Chapter 21

Pain felt extreme already numb, ye Wanjing instinctively cling to the man's shoulder, desperate to wait for the end.

"Lin Xiang."

Ye Wanjing's eyes widened, trying to recall whether the sound just now was auditory hallucination.

Li Han in a leisurely manner, and her eyes looked at her with cold eyes. "You can go, and there will be no perfume on it."

"Cold..." Ye Wanjing shakes her hand and suddenly feels that she is a disgrace under the cold light.

She seems to be just a plaything of Li Hanzhi. After every love, he will ask the housekeeper to send her to the Ye family, or choose a guest room to stay in.

No matter how late it is, Li Hanzhi has never made an exception in the past four years.

No, it won't.

A string in his mind stretched to the extreme. Ye Wanjing climbed over naked and attached to Li Hanzhi. His small face stuck to his arm and said, "brother Hanzhi, you are so fierce today. People are so tired tonight..."

"I'll ask sister Qin to prepare the guest room for you." Li Hanzhi shook off her hand and walked out without expression. "Don't let sister-in-law Qin see you like this."

Ye Wanjing trembled twice, "pa" sound that string end.

Lin Xiang.

Can't he forget Lin Xiang in his heart?

It's impossible. They almost got married.

"Miss Ye." Sister Qin's voice came from the door, "I'll take you to the guest room."

Is this pushing her?

Ye Wanjing frowned and slapped her face on the bed. She almost let out her anger and said, "go away, I will go back myself."

There was a little noise outside the door, and it was completely quiet.

After putting on her clothes, ye Wanjing stepped on her high heels. Striding out of the room, I didn't see Li Hanzhi all the way down, and I don't know if he was deliberately avoiding himself.

The anger in my heart is even better. I don't care about Uncle Li's car waiting by the lawn. Without strabismus, he walked to his car and closed the door with a loud bang.

In the past four years, everything has been developing according to her plan, but Lin Xiang's appearance has disturbed her most important part.

It's enough to make a scandal first and then to seduce Li Hanzhi.

She would never allow Lin Xiang to continue to disturb her life.

Taking out the mobile phone, ye Wanjing did not look at it and pressed a few keys.

"Are you ready?"

The man on the phone laughed fiercely, "can't wait?"

"Yes." Ye Wanjing did not hesitate to admit, "let's do it."

At the same time, Li's study.

A small lamp dutifully lit up the mahogany desk, and the door was opened.

Behind the desk, the man looked up. Although he was in his prime of life, his face was not tired except for a few wrinkles.

"Miss Ye has gone." The servant bowed his head respectfully,

the man nodded, "where's the young master?"

"I'm back in my room. I don't look very happy."

Hawk like eyes fade fierce color, become calm. Li Dongchuan nodded with satisfaction, "it's right to be unhappy. Wan Jing is too thoughtful to be liked."

The servant said nothing.

"You go out." Li Dongchuan raised his hand and put it on. He had been immersed in the market for a long time, which made him feel angry.

The servant quit quietly. Li Dongchuan put down his book and put his eyes into the dark. No one knew what he was thinking.

After a long night's sleep, Lin Xiang woke up and went to the hospital to deliver food. She and Lin Xiu are speechless. At two o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Xiang goes out to prepare for the appointment.

She is always punctual and doesn't like people waiting for her. What's more, what she wants to talk about with Li Hanzhi this time is not a trivial matter.

Riverbank coffee is not close to the river, just a casual name. And it's not a high-grade coffee shop, but it's close to s, so it's a bit nominal.

It's not far. It's a twenty minute drive.

There are many students coming and going all the time, and many cars are parked on both sides of the street. Lin Xiang found a parking space to squeeze his car in, sat in the car and waited for 2:50.

After a few minutes, there was a "bang bang" from the window.

Lin Xiang turned his head and knocked on a decent looking man, but he was worried, as if something had happened.

Pull down the window, the man immediately into most of the head, Lin Xiang instinctively into the defensive state, raised his voice: "what's the matter with you?"

"My wife and I came to see my daughter. The money and cell phone were stolen." The man with a heavy nasal accent, anxiously explained, "little girl, can you help me?"

Lin Xiang raised his wrist and glanced, only forty.

"Which department is your daughter in?" She opened the driver's door and got off, ready to pull a student to ask.

But the man was anxious to hold her, dancing explained: "my daughter is renting a house outside, this address can't be found."Lin Xiang's eyebrows were slightly fixed, and a trace of suspicion flashed through his eyes.

"You see." The woman pulled the man and handed the yellow note to Lin Xiang.

The moment Lin Xiang took the note, the woman immediately glared at the man.

"It's not far from here." Lin Xiang raised his eyes, looked around, found the right direction, raised his hand and said, "go ahead, turn left at the second corner."

The woman looked at the note in embarrassment and licked her lips, "little girl, we are not familiar here. Can you take me there? "

"Do a good thing." The man came to me.

Lin Xiang picked the next eyebrow, eyes across a trace of interest, "good."

"Thank you. You're such a good man." The woman said with a smile, "I will thank you very much later."

Long legs first step out, and then Chuo Li demeanor revealed in front of you.

Khaki's windbreaker covers the concave convex body, white fingers brush long hair, speechless showing charm.

Her feet were ten centimeter high-heeled shoes, which made her taller than the man. The fragrance on the body is enchanting and charming. The blood drop earrings on her earlobe add a cold breath to her,

"let's go." Lin Xiang turned to look at the couple.

The woman squeezed out a smile, stretched out her hand and twisted the man, "what's the matter?"

There are many snack streets in S City nearby. There are many students coming and going. Lin Xiang hung his head slightly, as if thinking about something.

Suddenly she raised her head sharply and looked across the street.


Maybe it's her illusion. It seems that a figure like Li Hanzhi just flashed by.

She raised her hand and looked at the time. At two fifty, she had to hurry up.

The fingers in the pocket quietly pressed a few keys.

"Here we are. Go in." Lin Xiang stopped at the gate of the lane.

There are many people around s University paying rent to students, and the good and the poor are uneven. This alley is the worst two buildings in s, but the price is cheaper.

"Little girl, we've all come here. You can go in with us to look for it." A woman with a flattering smile said, "good people do it to the end."