Chapter 14

Lin Xiang clapped her shoulder in tears and laughter to see whether she was in prison or not.

"Yiyi, stop crying, stop crying." Lin Xiang sweeps the door of Ye's house and walks along the road with Zhu Yi's warm hand.

Zhu Yi shriveled his mouth and said, "how can you not tell us anything? Are we still friends from childhood? "

Lin Xiang's heart was like a warm current.

With a slight movement of her finger, she sighed in her heart, "I didn't tell you, but I didn't even think about it when it happened."

It took her almost two years to accept the fact that Li Hanzhi didn't love her at all.

At the beginning, she didn't even want to believe that the person who sent her to prison was Li Hanzhi. Ye Wanjing came over several times to sneer at her and then slowly accepted the reality.

"After I get out of prison, what I'm going to do is very risky, so I don't want to tell you." Lin Xiang raised his red lips, and his tan eyes were shining with the light of potential.

Zhu Yi sniffed and grasped Lin Xiang's hand. "No matter what you do, you must tell me. Although I can not do much, but I will support you

Depressed mood because her words finally improved, Lin Xiang also clenched Zhu Yi, joked: "four years no see, how do you still like to cry?"

Zhu Yi glances at her and turns her eyes a little embarrassed.

"My car is over there. Let's have dinner tonight."

Lin Xiang nodded and scratched her half length hair. Four years, the same is still the same.

No one noticed that a red car was running out of the Ye family behind him.

Ye Wanjing clung to the steering wheel with a gloomy look.

She stares at Lin Xiang's back. If her eyes could kill people, Lin Xiang would have been exposed thousands of times.

In the four years without this woman, everything went well. Even she and Li Hanzhi have entered the palace of marriage, but Lin Xiang

The first thing after she got out of prison was to ruin her wedding. How could she bear it.

The car is speeding on the road and overtaking. It was only when she saw the familiar sign that she stepped on the gas.

"Sister Wan Wan, she's here so early today." The little brother at the door of the bar took her car key with a smile and said vaguely, "brother Chen just has no one to accompany."

Ye Wanjing finally regained a little consciousness and walked inside with a smile.

The colorful lights are changing rapidly, and the rhythmic sound of vibration makes people feel that their heart is about to jump out. The men and women on the dance floor are shaking their hair. Ye Wanjing's eyes accurately capture the men on the second floor.

He sat lazily on the sofa with a light look, as if nothing could enter his eyes. A scar made his face more ferocious and wild, and it was memorable.

Ye Wanjing took a breath and walked up quickly.

"Brother Chen." She naturally fell into the man's arms, smacking her hands on his chest.

Fu Chen picked his eyebrows and took a sip of the wine? Who makes you angry again? "

"It's just that damned bitch." Think of Lin Xiang, ye Wanjing fidgety, "out of prison every day to find my trouble."

There was a striptease dance under the stage, and when it was on the rise, Fu Chen yelled "yes."

"Brother Chen." Ye Wanjing wrongly shriveled mouth, white fingers gently slide over Fu Chen's chest, "you see you, don't care about me at all."

Those two old guys at home are useless.

Fu Chen's chest came out with a smile, "didn't I send someone to teach her?"

"Those counsellors." Mentioning this, ye Wanjing was angry. If they had been a little more sharp at that time, Lin Xiang would have had life to show off her power in front of her.

"Lin Xiang pretended to poke him in the chest, and they were too scared to move. This kind of person is not like brother Chen, your subordinates. "

Fu Chen suddenly turned his head and looked at her. Ye Wanjing's gloomy eyes surprised me.

Ye Wanjing is no exception. She has not forgotten that this man is a gangster. The man who really took the life of human, the whole body's ruthlessness makes people's legs soft.

Is brother Chen not willing to talk about his subordinates?

When ye Wanjing is about to open her mouth, Fu Chen suddenly pulls up half of her lips, smiles evil, raises ye Wanjing's chin and bites her lips.

Her eyes moved, and ye Wanjing put her hands obediently on his neck to kiss him warmly.

There was a lot of noise around.

It was so easy to finish the kiss. Fu Chen took out a cigarette and lit it slowly. "I just like a woman like you. She's cruel and poisonous enough!"

Ye Wanjing chuckled, and her fingers glided gently across Fu Chen's cheek, "does brother Chen help me?"

"What do you want?" Fu Chen hung his head. They almost sniffed each other, and their eyes met.

A thin layer of ice floated from the bottom of Ye Wanjing's eyes, and her fingers pinched into fists unconsciously. "Of course, I want Lin Xiang to stay in Laoli all his life, and never come out to get in my way."Without her, she would be the second daughter-in-law of the Li family now!

"Tell me about it." Fu Chen asked casually and dusted his cigarette ash.

It has to be said that men like to conquer their prey, especially those that escape from their hands. As for the taste of Lin Xiang, he is very concerned.

Ye Wanjing recalled a smile of unknown meaning, "didn't Lin Xiang hurt you last time? As long as the injury is serious, Lin Xiang will be sentenced for several years. "

Fu Chen's lips were hooked and his eyes were unpredictable.

Time passes in a twinkling of an eye, and ye's family turns around in it. Lin Xiu was released soon, and it didn't affect his graduation. At the same time, he packed the things of Lin Xiang and Lin Xiu and sent them to her residence. After receiving the news of his flight home, Lin Xiang asked Zhu Yi to borrow a car to meet him at the airport.

When she arrived, the airport announced that the flight was delayed for half an hour because of fog.

She sat quietly waiting, sending messages from Zhu Yi on her mobile phone. After Lin Xiang replied, he raised his hair in a daze, just after ten o'clock in the morning.

Lin Xiu's flight arrived smoothly. Lin Xiang immediately got up and walked quickly to wait for him to come out. Who knows just walk two steps, her footstep cannot help but pause.

Not far away, the tall man was wearing a dark gray suit, meticulous hair care, deep profile unforgettable.

And the woman in front of him is standing on tiptoe to tidy his tie. It's as if they are a couple. Li Hanzhi only needs to bow his head slightly, they can exchange a sweet kiss.

Lin Xiang frowned slightly.

Ridiculous. What's the relationship between that strange woman and Li Hanzhi? Is it related to her?

But she does have something to talk with Li Han. It's better to run into the sun than to choose the day. Lin Xiang stood up, raised her feet and walked towards them. The water blue skirt fluctuated with her movement, just like the river being disturbed.

"Mr. Li."

Hearing the familiar voice, the man's eyes were heavy and his eyebrows were twisted.

Why is this woman here?