Chapter 134

Lin Xiang frowned and didn't know what was going on.

After a while, I heard the sound of going upstairs. It was very confusing.

Vaguely, Lin Xiang seems to have heard the three words of young master.

Li Xuhong?

Lin Xiang hesitated to open the door and saw that Li Xuhong was being put on the body by two people. At this time, Li Xuhong was walking languidly and his face was flushed.

Lin Xiang smelled a lot of wine.

Is this man dying? Drink so much wine?

Lin Xiang frowned and looked at Li Xuhong in front of him. Because the noisy door of Li Hanzhi's room was opened, a pair of indifferent eyes looked at the farce in front of him.

"Miss Lin, please come and have a look. This young master..."

The housekeeper wants to say and stop saying.

Lin Xiang rubbed her forehead with a headache. How can she not remember Li Xuhong's habit of playing wine madness? Last time she seemed to be very quiet after drinking wine.

Lin Xiang went over and stretched out his lotus like arm to press Li Xuhong's weight on his body.

Originally thin body supported so tall man, body slightly back two steps.

Li Hanzhi stands aside and looks at Lin Xiang's slightly forced body, and Li Xuhong suddenly quiets down because they lean on Lin Xiang.

Li Hanzhi's eyes are as cold as the winter in the December.

"It's the first time I've seen big brother go crazy. It's really No brains. " Li Hanzhi said coldly.

Lin Xiang stood aside, kissing Li Xuhong's body, and retorted: "how can we not always have a blood relationship with Li?"

Lin Xiang's voice rang coldly.

After all, now she and Li Xuhong are grasshoppers on the same rope. Besides, Li Xuhong helped her at the banquet last night, so she had to help her back.

Li Hanzhi stood at the door of the room for a long time and didn't say a word. Then he opened the door and closed it heavily as if to vent his anger.

The housekeeper touched his nose.

After all, it's a matter of the master's family, and he doesn't do much for reference, but it's the first time that the second young master lost his temper at home.

When Lin Xiang puts Li Xuhong into his room, he is ready to leave. However, he is tightly held by Li Xuhong.

Lin Xiang Temple suddenly jump, turned to take care of Li Xuhong.

"Miss Lin, why don't you go first, let's..." The housekeeper said in a timely way.

Lin Xiang shook his head and said to the housekeeper, "OK, it's OK. You can have a rest first. I'll be fine here."

If she can be so quiet here, then she will stay here all the time. After all, if she really wants to make trouble, she will live next door and make a lot of noise.

Fortunately, one night because of Lin Xiang's presence, Li Xuhong didn't really make a scene. He slept soundly all night.

When Lin Xiang woke up the next day, he found himself sleeping in front of Li Xuhong's bed.

His hand is still tightly held by Li Xuhong.

Lin Xiang felt numb in his hands.

Seeing that Li Xuhong was still asleep, Lin Xiang slowly broke off Li Xuhong's fingers.

After Lin Xiang left the room, the sleeping man suddenly and slowly opened his eyes and began to smile.

When Lin Xiang came to the company, looking at the mountain of official business, he felt a burst of pain in his head.

I didn't find any evidence of Li Hanzhi's crime here. On the contrary, I can see that Li Hanzhi has made a lot of contributions to Li's account.

When Lin Xiang thought of this, he felt a pain in his head.

The idea that she wants to send Li Hanzhi to prison may really be far away.

But Lin Xiang didn't think that such an ambitious man really didn't have the intention to go into the dark.

Until after work in the afternoon, there are still a lot of business on the desk.

"Chief, I'll go first." Han Jie came in and saw Lin Xiang in the office.

Lin Xiang raised his head and nodded.

As night came, Lin Xiang was still working hard to process the documents.

Until Lin Xiang rubbed the corner of his eyes and closed his pen, he looked at the watch on his wrist. It was more than eight o'clock in the evening, which was not too late.

When I left the office area, I found that there were still some people working overtime.

Lin Xiang went to the door of the elevator and saw that the elevator was broken.

Lin Xiang frowned and looked at his mobile phone. He wanted to call someone to repair it, but found that it was turned off.

So I had to take the stairs and wait until I got downstairs to ask the guard to call someone to repair it.

Still going down the stairs is easier than going up.

When Lin Xiang came to the first floor, someone suddenly patted Lin Xiang on the back. Because Lin Xiang was thinking about something, others patted her on the back and got a fright.

Lin Xiang looked back suspiciously and heard someone ask, "are you miss Lin Xiang?"After hearing the question, Lin Xiang looks at the man in front of him. Suddenly a handkerchief covers Lin Xiang's mouth and nose.

After a while, Lin Xiang was unconscious.

When Lin Xiang woke up, the sun was shining on her face, which was very dazzling.

Lin Xiang found himself tied to a chair.

Lin Xiang frowned and raised his head to see ye jingwan standing in front of him.

Ye jingwan is looking at Lin Xiang with a cruel look.

"Sister, are you awake?" Ye jingwan raised a smile from the corner of her mouth and asked, playing with her green fingers.

Lin Xiang's mind just muddled for a moment, then he reacted, and then he understood what had happened.

"What do you want to do with all the trouble you've taken to get me here?"

Lin Xiang didn't struggle. She looked at the woman standing in front of her and asked.

It's better to ask what exactly ye jingwan wants to do than to work hard.

After hearing Lin Xiang's words, ye jingwan suddenly had a look of Su Sha on her face.

He walked over and slapped Lin Xiang: "bitch, why do you want to come back? If it wasn't for you, I would have married Hanzhi. Why don't you die in prison? "

There is an obvious hatred in ye jingwan's voice.

Lin Xiang was slapped in the head by Ye jingwan and turned to one side.

"Ye jingwan, you did all those things in prison, didn't you?" Lin Xiang coldly looked up at ye jingwan, the voice is very cold.

Lin Xiang has known the answer for a long time, but he hopes ye jingwan can say it in person.

Ye jingwan seemed to see Lin Xiang's idea in general, and did not deny it. He said frankly: "for the sake of your death, I'll tell you. But maybe you already know, don't you? I can't do those things by myself. It's me and Hanzhi. "

Although Lin Xiang had known for a long time, his heart was still cold when he heard ye jingwan's words.

I didn't expect that I would have been a thorn in the flesh for both of them at that time.