"Niang Niang, why beat them?"

Jun Fuling's words let Su Jinse resist the impulse to continue to hit people, "do you feel bad when I hit them?"

"They are my women, don't you think?"

"Your women, you..."

One of the women laughed with pride, "the general spoiled his maidservant last night, and the maidservant is naturally his woman."

"Did you sleep?"

Su Jinse's words surprised Murong Yu. She was so direct that she fell asleep. It was a good word.


Jun Fuling's words make her face pale, like a bolt from the blue general hit in the heart, her eyes you have tears, but arrogant forced back, "Jun Fuling, these two women say is true?"

Jun Fuling slightly saluted, and there was no emotion on her face. "What's the meaning of Niang Niang's words? They are the women of the last general. Should they not be spoiled by the last general? My Lord, this lady, she... "


Su Jinse laughed at himself and gazed at his face. "What a lady. Don't you call me lady?"


Jun Fuling frowns slightly, madam? Did he call her Madame? Who the hell is she?

"Come with me!"

Jun Fuling does not move, but is looking at Murong Yu, Su Jinse's anger is very big, "you look at him to do what, I let you come over!"

"Go ahead."

Su Jinse saw that Fu Ling was obedient and glared at Murong Yu. Sure enough, now Fu Ling listened to him most. No, she had to find a way to let Fu Ling remember. Otherwise, what should she do?

Does he really don't remember her? Is that what he said to make her believe him?

In the general's mansion, the gentleman Poria cocos comes forward slightly a worship, "Niang Niang has what command?"

See he still call oneself like this, she corrects to him, "Fu Ling, I am not Niang Niang, you have a good look who I am?"

Jun Fuling carefully looked at her, but it was a faint smile, "Niang Niang is Niang Niang, is there anyone else?"

She doesn't want to talk about this with him, "don't listen to Murong Yu, don't attack Yumen pass, it's our country, you know, you are king Chen, you're not a broken General of Xiliang, Fuling, wake up!"

The gentleman Fu Ling hears this words but light way, "Niang Niang says this words don't be afraid of Wang Shang not to be happy, you go back, jade gate pass is must hit, Niang Niang still don't worry too much."


What do you mean, did he really lose his memory or was he acting? She can't tell the difference at all?

After Jun Fuling leaves in a hurry, Su Jinse just stands there lonely. What should he do? Fuling can't listen to anyone now. If he really wants to attack Yumen pass, what should he do?

She sat down, looking at this strange country, she and poria cocos together, but now it has become such a situation, how to deal with it?

At this time, she can't panic. She must find a way to calm down. Only by calming down can she find a way.

Not far away, a maid brought something, "madam, this is the sugar and oil fruit from the general. Please try it!"

When she was in despair, she was overjoyed to hear the sugar and oil fruit. "What do you say, it's from the general?"

"Yes, the general said the sweet lady would like it."

Su Jinse saw the sugar and oil fruit and suddenly laughed, tears almost burst into her eyes, it was him, it was him, she shouldn't guess him.

"OK, I'll eat, I'll eat..."

"Lady, the king has come up."

She lifted her eyes to see Murong Yu coming, but also selfishly picked up a string of sugar oil fruit into her mouth, "is sweet."

"What is this? Are you crying

Murong Yu saw that she was eating, which is the singing, see Jun Fuling now become like this, she is desperate, right?

Su Jinse said, "this is a snack sent by your general. Don't ask Wang. Your noble identity is not suitable for eating these things."

"What is this?"

The maid replied, "tell the king, the general said it's called sugar, oil and fruit?"

"Sugar and oil fruit?"

He seemed to have heard about it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a moment.

Su Jinse saw that he was doubting something and said, "sugar, oil, fruit is my hometown's specialty. I like it very much."

Murong Yu frowned slightly, "did you get it from Poria cocos?"

"Why, do you have a problem?"

She saw that Murong Yu seemed to be doubting something. She took a bunch of sugar and oil fruits and handed them to him

Murong Yu saw that she was just eating, and slowly sat down, "what did Jun Fuling say to you, you are not angry?"

Did he really not lose his memory? Is it fake?

Su Jinse is very open-minded, "angry, I can be angry, he has forgotten me, what can I do, and, he slept with those two women last night, I will not forgive him, I su Jinse this life will not have to have an affair with other women's man, touched someone else to touch me, like chopsticks, others used do not want to use, dirty!"

How could these words come out of a girl's mouth? The maids blushed to hear it, but Su Jinse didn't care. She was eating and chattering. Murong Yu didn't blush when she said these words, "you..." "I don't want to stay here. He has already touched other women. I won't take him anymore. Murong Yu, please let me go." Yes, she wants to play a little bit, but she doesn't know whether the little fox believes it or not“ Go? Sue, do you think I'll believe you? You love your Poria cocos to the bone, so easily give up, you when I Murong jade is a fool All of a sudden, Murong Yu suddenly brushed her sleeve and put all the sugar and oil fruits on the ground. He was very angry, yes, very angry. Su Jinse saw this gnashing his teeth and looked at him, "what are you crazy about? What are you going to do? You want to see me suffer, let me see Poria cocos with other women, let him see me call me Niangniang like a stranger, so you are happy? Or if you want me to die, you'll be happy. What's the point of giving me a knife? " Her voice was louder than him. The maids were stunned. Who is this woman? How dare she talk to the king? Su Jinse saw that he didn't speak, "go!" Su Jinse's temper is too irritable. No one dares to talk to the king like this. He can't look at the king's face any more. Everyone thought that he was going to put the woman to death. Unexpectedly, he just took a deep breath to suppress his anger, "come on, drive back to the palace."“ The king went back to the palace Su Jinse came out in a hurry, but she didn't want to take his sedan chair. She turned to Murong Yu and said, "I don't want to go back. You can let me go. I don't want to stay here." Murong Yu frowned and was silent for a moment. Did he really want to open his eyes, or did he want to heal his wounds“ You all go back first“ You can't do it, my Lord“ Step back