Su Jinse's words make Lingxi kneel down suddenly, tears streaming down his face in an instant, "master, how can you leave without saying a word?"

Su Jinse knew that he had misunderstood, "he didn't die, just..."

"What, my master is not dead?"

Seeing this, Lingxi immediately got up and came to her side“ Girl, make it clear that my master is not dead? "

Why did she look like that?

"He's in the mountain with the ghost doctor. He can't go down the mountain in the future, Lingxi. You follow me in the future, and I'll give you what I've learned all my life!"

Lingxi touched the tears in the corner of his eyes. "Miss Su, does my master come back?"

It's so good that he didn't die. Then, did he come back? He couldn't figure out where the ghost mountain was and why did Shifu stay there?

"Yes. There's always a way. "

Yes, she must have a way to see him again.

"Have you got the antidote, madam?"

Black shadow this words long wanted to ask, Su Jin se hurriedly return to God, take out that carry her precious box from the bosom“ I've got it. Let's go to King Chen's mansion! "

"Got it?"

Shadow and the crowd were ecstatic. Did you really get it? Ma'am, it's a great skill.

"Ma'am, you are really good. You..."

"Less flattery, let's go!"

In the palace of King Chen, when Su Jinse comes, all the people make way for her. Everyone thinks that she can't come back. How do you know that she's really back, and she's got the antidote?

Beside the bed, several doctors shook their heads. "Ah, if Su Jinse doesn't come back, the king can't even keep the ginseng for a thousand years!"

Chen King's breath is more and more weak, this ginseng also can't protect him.

"Miss Su is back..."

I don't know who yelled, but the doctors got up and said, "are you back?"

Su Jinse immediately rushed into the room from the outside and came to the bedside, "quick, help him up, I'll bring back the antidote."

"Miss Su, what antidote are you taking?"

Doctors also want to see what the magic medicine of this ghost doctor is. Can it really solve this heartless poison?

She quickly took out the baby's box“ Here it is

After the box was opened, a golden light came out, and people looked at a transparent curled snake in it incredulously, "is this the antidote?"

God, who knows this antidote is this thing?

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, she nodded hastily, "yes, this is the antidote. Black shadow came to help me and brushed his sleeve away."

"Ma'am, this is a snake. This is..."

Dark shadow was worried. The Snake must be poisonous. They all thought that the antidote was a pill or something. How could it be a transparent snake? Could it really cure the master's poison?

"Yes, this is the crystal snake. This is the treasure of the ghost doctor. As long as the crystal snake bites him, the ruthlessness in his body will be absorbed by him. Hurry up, the snake will die soon after leaving the ghost mountain. We don't have much time!"

"Black shadow hears busy way," be, I come right away

When the doctors heard her say that, they could only try. They could not bear the responsibility if the snake bit and the Lord died.

"Miss Su, why don't you look again?"

Su Jinse stares at them“ What, will I harm him? "

"Here comes the prince!"

Outside, a purple dress just know have stride forward, he came forward to see Su Jinse came back. "Happy," little Susu, are you back at last

"Meet the prince."

It's great that he knew she was a lucky girl and would not have such a short life.

"Little prescription, you see, this is the antidote?"

"The antidote?"

At this time, Su Jinse didn't care so much. She let the snake out. After circling on Jun Fuling's arm, the crystal snake suddenly opened its mouth and bit his arm hard. After biting it, Jun Fuling's body in a coma moved and seemed to be in pain.

"Wang Ye..."

"Get out, a group of quacks. What are you shouting about?"

"Prince, this thing is going to kill the prince. What's the matter?"

"A group of quack doctors, how afraid to be responsible? Our palace tells you that if the prince dies, you must be buried with him!"

"Prince, spare your life, spare your life!"

What does it have to do with the doctors who kneel down and beg for mercy?

"Go away!"

After everyone left, Su Jinse was sweating and looked at the crystal snake, and gradually had a trace of black gas. But Jun Fuling suddenly woke up, sweating and looking very painful.

"Poria cocos, Poria cocos, what's the matter with you?"

He finally woke up, but his body kept shaking, his face was even more iron blue, and the corners of his mouth kept spitting out black blood.

"Poria cocos, what's the matter with you?" Suddenly, Jun Fuling body a draw, no sound“ Poria cocos, Poria cocos She hugged him and kept shaking. "What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you?" How can it be that the antidote doesn't work“ Sister Su, my brother-in-law is dead! "“ What? " All of a sudden, her tears instantly flow down, her face is full of tears, helplessly looking at just know, "small prescription, I killed him, right?" Fang knew that some of them had been hoodwinked. He yelled, "what are you quack doctors doing on your knees? Why don't you come in?" The doctor was frightened and came in quickly. "Girl, let go of the Lord first." Su Jinse is not put, "no, I don't put, impossible, Ji yunduan won't cheat me, he won't cheat me!"“ "Ji yunduan?" Just know to have frown, how to still have Ji cloud end of affair son“ Girl, how can we see a doctor like this? " The doctor knew that the girl had a lot of friendship with the Lord, but how could she hold her like this“ Doctor, please She had no choice but to get up and see the doctor help Jun Fuling lie down. She wiped a tear and saw that the dead snake did not move. Yunsui came forward, "sister Su, the snake is dead, you see..." she took the snake and put it in her hand. The body of the snake is all black, which is totally different from the transparency just now. It looks very strange“ How can it be like this? Doesn't it mean that it's good to take poison? " Are they all cheated by ghost doctors? Fang Zhiyou is the most calm one. "Doctor, what's the matter?" But the doctor thought it was strange, "tell the prince, it's strange. The prince looks the same as he died. But why is there a warm breath in his heart, and there is no pulse from time to time?"“ What? " I don't understand. How can it be like this? Is this snake useless? Or is Su Jinse cheated by the ghost doctor? When she heard this, she gave a bitter smile and looked at the lying Jun Fuling with remorse in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I still can't save you after all!" She and Ji yunduan die to get this treasure, Ji yunduan also for their own life and stay in ghost mountain, why, why will not use?