Chapter 24

Li Xuhong emptied a hand and snatched the mobile phone while she was unprepared? It's just 50000 yuan. I don't pay attention to that. "

Talking to him is just like talking to each other.

"It's just because I'm with you that I'm so clear. Do you understand?" Lin Xiang frowned and looked at him impatiently. "I don't want your money, and I don't want to have dinner with you, because I've made up my mind not to cooperate with you. How many times do I have to say that before you know it?"

I'm really fed up with Li Xuhong's own ideas.

I think she is short of money, so I give her money and throw it to her. It's like a noble on the top, showing the appearance of giving alms to the poor.

"I see. You want to leave everything behind." Li Xuhong slowly stops his car by the side of the road and draws out a cigarette to light it. Long finger on the screen to cancel, and then throw the phone to Lin Xiang.

"The money is not mine. It's your brother's hospital expenses." Li Xuhong then said, "if it's not enough, you can find those boys."

Lin Xiang grabbed the mobile phone and was stunned.

He means that the money was given by the three people who beat Lin Xiu, but fifty thousand is too much, isn't it?

Wait a minute. What's the meaning of starting from chaos and ending with abandonment?

"You and I have never had any emotional contact, let alone always abandon." Lin Xiang raised his eyes and explained, "but I thank you very much for asking for medical expenses for me. I'll pay you back the extra."

Li Xuhong took a cigarette, "no, you can give it back to the three boys."

Anyway, those three boys don't have the guts to accept it.

"Now we are mainly talking about your abandonment. Miss Lin, you come to me on your own initiative, cooperate with me, and admit that you are my girlfriend in front of the public. You are in love for the purpose of marriage, aren't you?"

Lin Xiang nodded.

"That's right." Li Xuhong started the car and said carelessly.

Lin Xiang looks confused. What's right?

What is the structure of Li Xuhong's brain? She couldn't help opening it.

"The matter of breaking up needs mutual agreement, I don't agree." Li Xuhong, with a reasonable look on his face, "after you take advantage of my innocence, you say you want to stop the cooperation, and I don't agree."

Lin Xiang is helpless. He doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with bringing himself to Liu Chenghai.

"Cooperation continues." Li Xuhong pick eyebrows, dark eyes flashed a glimmer of light, "you need me."

Lin Xiang shook his head, "I don't think so. Stop the car. I want to go down."

Li Xuhong glanced at her and suddenly braked, "go, I'll wait for you to come back to me."

For fear that Li Xuhong would repent, Lin Xiang quickly got out of the car.

Who will come back for him? Li Xuhong's past few decades are probably too smooth, so he thinks everyone will follow his heart.

She was so happy to get rid of him that she had no idea that a message was on her way.

Ye family.

The newspaper was slapped on the table.

The servant shivered all over and looked carefully into the study, but no one was going to get moldy. After all, Miss Ye has a perverse temper and doesn't care about their servants.

"Ma, what are these things?" Ye Wanjing's eyes are red and staring at the picture in the newspaper. She holds her fingers too hard, and her finger abdomen is pale.

Liu Shuzhen picked up the newspaper and read it carefully.

First of all, the title is very eye-catching, "Li Da's fiancee and Li Er Shao kiss on the street.".

In the picture, Lin Xiang is locked in his arms by Li Hanzhi, and the two kiss each other.

"This Han Zhi is too ignorant. " Liu Shuzhen first frowned, "how can we let reporters take photos?"

Fortunately, Ye Feng bought the newspaper at a high price before it was published. Otherwise, it would not only punish Lin Xiang, but also make Li Hanzhi and Wanjing's relationship ridiculous.

Ye Wanjing didn't think of this at all. She couldn't believe looking at Liu Shuzhen. She couldn't believe that what she said was just this.

"Ma! It's Lin Xiang who seduces Hanzhi

Liu Shuzhen nodded, went to her daughter's side, patted her on the shoulder, and yelled: "Lin Xiang, this woman and her mother are the same thing

"Nothing good has happened to me since she got out of prison." Ye Wanjing Du mouth vent way, "she just deliberately don't want me to be better."

Li Hanzhi kisses her!

Liu Shuzhen patted her on the shoulder, thinking, "don't worry. I'll send this newspaper to Li's house."

"When Li Hanzhi sees it, he will make it up to you."

Ye Wanjing twisted her eyebrows and thought about it without refuting. But her real purpose is not only for this, "the cold side will definitely explain to me, but Lin Xiang, the fox spirit, what should I do?"

"Mom, as soon as she gets out of prison, she interferes with my wedding and threatens us with photos. If you don't teach her a lesson, I feel uncomfortable!"Liu Shuzhen nodded and said with a smile, "I'll find someone to do it for you."

In fact, she didn't pay much attention to Lin Xiang. Now the most important thing is to tie Li Hanzhi firmly in Wan Jing's hand. It's probably the woman's intuition that makes her feel uneasy about the Li family.

Lin Xiang is now separated from their Ye family, and ye family doesn't have to give her anything. She doesn't have money, she doesn't have power, she doesn't care.

"Mom, I've found someone." Ye Wanjing face can not help but joy, grasp Liu Shuzhen's hand way, "and I have been ready, just want you to say a few words to uncle for me."

Liu Shuzhen's brother was promoted to the department level, which was a hot time.

"What?" Liu Shuzhen's face turned right when she mentioned her brother.

Ye Wanjing lowered her voice and said a few words to Liu Shuzhen. Then he looked at Liu Shuzhen with expectation and a smile. As long as this time, Lin Xiang would never want to disturb her and Li Hanzhi again.

Liu Shuzhen looked at her seriously and nodded after a long time.

A lot of time passed. Lin Xiang waited patiently for Li to sign 3% of the shares. But faster than that is the court summons.

Zhu Yi was startled, but Lin Xiang kept calm and read it carefully.

I thought that Fu Chen and ye Wanjing didn't get in touch with each other all the time because they had given up making an article about it.

But how could it be?

It's so easy to catch her deliberately hurting Fu Chen. How can ye Wanjing give up the chance easily?

Lin Xiang suddenly understood what Li Xuhong meant when she said that she would go to find him again. It seems that Li Xuhong had received the wind at that time.

"What shall we do? Xiang Xiang. " Zhu Yi looks at Lin Xiang at a loss.