In fact, yunsui is afraid of her. It's not easy to deceive the old emperor. If this matter is leaked out, something big will happen.

"Don't worry, he didn't come back tomorrow morning. I'll go to him myself and go back to sleep!"

"Sister Su, I'm afraid, I'm afraid that brother Zhu won't come back, and I'm afraid that our affairs will be exposed. I..."

Yunsui stretched out his hand to hold her arm, full of fear, such yunsui let her not know how good, know to comfort softly, "don't be afraid, everything has sister Su in, sister Su will protect you, obedient, you go back to rest."

"Well, I'll listen to you!"

Yunsui turned around and walked a few steps, but turned back, as if emphasizing something, "sister Su, I listen to you!"

"Good, go back to rest!"

After sending away Yun Sui, she could not lie down any longer. She saw the cock crowding early. She was wearing a fox fur coat on the roof, and the outside frosted and heavy, and there was a thick layer of snow on the eaves.

Sitting on the eaves, she saw the snow covered Chang'an city. At this time, Chang'an city was sleeping deeply, waiting for the golden rooster's call at dawn. Everything seemed peaceful and peaceful, but she knew that Chang'an City would never be really peaceful. Under the peaceful situation, there were restless tricks. If she didn't pay attention, she would stay here.

The cold wind was blowing the copper bells on the eaves, and the jingle and crisp sound hit her heart, like a death bell.

For a moment, she seemed to have a premonition of a never before had a sense of crisis, is quietly approaching.

Her hands and feet were cold with the biting wind. She sat and breathed with her hands, but she didn't expect that there was the sound of horse's hooves not far away.

The man, dressed in purple, was very conspicuous in the snow.

"Only when it is!"

Fang Zhiyou saw her on the roof, and immediately jumped up from the horse and flew straight over her eaves.

"Little Su Su..."

He showed his usual smile, which made her heart warm, as if cold through the ice cellar, suddenly came a heater, she can't wait to get close to him to warm herself.

"What are you doing here?"

Fang Zhi saw that her face was red with cold, and quickly put on her fox fur. "How did you come out? Aren't you afraid of freezing?"

She pretended to shrug easily, "I can't sleep out to get some air. Why are you here?"

"Naturally, I miss my little Susu."

As like as two peas, he suddenly became a prince. He was the same as before. He had no boundaries of identity. There was no such thing as a damn man.

It's a good feeling to drink, talk and lie on the eaves.

They sat down side by side, only to know that you had brought wine“ I heard that the old emperor was very satisfied with your monkey brain today, and he rewarded you with a golden spoon? "

"Old emperor, isn't he your father?"


Fang Zhiyou snorted coldly. He didn't seem to like him very much. "Although he was my own father, he didn't support me. I didn't have much feelings for him. If he didn't take my mother to crush me, do you think I would be trapped in the capital and be a son of a bitch? Although this is the Imperial City, there are many rules and tricks. How can you be a bandit leader? "

He never said these words to anyone. Only when he faced Su Jinse, he would really show his true face. In the palace, he was like a masked man. Every day he wore a mask to meet those who didn't like him and said something he didn't like. The strict and complicated rules in the palace made him very upset. If he didn't think that his mother was still in the palace, He has the final say that he will not be what a shit prince, be bound in the palace, and even the woman he love will have the final say.

Su Jinse understood, "it seems that you, the prince, are not happy?"

"It's just helpless. If I have a choice, I'd rather take you away from here. We'll go back to Nanjun and still open our tiantianlou. You'll be your chef. I'll be my shaking hands shopkeeper. We can spend more money. I can also turn Jinji stronghold into a place for the aged. There are no more robbers. Some of them have the warmth of family. How nice and carefree, There's no one to take care of. We... "

His eyes are full of vision and hope. That's his dream. He always wants to live such a life. However, he knows that his life has been changed. From the moment he set foot in the capital to look for relatives, he can never go back.

What he wants is freedom and the ability to see the woman in front of him every day, so he is satisfied.

But he also knew that it was a noble luxury for him.

Seeing the vision in his eyes, Su Jinse quickly reached out and touched his forehead. A basin of cold water poured down, "you don't have a fever, you are the prince, and you still want to be the bandit leader. Your father knows that he will be angry!"

"Don't talk about him, your performance today is good, the old man seems very satisfied."

"Yes? Do you know all about it? "

"Of course I know, or I wouldn't come now."

"You asked Mr. Gao to help me, didn't you?"“ Do you know? " Did Fang know that she knew about it? Yes, he was afraid that the old man would get into trouble with Su Jinse, so he went to Gao Gonggong in private. Gao Gonggong had something to do with him. So he asked Gao Gonggong to speak for Su Jinse. He also knew that the old man believed in Gao Gonggong's words, which for him was just one thing down one thing“ Naturally, I know that I'm not familiar with Mr. Gao. The reason why he wants to speak for me is because someone has warned him. I think the person who can make Mr. Gao obedient is your future emperor. " Fang Zhiyou chuckled, and his voice was as good as a bell. "Not bad, my little Su Su has grown up and become smarter!"“ Thank you, Xiao Fang“ I'm tired of hearing that. Would you change the word? " Su Jinse gazed at his handsome face, his eyes, nose, mouth, all with the shadow of the man“ I find that you are somewhat like the old emperor, but only in appearance. Your temperament is not the same. "“ Who's as old and crafty as he is? "“ That's what you call him. He's your father? " If the emperor heard this, he would have to blow his beard and stare. How could he give birth to a son who slandered him like this? It seems to be a real evil. This just knows that you can't change the old ruffian's temper. However, this is the most real him. I think there are too many restrictions in the palace. Naturally, a man who yearns for freedom likes his nature. It's cruel for him to restrain his nature“ Well, not to mention the old man, you are becoming more and more famous now. Do you think about it in the future? "“ In the future? What's the future? "