" Su Jinse looked at him, "don't worry, it's not poison, it's just lime water!"“ Lime water, what can you eat? "“ Of course, a small amount can be eaten. Don't underestimate him. If you have an acute stomachache, drink a little lime water and keep it for a long time, you won't have stomachache! "“ Really, ma'am, is this limewater so magical? "“ That's nature Su Jinse is very proud, but Jun Fuling looks at her strangely. How can she know so much? As she spoke, the liquid in the pot had been boiled. When the lime went down, a chemical reaction occurred quickly. The white liquid in the pot gradually became solid. She asked Zhu Jiu to turn off the fire. After a while, when the solid in the pot had cooled, she began to take the knife. However, when she took the knife, she hesitated. This ancient big pot is so big, how can it be cut evenly?