Chapter 267

"Your father is a good man. He is a man of integrity."

After a long time, Lin Xiang heard his own voice.

No matter what, Lin Xiang does not feel that he can destroy the image of a father in his children's heart.

"Your father is a good lawyer."

Lin Xiang can only say so much and can only do so much.

After hearing Lin Xiang's words, the boy raised a proud smile on his face. Then he opened his mouth to Lin Xiang and said, "thank you, sister. I know that I will become a man like my father in the future. I will also become a lawyer."

Then the child ran away.

When Lin Xiang heard the boy's words, he began to smile. Maybe this is the last thing he can help Lawyer Wang.

At more than eight o'clock in the evening, Mu Nan suddenly called Lin Xiang.

It means to let Lin Xiang go to the hospital quickly. Li Hanzhi's wound is infected and has a low fever, but he can't walk there now.

Lin Xiang heard Mu Nan's words, frowning slightly, and then said: "I know!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiang drove out in a coat.

There's no one around.

When I came to the ward of Li Hanzhi, I saw that Li Hanzhi was lying on the bed alone, and there was no one in the ward.

Lin Xiang called Li Hanzhi a few words, but did not respond.

Lin Xiang walked past and saw Li Hanzhi lying on the bed, slightly panting, as if very uncomfortable.

Lin Xiang stretched out his hand to touch Li Hanzhi's forehead. When his hand was just in the air, Li Hanzhi's originally closed eyes suddenly opened and looked at Lin Xiang in front of him.

And Lin Xiang's hand has also been tightly grasped by Li Hanzhi.

"What are you doing?" Li Hanzhi's eyes looked at Lin Xiang deeply.

Lin Xiang wanted to draw back his hand, but he couldn't, and a sneer came from the corner of his mouth: "what? Li is always worried that I want to kill you? You can rest assured that you still have a cooperative relationship with me. I can't harm you! "

Lin Xiang's voice with a little cold, Li Hanzhi didn't speak, just forced Lin Xiang's body to pull a stagger, then Lin Xiang was forced to lie on Li Hanzhi's chest.

"Li Hanzhi, let me go!"

Lin Xiang began to struggle slightly.

Li Hanzhi lowered his head and looked at the woman in his arms. The woman's hair fell on his chest, while Lin Xiang's small face turned red with anger.

"I won't let it go, either?" Li hanzhiwei squints at the woman in front of him.

This sentence is a pun.

Lin Xiang didn't think much, but said, "Li Hanzhi, why are you still like this? I never think about other people's feelings when I do things. I just go my own way and do what I think is right, but I don't think about other people's feelings at all. Can you not be so selfish

Lin Xiang's voice was full of coldness.

After hearing Lin Xiang's words, Li Hanzhi didn't say much. He just held Lin Xiang tightly and said faintly: "sleep!"

Lin Xiang was surprised. What's the matter with this man? Can't you hear the protest?

Sure enough, I've been on my own for a long time.

"I don't want to sleep now, I want to go back!"

Lin Xiang said.

Li Hanzhi didn't speak. Instead, he put Lin Xiang in his arms and hugged him tightly: "what do you want to do if you don't want to sleep? Although my arm is injured now, I can still do it! "

Lin Xiang felt a burning sensation on his face because of Li Hanzhi's words.

When did this man become so shameless?

Lin Xiang looked at the man in front of him angrily. Although he wanted to say something, he still closed his mouth.

Mu Nan clearly said that the man's wound was infected and had a fever. Why don't you see this man now?

Because through the clothes, Lin Xiang did not feel that Li Hanzhi had a burning feeling under the clothes.

I don't know how long after that, Li Hanzhi, who had been closing his eyes, opened his eyes and looked at Lin Xiang in his arms.

Then he lowered his head and gently kissed Lin Xiang's forehead.

then adjusted a posture and hugged Lin Xiang to sleep peacefully.

The next day, before Lin Xiang woke up, Mu Nan had already appeared in the ward.

Originally fengfenghuo opened the door of the sick room, looking at the two people hugging on the bed, his face was still embarrassed.

"That I didn't see anything

Mu Nan opens his mouth to the man who has woken up on the bed and explains in a hurry.

Originally, Lin Xiang was still in his sleep. When he heard a man's exclamation, he suddenly sat up and looked at Li Hanzhi beside him and Mu Nan standing at the end of the bed with his back facing them.In the heart or some chagrin, chagrin oneself last night sleep too heavy, so that to now just wake up.

"Why are you here?"

Li Hanzhi saw the embarrassment on Lin Xiang's face, and then asked Mu Nan.

It seems to be changing the topic.

After hearing Li Hanzhi's words, Mu Nan turned around and looked at their clothes. Lin Xiang stood on one side with a cold face and arranged some wrinkled clothes.

"I'm not worried about you. Last night, the nurse called me to say that your wound was infected and some of it burned. I had to find someone to accompany me. I couldn't leave last night, but Mo Chenyi got married recently. He went out early for his honeymoon. I can't think of anyone else to take care of you except Lin Xiang, so I let him go last night Lin Xiang has come to take care of you. "

Mu Nan opened his mouth to explain the matter, and then said: "however, I now look at Lin Xiang to take care of you is still good, it seems that I am white worried about a, harm me to deal with the things over there immediately rushed over!"

Mu Nan voice inside has a little hoarse, opening to say.

Li Hanzhi looks at Lin Xiang and Mu Nan.

It turns out that Lin Xiang appeared on this road last night because he was worried about him. Thinking of this, Li Hanzhi was relieved.

I'm in a better mood.

"Well, Lin Xiang, for the sake of not sleeping and working hard all night, you can buy me some breakfast, and you have to eat it in the cold, don't you?"

Lin Xiang looked at the man in front of him, nodded, cold eyes looking at the two people in the room.

It seems that they have something to discuss, but they don't want her to hear, so they want to send her away.

After Lin Xiang left, he heard Li Hanzhi open his mouth and said faintly, "tell me, what's the situation?"