Chapter 382

"Here is my resignation report. I hope chairman Li can approve it!"

Li Hanzhi opens his mouth and looks at Li Dongchuan in front of him. There is a trace of coldness in his voice.

It seems that Li Dongchuan did not retreat because he was the president of Li.

"Why?" After a long time, Li Dongchuan slowly asked Li Hanzhi.

In any case, Li Hanzhi can't leave. Now the company can't let Li Hanzhi go.

"I think I need to have a good rest, and I also want to accompany my two children more. I don't want them to lack their father's company since they were young!"

Li Hanzhi said these words on purpose.

Li Dongchuan frowned at Li Hanzhi and said, "rest? I know that you resent the past, but now the company is at an important juncture. Do you think it's too early to say that? And now the company needs you! "

Li Dongchuan's voice with a trace of dignity, said I's words are also very strong.

Over the past five years, his son has been very serious and dedicated.

I don't want to stay in the company any more. I want to have a rest.

Li Dongchuan still feels confused.

"Father, as you know, I have been working hard in the company for so many years, and I want to have a rest, so you don't want to leave me."

Li Hanzhi's words are very determined. It seems that he has decided to go.

Li Dongchuan looks at Li Hanzhi in front of him, and his temple jumps abruptly.

This wave of the company has just subsided, this wave is angry again.

But since Li Hanzhi wants to leave, he can't stay.

Moreover, he was sure that there was no foundation at all.

So he was sure that after Li Hanzhi, he would return to Li.

"Hanzhi, since you want to have a good rest, have a good rest. But when you want to come back, you are welcome here at any time.

Li Dongchuan said to Li Hanzhi.

"Good father, I'll be back!"

Li Hanzhi said meaningfully.

In fact, Li Hanzhi knows what Li Dongchuan means. It's not because he wants him to come back and continue to create benefits for him. That's why he talks so kindly to him.

After Li Hanzhi left the meeting, he stood at the door of the meeting room with a trace of light in his eyes.

After Li Hanzhi left the conference room, Li Dongchuan said to a man beside him, "what do you think he wants to do? Want shares, or dissatisfied? "

After hearing Li Dongchuan's words, the housekeeper began to smile and said, "Sir, I don't know that. But I know it's not a bad result for Li Hanzhi to leave the company now. After all, the young master's state is really not suitable for them to get along with each other. "

After hearing the housekeeper's words, Li Dongchuan looks at the housekeeper with complicated eyes. Li Dongchuan is not stupid either.

Knowing that for so many years, although the housekeeper looks respectful to Li Hanzhi, he knows that the housekeeper is still partial to Li Xuhong.

Li Dongchuan didn't speak, but the housekeeper's mind had been active for a long time.

Now that Li Hanzhi has left, the next step is for Li Xuhong to return to Li.

When Li Hanzhi collected his things and didn't leave the office, everyone talked about it.

This Lishi just financing success, this lishanzhi resigned, everyone thinks this Lishi is not what problem.

For a time, it was all kinds of speculation.

In the evening, when Lin Xiang came home, he saw Li Hanzhi holding his child in the living room.

When Li Hanzhi saw Lin Xiang, he said, "are you back? Come and have dinner

Then he pulled Lin Xiang, who was standing at the door.

Lin Xiang knows about Li Hanzhi's resignation today, because it has spread all over the circle like weeds.

Just let Lin Xiang accident is, Li Hanzhi actually quit.

Lin Xiang didn't speak and let Li Hanzhi lead him forward.

Neither of the two spoke at a meal.

When I went back to my bedroom, I heard Lin Xiang say, "do you have any plans next?"

Because Lin Xiang didn't believe that Li Hanzhi really gave up.

So I asked.

"I want to take a break first." Yes, after a break, I went back to Li again.

Maybe everything will be different at that time.

Lin Xiang didn't speak. He just listened to Li Hanzhi.

And Li Hanzhi is very happy, because Lin Xiang is concerned about himself.

Lin Xiang did not know what Li Hanzhi thought.After several days in a row, Lin Xiang came home every day to see Li Hanzhi teasing the child, and the meal was already ready.

Lin Xiang really thinks that maybe Li Hanzhi really wants to have a rest.

But now she can't understand him.

Why did Li Hanzhi choose to withdraw from the curtain when he should not.

One night a week later, Lin Xiang worked from the company as usual.

When he got to the underground parking lot, Lin Xiang always felt that there was a man following him all the time.

But when I look back, I don't see anyone.

Lin Xiang frowned, always feeling that some dangerous breath was gradually approaching.

Lin Xiang walked forward quickly, because her feeling was always accurate.

But when we got to the car, suddenly a big man came in and said to Lin Xiang, "is it miss Lin Xiang Lin?"

Lin Xiang wanted to step back, but there were two big men behind him.

Lin Xiang did not panic, forced himself to calmly look at the man in front of him and said: "what do you want to do? Say it

"What do you want to do? Of course, I want to invite Miss Lin to a place. Miss Lin should come with us

The man in front of him sneered and said to Lin Xiang.

"What if I don't go?"

Lin Xiang asked coldly.

The man just sneered and said, "well, it's not up to miss Lin."

After that, Lin Xiang suddenly felt a piece of cloth on his mouth, and soon he fainted directly.

Li Hanzhi had been waiting for Lin Xiang at home. Looking at the wall clock, it was almost seven o'clock.

Li Hanzhi's brow tightly frowned. Today's heavy and Doudou are all a little noisy.

In spite of the restlessness.

And Li Hanzhi's heart is also a little restless.

While coaxing the child, Li Hanzhi takes out his mobile phone and calls Lin Xiang.

But the opposite always shows that it has been turned off.