"Father! My father... " Princess Changle is still calling, but the emperor has already disappeared in the side hall. How can Princess Changle say another word?

"Father, don't leave. You have to believe in Changle." On the ground, the princess cried.

Seeing that the emperor's back was about to disappear at the gate of the side hall, the little maid could not care so much. She directly stabbed Princess Changle and whispered something in her ear.

Princess Changle stood up directly and cried out: "father, my son's minister is wrong. My son's minister has no face to see him again. My son's minister You should give thanks to death. "

With that, Princess Changle rushed to the pillar of the side hall.

When the emperor heard this, he turned his head and his pupils shrank violently. He saw that Princess Changle had really hit the big pillar. Princess Changle's movements were very fast and could not be resisted.

Even though the servant girl was closest to Princess Changle, Baili Liangge was the most responsive. She grabbed the princess, but the castration of Princess Changle was too fierce. When Bai Li Liangge moved, she blocked Princess Changle in front of her, and Princess Changle bumped into the belly of Baili Liangge.

Hundred mile cool song hums a dull, pain let her not conscious of the frown.

Princess Changle looked at the hundred mile cool song with an unbelievable look in her eyes. Just now she thought that her little servant girl would hold her, so in order to make a play, she used a lot of strength, but she didn't expect that her servant girl would even pull herself.

She had to brave the head to hit the pillar. Fortunately, there was a hundred Li Liang song to help her, otherwise today she would surely be splashed with blood here!

Princess Changle looked at her servant girl with a cruel look in her eyes. The little servant girl immediately lowered her head in fear. She was obviously very guilty. Princess Changle narrowed her eyes.

His little servant girl could catch her, but she let go.

Seeing this unexpected situation, Feng Chi Ming and Feng Chi Yue rushed forward to check the injury of Baili Liangge.

"Cool song, are you ok?" Feng Chi Yue held the arm of Bai Li Liang song and asked with worry on his face.

Baili Liangge has always been a woman with strong endurance. This frown shows that Princess Changle must have hit her out of internal injury.

Feng Chi Ming's sharp eyes immediately swept to Princess Changle.

Princess Changle suddenly felt a shiver all over her body. With Feng Chi Ming's cold eyes like looking at the dead, Princess Changle suddenly felt that she was being watched by the king of hell.

Baili Liangge shakes his head towards Fengchi moon, and pulls Feng Chi Ming's sleeve with his little hand. Feng Chi Ming's sight then looks at Baili Liangge and looks at her with questioning eyes.

Bai Li Liang song whispered, "I'm ok."

Feng Chi Ming's gloomy line of sight looked at the belly of the hundred mile cool song. He was in a very bad mood. He stood on one side coldly and did not speak.

Baili Liangge is not a good man and a woman, but she has already seen the calculation in the eyes of the little maid. Even if Princess Changle has just been calculating herself, Bai Li Liangge can't do it as a doctor.

"Nonsense." The emperor is really angry this time. He connives at Princess Changle, which is known to the world. But today, Princess Changle repeatedly makes inappropriate actions. How can the emperor not be angry?

"The emperor." A hundred Li Liang song suddenly opened his mouth and said to the emperor, "the princess was pure. She was only provoked by the crooks and sycophants. The emperor should not be angry."

The little servant girl was suddenly shocked and her legs began to shake.

Baili Liangge is very clever. Such a saying not only found the emperor a step down, but also found the culprit for Princess Changle's impolite act. It would not make this a joke for the royal family. At the same time, he pleaded for the princess, and the emperor could not punish himself.

At this time, Princess Changle seemed to have reacted. She knelt down on the ground and cried, "my father, my son's ministers know that they are wrong. It's all Xiao Qing's ghost ideas. My son's ministers should not listen to her slander. If they do this, they will know their mistakes and ask their father to punish them."

The emperor squinted at Xiaoqing's servant girl. From the beginning, the servant girl had not stopped. How could the emperor spare the talkative servant girl?

"You have been wronged Xiao Qing's legs softened and knelt down on the ground. She began to cry and cry for injustice: "maid, how can you do it? The Lord of the princess, the maid is wronged."

Xiaoqingming knew that the situation was gone, but she still wanted to plead for her grievances. She knelt on the ground, her legs trembled, and her forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Baili Liangge doesn't understand the festival between Xiaoqing and Princess Changle, but she has just instigated Princess Changle again and again. She must have been working for the tiger for a long time.

"Stir up trouble, gossip, damn it, somebody, put her in jail." At the emperor's command, suddenly a bodyguard came forward and cried out Xiaoqing.

When Xiaoqing saw that she was at the end of her life, she stood up and rushed to Princess Changle and cried out: "fengchangle, why are you so arrogant? Why are you born a princess? And I can only be your servant!"It seems that Xiaoqing's dissatisfaction with Princess Changle has accumulated to a certain extent. Otherwise, how could he have done such an extraordinary thing?

The bodyguard drives Xiaoqing out directly, but Xiaoqing can only be dragged away.

Before leaving, Xiaoqing still roared: "fengchangle, why do you enjoy the glory and wealth? I'm not ugly than you, and my mind is more than you. Why are you the master? I'm a servant. You will be punished! I will not let you go if I become a ghost

Xiao Qing's jealousy hurt others and himself.

When the emperor was in a bad mood, he turned his head and left.

When the queen and the lady of the imperial concubine heard the news, they were just in time for the emperor to leave in anger. They saluted the emperor in a hurry, but the emperor ignored them and went directly to the emperor.

Two people get up to know the story, this just understand, today all this is a farce directed by Princess Changle.

Fortunately, she found out in time and did not delay the banquet time. The empress sent Princess Changle back to the palace. Before leaving, Princess Changle looked at the hundred mile Liangge inexplicably.

Then he walked to the front of Baili Liangge. Although his attitude was arrogant, it was obviously better than just now: "thank you just now."

Bai Li Liang song aroused the corner of her lips. Unexpectedly, Princess Changle would say thank you.

Princess Changle looked at Feng Chi Yue and said sarcastically, "you are lucky to have a hundred mile cool song as a friend."

With these words, Princess Changle left the palace.

The queen went to Baili Liangge and asked, "how are you, Baili girl? Would you like to see the doctor? "

Bai Li Liang song returned with a smile: "thank empress for her concern. I'm fine. I'm a doctor. I know my own body."

Queen a smile: "see how I forget this."

The lady of the imperial concubine snorted coldly and said, "empress, I think we'd better go back to the party as soon as possible. It's really unpleasant that so much unhappiness has happened at the beginning of the party."

The banquet, which should have been hosted by the empress, was snatched away by the queen. Naturally, the lady was not willing to do so. She was angry both inside and outside.

The queen did not pay attention to the imperial concubine, but said to the hundred mile cool song: "let's go together."

Bai Li Liang Ge is a little confused. She looks at Feng Chi Yue in doubt. She is the protagonist of the celebration, but who is she? Can you walk with the queen?

Feng Chi Yue doesn't understand the meaning of this, so she can only shake her head towards Baili Liangge.

Feng Chi Ming narrows his eyes dangerously.

The party was about to begin. The affair of Princess Changle was forgotten, and everyone was seated.

Baili Liangge and Fengchi moon seat next to each other, two people's positions are relatively high. I don't know whether it is intentional or unintentional. The opposite of the hundred mile cool song is Fengchi Ming.

Feng Chi Ming has a cold face and no one dares to get close to him. The title of the cold faced Yama is not groundless. He sits in fenghanxuan and Fengjing behind him.

Seeing Baili Liangge, Feng hanxuan's eyes flashed with astonishing looks. I didn't expect that some days would not be seen. Baili Liangge seems to have been completely transformed. It has become more and more beautiful than Baili Yimo.

But then think of Baili Liangge's indifferent and rude attitude towards himself, Feng hanxuan's heart is full of resentment and anger.

Bai Li sees Feng Han Xuan staring at Bai Li Liang song with foam and pulls the sleeve of Feng Han Xuan with his hand: "Lord, what are you looking at? The refreshments here are good. Have a taste. "

Feng hanxuan glanced at Bai Li Yi Mo, and then looked at Bai Li Liang song. He suddenly felt that Bai Li Yi Mo was so ugly that he couldn't see it. He gave a perfunctory hum and poured a mouthful of wine into his throat.

Bai Li clenched her fists with foam, and her nails fell into the flesh. She was full of jealousy and became more and more disgusted with Baili Liangge.

Feng Jing said hello to Baili Liangge with a smile. He also took advantage of the fact that everyone was not fully seated. He approached Baili Liangge and blinked mysteriously. He touched the glass of Baili Liangge: "Miss Baili, do you still know me?"

Baili Liangge searched her mind again. She met Fengjing as Baili Liangge. It seems that this is the first time.

Feng Chi Yue quickly explained to Bai Li Liang Ge: "cool song, this is king Jing."

Feng Jing, with a smile, did not wait for a hundred mile cool song to answer, and said to himself: "when there will be a good news, don't be excited to faint."

With these words, Feng Jing went back to his seat and kept winking at the hundred mile cool song.

Good news?

Why did Feng Jing run to himself alone and tell himself that he had good news?

It has something to do with the scenery, it has something to do with myself, isn't it

Bai Li Liang Ge Dun looks at Feng Chi Ming. Is the good news in Feng Jing's mouth?

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