Chapter 174

Chapter 174

[Translator Jjescus]

[Proofreader Demon Gods Disciple]

[Conditions for evolution from Quasi-saint to Ascendant have been partially met. Apex monsters hunted (APEX) 1/30 (incomplete).]


I sighed as I looked at the fallen Ice Horror on the ground. While I succeeded in capturing one Apex, my heart wasnt at ease.

Its definitely tough.

Even in the game, hunting Apex creatures wasnt easy. From Gallagons to Sea Demons, there were only formidable beings classified as Apex.

But that was just a game after all. While the death penalty in space survival games was significant, it didnt compare to real-life death. Engaging in a struggle for life wasnt as easy as one might think.

It wouldve been tough without them.

Adhai, who had helped me in this fight, sat down beside me. Number 26, whom I rode, and the Mother of the Sky descended beside me as well. All three of them had been a great help in capturing the Ice Horror.

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZ Ill be fine in a bit)]

As always, Number 26, who had returned to its small size, was more concerned about me.

Adhai jumped around on the corpse, seemingly excited. The Mother of the Sky looked at the corpse as if she couldnt believe it.

[ZZZ ZZZZ ZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZ (Lets eat quickly. We dont have much time)]

The underground shelter we were in was barely holding up. With the Ice Horror and me having clashed, it could collapse at any moment.

If this collapses, itll affect the outside too.

If this collapsed, it was evident that the ice plains above would collapse, creating a massive sinkhole. Given that the solid ice had sunk, the Gallagons would also find it suspicious.

Moreover, I didnt have much time left.

The duration of the hunts manifestation was 20 minutes. Since I had spent most of the time fighting the creature, there was only about 5 minutes left.

The Mother of the Sky, hearing my words, looked at the wall of gold and nodded.

[ZZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZ (Take out its heart)]

I picked up the Divine Ppecterate from the blood and threw it to her. She effortlessly caught it and walked into the wound I had prepared.

Mid baby, Ill help you.

Thank you.

While Number 26 and the Mother of the Sky were inside the creatures belly, I prepared to eat the head of the Ice Horror.

The exoskeleton is too tough to eat as is

I opened its jaw and crawled inside. Passing through sharp teeth and hard spikes, I entered its throat, where soft flesh awaited me.New n0vel chapters are published on

The flesh surrounding my body, theyre all edible parts. I started tearing into the meat spread around me while lying on my stomach.


I thought the meat would be tough due to the creatures exoskeleton, but surprisingly, it wasnt. Even though half of its teeth were broken, the flesh went down the throat without much resistance.


The Ice Horrors meat boasted the spiciest taste among all the prey I had ever eaten. It was to the point where tears would well up if Amorph had tear ducts.

Is it because of the venom?

The venom spat out by the Ice Horror was much stronger than the neurotoxin I possessed. Curious if other parts also contained it, I tasted the flesh deep inside.

This part is a bit milder.

It seemed like only the throat and esophagus area where the venom sacs were located were affected. Among the creatures here, none were immune to venom.

So, I thought it would be okay, but just in case, I should warn the others.

ZZZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZ (Be careful because the meat is poisoned)]

Why is it so spicy? It must be because of the venom after all.

The Mother of the Sky was eating the heart of the Ice Horror she had harvested. Through the auxiliary organ, her appearance was that of a Gryphon. She had detected the venom while tasting in humanoid mode and transformed into a Gryphon with immunity.

Currently, none of us had immunity to the venom. While I and Number 26 had the highest resistance, the others could eat the Ice Horrors meat as long as they avoided the risky parts.

However, waves of pain and exhilaration poured out from Number 26 and Adhai despite the spiciness.

Its spicy! It hurts! But its delicious!

Thrilling, Novelty.

Number 26 seemed to continue eating despite the pain, while Adhai seemed to enjoy the new sensation.

Its good to see everyone enjoying themselves.

Seeing Number 26 eating something spicy, I honestly wanted to watch, but I still had things to do.

Before the manifestation of the hunt ended, I had to eat all of the head.

I wonder what will come out this time.

Since the creature was several hundred meters long, its head size easily exceeded 20 meters. I swiftly ate the meat covering half of my body from the neck onwards.

While I was eating my way up to where the brain should be, the Mother of the Sky called out to me.

Come out for a moment after youre done eating everything.

[ZZZZ ZZ (Why?)]

I found a Screamer in its entrails.

[ZZZ (What?)]

Old Grahd speaks. Traitors gather. Waiting.

There were beings among the herd who questioned why adult Gallagons werent appearing. They thought that Old Grahd, the only Black Gallagon, had done something crafty and were rebelling.

Old Grahd planned to eliminate the Gallagons who rebelled against his rule during this opportunity. Pretending to take refuge in the cave was also an intention to deceive his enemies.

But thats the Gallagons business.

To Jason, who knew that an unprecedented danger as a 5th-ranked Amorph Ranker was approaching, it looked like pathetic politics.

When Amorph grows up, youre all done! You damn skink!

As Jason cursed Old Grahd silently, a Gallagon flew into the cave from outside.

The Gallagon with white scales folded its wings and bowed its head in front of Old Grahd.

I, the Great Old Grahd, have been informed.

What does that mean?

Old Grahd speaks Insignificant beings desired young ones found.

What? Is that true?

Though he was called an insignificant being, Jason paid it no mind. Right now, catching an Amorph was more important.

Old Grahd has an important endeavor. Prepare. Follow.

Hes not going to show up until the end, is he?

With those words, Old Grahd raised his front paw, indicating that there was nothing more to say, so leave.

It felt like a king gesturing to his subjects, and Jason gritted his teeth. He didnt like how arrogantly Akira Yujins pet came out on the topic, but there was nothing he could do about it.

If Jason wanted to, he could kill Old Grahd, but then he would have to fight all the Gallagons here. If they fought, Jasons group would suffer immense losses.

Next, Amorph will tear us apart!

Thanks to his reckless behavior in the game, clan alliances were often destroyed. He had no intention of reenacting what happened in the game in real life, so he said no more and left the cave.

Once the rebels were expelled, even that unfortunate Black Gallagon would have no choice but to help him. Since it was Akiras command, he also had an obligation to help Jason.

But waiting for Old Grahds help was running out of time. If Amorph was indeed here on this planet, then they were in a very dangerous situation right now.

Hey, tell me the place you mentioned to that damn lizard.


So, for now, he had to act alone.

Jason headed to the camp with the White Gallagon and his subordinates.

I woke up lying in the nest, focusing on recovery.

I havent been sleeping well lately.

It wasnt because of nightmares or unresolved worries like last time. It was because of the message I received after devouring the Ice Horror during the day.

After unlocking Transcendence Level 2, a new system called Trait Enhancement was unlocked. At that time, even though it was unlocked, it wasnt activated, so I forgot about it, but it was activated today.

I didnt think there would be such a system huh?

As I tried to examine the Trait Enhancement system, movement was detected in my auxiliary organ.

There were no other creatures in the nest besides us. I quickly linked to the nest to see what was moving.

Number 26?

Its the one who said Itd go to bed early he consumed a lot of energy during the day.

Thinking that his disrupted sleep pattern was because of going to bed early, his behavior was strange.

Number 26 came out of the nest and disappeared beyond the passage.

Whats going on?

He rarely acts alone. Unless its an urgent combat situation, he always tells me what hes going to do or what he wants to do.

But now, he sneaked out in the middle of the night, which was clearly suspicious behavior.

I got up and cautiously followed him. He seemed completely unaware that I was following him.

After he moved quite far from the nest, he suddenly stopped and began to take something out of his body.

Eat this.

PS-111. I deeply appreciate the dedication of the newly registered main controller.

I couldnt stay hidden any longer at the sound of the voice in front of Number 26. I hurriedly approached him.

[ZZZZ ZZ ZZZZ ZZ (Whats that?)]

Well, um, this is, uh

Number 26 hesitated uncommonly, I couldnt pay attention to that fact. The small object in front of him. It was strikingly similar to what I had seen not long ago.

PS-111. Unknown lifeform detected.]

[t was that of a human woman, with machine parts and tubes attached.

It was a new type of Screamer, with only the head remaining.

[Translator Jjescus]

[Proofreader Demon Gods Disciple]

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