Chapter 17

"Miss Lin." As soon as I got to the door, I was called by the waiter, "Mr. Li, let me take you in."

Lin Xiang glanced at him carefully and nodded.

Into onenight, the roaring scream almost deafened her eardrum. Lin Xiang frowned in disgust, the air filled with all kinds of fragrance and wine, mixed together disgusting.

Onenight is divided into two floors. The waiter leads her directly to the box upstairs.

He tapped on the door. "Miss Lin is here."

"Come in."

Hearing this, Lin Xiang raised his hand and opened the door. His eyes swept the whole box. In addition to Li Xuhong, there is a man with a big stomach and a greasy face.

Is this the surprise Li Xuhong gave her?

"Lin Xiang, this is general manager Liu of Hongzhi group." As if Li Xuhong could see that she was retreating, he grabbed her and went to the stool and sat down with her.

The so-called general manager Liu's eyes have been around her since she came in.

Explicit and purposeful eyes make people uncomfortable.

"Hello, Mr. Liu." Lin Xiang managed to squeeze out a smile, stood up and raised the cup to him.

Mr. Liu nodded and looked at her with a squint, "Miss Lin, good, good."

Lin Xiang nods to him with a smile, but his feet under the table step on Li Xuhong. Li Xuhong's face changed and quickly returned to normal. "Lin Xiang, the project that President Liu talked about recently is in the charge of Li Hanzhi."

"Li Hanzhi has too much heart." "If it wasn't for your father's sake, our Hongzhi project would never have been handed over to him," Mr. Liu said

Li Xuhong chuckles.

Lin Xiang's eyes were gloomy and his fingers were holding the wine cup.

"Your second brother suffered too little. I'm crazy." Mr. Liu laughed, and his eyes floated to Lin Xiang from time to time, suggesting a strong meaning.

Li Xuhong took a sip from his glass and motioned to Lin Xiang to say, "I'd like to propose a toast to Mr. Liu."

Lin Xiang sat motionless with a light look.

"It's good for a little girl to be proud." Mr. Liu waved his hand, dragged his beer belly for seven months, and sat down beside Lin Xiang. "I'm used to playing with myself, but I still find it interesting."

Li Xuhong leaned back against the seat, his eyes shining with the light of watching a good play.

"Xiaolin." Mr. Liu said that he slowly put his hand on Lin Xiang's shoulder and hugged him hard. "As long as you are sensible, I will definitely help you to make a good dilemma for Li Han."

Lin Xiangmeng raised his head, and the dark black at the bottom of his eyes made him feel awe inspiring.

"Don't be disrespectful to children." Mr. Liu screwed up his eyebrows and said, "I can see you. It's your honor."

Li Xuhong fingers gently tap the desktop, "Lin Xiang, don't you want revenge?"

Words fall, Liu's big hand slowly down. Proud and Li Xuhong look at each other, as if to say that you have a way.

Just then, Lin Xianghuo got up.

"I want to revenge, but it's not this kind of way to make a fuss."

"Make a little noise?" Mr. Liu laughed and looked at Lin Xiang's slender wrist. He didn't take the wine bottle seriously. "Do you know that this project is worth 100 million?"

Li Xuhong cocked his legs and printed Lin Xiang's slender figure in his eyes, which became more and more interesting.

"What is a hundred million?" Lin Xiang drooped his head and disdained to smile. He put down his wine glass and raised his foot to walk outside the door.

Mr. Liu naturally refused. He quickly held out his fat hand and clasped her waist. He said harshly, "if you want to go, you can go. If you want to come, you can come. What do you think of me, Liu Chenghai?"

He forced Lin Xiang to fall back to his arms.

Disgusting smell of sweat hit, Lin Xiang immediately want to vomit. Liu Chenghai's greasy hands kept swimming on her, and his mouth tut tut. "It's a woman Li Hanzhi played with, just different from other women."

Lin Xiang struggled, but because of the great disparity between men and women, he could not break free. For a long time, Liu Chenghai was out of breath because he didn't exercise for a long time. "I'm still a person with a lot of temperament, so don't blame me for not being gentle."

He grabbed Lin Xiang's hair and stood up. Dragging Lin Xiang to the sofa, the pain makes Lin Xiang keep pouring tears. In front of my eyes, I can see Li Xuhong's smile.

She raised her hand to dig hard toward Liu Chenghai's hand. Liu Chenghai hissed, "you are the first woman to let me bleed. I will let you bleed in bed later."

The pain makes Lin Xiang's attention difficult to concentrate, she crazily digs Liu Chenghai's hand. I don't know how long I was dragged. I was thrown to bed.

Lin Xiang covered her head and her eyes were dazzled by the pain.

Take a close look, Liu Chenghai's hand has been scratched by her.

Lao Tzu stood in front of the bed, looking at his hand in a sullen way. "Toast, not to drink a penalty, Laozi does not teach you a lesson today. You really take yourself seriously."

As soon as the words fell, he began to untie the belt.Lin Xiang quickly regained his composure and looked around. This is the suite in the box. The room is not small. All kinds of things are ready. There is also a bottle of red wine and two glasses on the bedside table.

With a crash, Liu Chenghai's broad suit pants fell to the ground.

Lin Xiang glanced at him and immediately wanted to vomit. He saw the fat all over his body shaking in circles, and his face was yellow and gaunt.

The sunken eye socket is full of undisguised y look.

"Mr. Liu, have a good time. I'll go first." Outside the door came Li Xuhong's voice.

Liu Chenghai's attention was attracted by him, and Lin Xiang and others had this opportunity. She immediately rushed over, grabbed the bottle and hit the wall mercilessly.

"What else do you want to do?" Liu Chenghai looked at her with disdain.

Lin Xiang clenched the sharp bottle and looked at Liu Chenghai fiercely.

Neither of them noticed the footsteps outside the door.

"I advise you to be honest with me." Liu Chenghai strode forward, his face greasy, and seemed to reflect in the light, "otherwise, when I'm finished, you'll serve my brother well."

Lin Xiang got out of bed step by step and looked at him firmly. The clothes that had been torn off just showed round shoulders, and the white skin was shining.

Such as Liu Dao's eyebrow to the temples, inexplicably frightening. Obviously is extremely cool appearance, but because of that mole change charming amorous, y confused unceasingly.

Liu Chenghai licked his lips indecently, "it's a little interesting."

"If you touch me, there will be a dead body lying here." Lin Xiang suddenly sharp to the neck, immediately pierced the skin, red blood flow down, "since is Hongzhi's boss, is not afraid to cause a lawsuit?"

Liu Chenghai's face is gloomy, his eyes seem to be poisoned, "I don't believe you dare to attack yourself."

"Mr. Liu can have a try." With a smile, Lin Xiang looked speechless with a sense of sadness. "As a man who has just come out of prison, what else can I lose except this humble life? On the contrary, Mr. Liu, if you are involved in a human life lawsuit, you will pay more than I think. "