Chapter 228:

Chapter 228:

As the Gallagons flying toward me suddenly stopped and changed formation, they encircled the peak where I stood, maintaining a careful distance.

Soon, purple lights flashed from beyond the clouds, surrounding me in a ring before launching a synchronized barrage.

‘As expected.’

A torrent of Psychic Breaths filled the vast sky, making it nearly impossible to evade, even for Adhai, the fastest Gallagon I had encountered.

‘Not that I intend to dodge.’

I spread my winged arms and combat tentacles wide, ready to embrace the oncoming wave of violet energy.

The Breath unleashed by these cosmic dragons crashed down upon the mountain peak.

The nest of the jewel, now devoid of its master, shattered into pieces, while the trees that formed a small forest were swept away in the tidal wave of energy. The ground beneath my feet crumbled, sending the peak itself flying away.

The Psychic Breath barrage triggered a massive avalanche halfway up the mountain. The sheer scale of it was such that it seemed to cleanse the entire mountain in snow and ice. The thunderous roar of the avalanche drowned out the deafening noise of the Breath.

「Cease your fire.」

Odd Grad commanded, and the Gallagon swarm halted. The coordinated Breath attack was as formidable as the fleet of the Cult Empire. Thanks to them, this place was now so devastated that it could no longer be called the Twin Peaks.

One of the Gallagons approached through the bliZZard to confirm the result.

At that moment, I fiercely shook the newly formed wings with red stripes. The snow and ice that had covered me fell away, and my body soared upward.

My wings whipped up a storm, dispelling the bliZZard. The green Gallagon was startled by the sight of me unscathed. It was only natural, given that not a single wound marred my form despite the barrage.

I charged at the Green Gallagon, who was unable to react properly. My horn, now far more savage than when we last met, pierced through its abdomen.

The creature thrashed in agony. To end its suffering quickly, I gripped its body with my tentacles.

And then, with a surge of power, I tore its body apart. The Gallagon's blood drenched my cold scales. Among the scattered fragments, I didn't miss its head, which I caught with the pincers of my tail.

The Gallagons were visibly shaken, perhaps intimidated by my brutal display.

Only Odd Grad, soaring regally behind the Gallagons, maintained his composure.

「The Black Butcher.」

Though he had launched the first attack as a precaution, it seemed he had expected that I wouldn't die from it. However, he probably hadn’t anticipated that I would be completely unscathed.

「You」「have changed.」

[ZZ ZZZZ ZZ ZZZZ (We have prepared to hunt you.)]

「Foolishness.」「The great Odd Grad」「will not be defeated.」

At his nod, the Gallagons that had encircled me began to close in. Having confirmed that their Breath attacks were ineffective, they seemed intent on engaging in close combat.

I flicked my tail, tossing the Green Gallagon's head into my mouth. As I drank its sweet blood, I unleashed my most powerful weapon.

The black scales covering my body shimmered with eerie hues of green, purple, and an unknown color. The rainbow-colored tar from the Abyss flowed through the monster's tentacles, which extended from the back of my head, down my neck, and to my jaw.

Then, the essence of the Abyss formed at the tips of the tentacles. A bubble-shaped Psychic Breath moved to engulf the enemies.

Upon seeing the bubble, the Gallagons scattered swiftly. As they did, they tossed something into the air with their front claws.

What they threw was a chunk of flesh from an unknown creature. Despite my intent, the Psychic Breath was drawn to the meat first.

The chunk of flesh, melting under the Psychic Breath, plummeted to the invisible ground below.

Though distant, I could see that the others also held several pieces of flesh with their front claws, hind legs, and tails.


Just as I had analyzed him, Odd Grad had clearly studied my abilities as well.

The Psychic Breath infused with the Abyssal Hue is incredibly powerful, with a chain explosion effect, making it highly effective in brawls against groups. When it consumes an organism, it automatically targets the nearest new enemy.

The downside is that the Psychic Breath doesn't distinguish between friend and foe, and its projection speed is slow. Odd Grad had figured out these weaknesses in that short time and prepared a countermeasure.

‘If only Number 26 were here, this wouldn't be a big problem...’

It must have known that I was alone, which is why it chose this method.

The Gallagons that had neutralized my enhanced Psychic Breath closed in on me. With them this close, I could no longer use the Abyssal Hue.

A Gallagon with white scales swung its front claw at me, its sharp talons grazing the carapace on my head.

Feeling the sparks fly above my head, I opened my lower jaw and bit down on its arm. Before it could pull away, I grasped its body tightly with my combat tentacles.

Another green Gallagon lunged at me from behind. I swung my tail, which was hanging limply toward the ground, with all my might. I felt the satisfying impact through the pincers at the end of my tail.

I ignored the Green Gallagon as it plummeted with a broken neck and pulled back the head of the White Gallagon I had bitten. The arm in my mouth was torn off along with it, and its mental waves of pain echoed through the air.

「All at once, surround it!」

At Odd Grad’s command, the Gallagons charged at me in unison.

I bit down harder on the head of the White Gallagon, swinging my tail. The Gallagon that had been flying at me saw my tail and ducked in surprise. In that moment, I threw the headless corpse and leaped into the midst of the oncoming swarm.

Green and white scales flashed chaotically, and their claws raked against my carapace and scales. One of the white Gallagons stabbed its horn into my side. Its sharp horn pierced through my scales and dug into my flesh.

[Pain Nullification activated!]

The text box warned me, but I ignored it. I had deliberately acted this way to wipe them out all at once.

Sharp claws and deadly horns rained down on me, intent on killing me. I paid them no mind and extended all four combat tentacles, grabbing the Gallagons.

With four long tentacles, I firmly grasped their body parts and activated the trait I had gained by devouring the Blood Reaver.

[PR/N- In many previous chapters the blood reaver is named as blood raver which is wrong. Blood reaver sounds much more convincing so we will follow this word from now. Sorry for the inconvenience.]

‘Leeching Hand.’

Immediately, the condition of the Gallagons I held changed drastically.

Their once smooth scales shrivelled rapidly, and their skin and muscles began to soften and sag. The sturdy horns atop their heads crumbled, and their once-moist tentacles withered and dried out.

Part of my wing membrane burned away, causing me to plummet onto a peak below.

As I fell, a strange light briefly flashed across my reddened carapace before vanishing again.

Before I could figure out why this kept happening, a massive shock overwhelmed my mind. My body crashed into the mangled peak.

[Pain Nullification Activated]

Instead of pain, I felt a deep sense of weariness. Ignoring the text box, I gazed up at the sky.

‘How much time has passed?’

It had been quite a while since I started fighting these creatures. The sky was still filled with dark clouds, making it impossibly gloomy.

Except for one spot.

The clash with Odd Grad had created a white line among the clouds. Through the crack, a sliver of white light could be seen.

Then, black wings blocked the light. Odd Grad landed in front of me.

I swiftly extended the combat tentacles that had been buried in the ground, but he evaded easily, as if anticipating my move. Using his future-seeing ability, he avoided my surprise attack and struck my arm with his tail.

The creature broke my arm and easily deflected the incoming corrosive tentacle with his front paw. As I prepared to unleash a Psychic Breath, enhanced with the Abyssal Hue, he sneered.

「It’s useless.」

Predicting my move, he sliced off my monstrous tentacle with a swipe of his paw.


My mind went blank, and I let out an involuntary scream. Messages about pain suppression flashed repeatedly, but I couldn’t register any of them.

Such excruciating pain hadn’t hit me since being struck by the Abyss-colored Observer of Terror. I was paralyzed, unable to think or act.

「The Black Butcher’s weakness has been exposed.」


「Did you not know of the great Odd Grad’s power, you fool?」

He dragged me out of the ground. I should’ve grabbed him with my combat tentacles, but I lacked the strength.

Crushing me underfoot and with his tail, he taunted.

「Once again, the great Odd Grad is victorious.」

He raised his ring-bearing paw high, and sunlight streamed through the fractured sky, illuminating his back.

It was the first time in ages I had seen such light. And as I noticed small specks moving within that radiance, I played my final card.


Odd Grad tore a chunk of flesh from my neck with a swipe of his paw. Blood spurted out, and my consciousness began to fade.

Gazing at me, mortally wounded, he drank the blood from my wounds with arrogant confidence, certain of his victory.

His attitude revealed only one truth.

[ZZZZZ (So this is the end.)]


[ZZZ ZZZ (The future you saw.)]

Odd Grad recoiled, startled that I wasn’t dead. In that moment of surprise, I used the ‘Bone Scythe Arm’ that had sprouted from my back and struck him down.

Specifically, I severed the paw bearing the ring.

「You wretch!」

He quickly retreated, his front paw now severed. I picked up the fallen limb and absorbed it.

「Why won’t you die?!」

Seeing my neck wound healing, Odd Grad shouted in fury.

There was one thing his future vision had missed: the true weakness of an Amorph.

To kill an Amorph instantly, both the head and heart must be destroyed—not the neck or any other part.

「Brethren! Kill the Black Butcher!」

Odd Grad spread his wings and soared into the air, sending out a mental wave commanding them to attack me, whether by charging or firing Psychic Breaths.

But the Gallagons didn’t move.

「Odd Grad commands you! Kill the Black Butcher!」

He issued the order again, but they didn’t even glance at Him. Every Gallagon, except the Black Dragon, had their gaze fixed on one point.

[ZZZZZ (Odd Grad.)]

「You wretch!」

Instead of responding, I pointed a finger at the sky.

For the first time since arriving on this planet, I saw a bright light. Six Gallagons stood silhouetted against it.

Odd Grad recoiled in shock as he recognized them.

I sent out a wave, gazing at the red dragon among them.

[ZZ ZZZ (Serve the Queen.)]

The abandoned and the traitors.

The remnants of the past had come to slay the black tyrant.