Chapter 82

After learning that Ye Xi had only a week left to live, Su Ci decided to investigate her situation.0

Soon, she had obtained information about Ye Xi.0

The Ye Family had only one daughter, and Old Man Ye had doted on her immensely when he was alive.0

Ye Xi was not only gentle and beautiful but also pure-hearted. During her university days, she fell in love with her senior, Luo Minglu.0

Luo Minglu's background was vastly different from Ye Xi's family status, which Old Man Ye did not approve of.0

However, Ye Xi, who had always been soft-natured, rebelled for the first time for Luo Minglu, insisting on being with him.0

Old Man Ye, who had always cherished his daughter, and considering Ye Xi's poor health since childhood, couldn't bear to see her unhappy. Eventually, he agreed to their union, with the condition that Luo Minglu would marry into the Ye Family and any future children would bear the Ye surname.0

Luo Minglu agreed.0

However, Luo Minglu's mother was strongly against this arrangement.0

In her village, marrying into another family was considered shameful. Her son was a university student, the pride of the village, and everyone envied her for raising such a successful son.0

The thought of her son becoming a son-in-law to the Ye Family and even having his grandchildren bear another surname was unbearable for her.0

The old lady made a scene.0

Eventually, Luo Minglu managed to appease his mother and gain her consent, though it's unclear how he did it.0

A few years later, Old Man Ye passed away, and Luo Minglu took over the management of the Ye Family's company, with his mother moving into the Ye household.0

Deeply resentful of her son's marriage arrangement, the old lady, now without any restraints since Old Man Ye was no longer alive and her son controlled the company, vented her anger on Ye Xi.0

In her eyes, even though Ye Xi was a wealthy young lady, as her daughter-in-law, she should respect and be dutiful to her mother-in-law.0

In her village, it was taken for granted for a daughter-in-law to serve her mother-in-law.0

As ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌‌​​​​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​​​​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​‌‌​‍Su Ci read the report, she thought of Ye Xi's gentle and ethereal demeanor. Despite everything, Ye Xi had managed to maintain her composure and inner peace, which was truly admirable.0

Su Ci continued reading.0

The report stated that Ye Xi had discovered Luo Minglu was having an affair and even had an illegitimate child with the mistress.0

The child was four years old, just a year younger than Little Su Ning.0

Interestingly, it wasn't Ye Xi who discovered the illegitimate child, but rather the mistress who deliberately revealed it to her.0

It was clear that the mistress was unwilling to remain in the shadows and wanted to take Ye Xi's place.0

Upon learning this, Ye Xi immediately filed for divorce, but Luo Minglu refused to grant it.0

Su Ci glanced at a photo of the mistress. The woman wore heavy makeup and had a somewhat vulgar appearance, far from Ye Xi's elegance.0

Su Ci couldn't understand why Luo Minglu, with such a beautiful wife, would seek out such a woman.0

Was it a case of "the grass is always greener on the other side"?0

Su Ci had no interest in meddling in the Ye Family's affairs, but for the sake of Jin Mianhua Tang and her fondness for Little Su Ning, she would do her best to save Ye Xi.0

Fu Gui mentioned that Ye Xi had died after falling from a building. Was it an accident, or did someone cause it?0


Autumn winds blew, and the morning air was no longer as hot as summer.0

Su Ci was awakened by Su's Mother.0

Today happened to be a day off from classes, and Su's Mother planned to take her to a temple to burn incense.0

Su Ci lazily opened her eyes, her gaze still hazy with sleep, as she looked at Su's Mother standing by the bed. Her voice was soft, "Temple?"0

“Yes, that temple is quite effective. I thought we could go and pray for blessings,” Su's mother explained, though she didn't usually believe in gods or Buddhism. However, after her daughter's disappearance, she had placed her hope in the divine for a long time.0

Wen Ya had told her that the temple was very effective, and she wanted to pray for her family's safety.0

As for Wen Ya, she was going to pray for Lu Zhe.0

“Ci Ci, hurry up and get ready. Aunt Wen Ya will be here soon,” Su's Mother reminded.0

Su Ci fully opened her eyes. "Aunt Wen Ya is coming too?"0

Su's mother gently brushed her daughter's hair aside and said softly, "She's going to pray for Lu Zhe."0

Su Ci's eyes lit up. Would Lu Zhe be going too?0

But then she remembered that Lu Zhe hadn't mentioned it last night, and he had classes today, so he wouldn't be free.0

She dismissed the thought.0

Su Ci pouted at her mother, "I'm thirsty."0

Wen Ya quickly chimed in, "Zai Zai, there are a few bottles of water in front of you. Grab one for Xiao Ci."0

Then, Wen Ya continued her conversation with Su's Mother, laughing as they picked up where they left off.0

Su's Mother finally shifted her gaze away.0

Lu Zhe picked up the mineral water, naturally unscrewed the cap, and handed it back to the girl.0

Su Ci reached out to take it, and where Su's Mother and Wen Ya couldn't see, her fingertips lightly brushed against Lu Zhe's palm. She even boldly winked at him flirtatiously.0

Lu Zhe's grip on the bottle tightened. He gazed deeply at the mischievous girl and whispered, "Here you go."0

Su Ci took the water and drank it triumphantly.0

Lu Zhe turned back to his seat, his dark eyes tinged with a faint smile.0

The temple was in a neighboring city, and the journey would take over an hour.0

Su Ci fished a candy out of her small bag. It was something she had casually grabbed before leaving the house today, a snack belonging to Little Su Ning.0

She peeled off the wrapper and popped the orange-flavored candy into her mouth.0

Then, taking advantage of Su's Mother's conversation, she fished another candy out of her bag and peeled the wrapper.0

Holding the candy, Su Ci's hand reached directly from the side to the front, exploring for Lu Zhe's mouth.0

Su Ci whispered, "Want to share a candy?"0

Su's Mother heard the sound and casually glanced over, seeing her daughter reaching forward to offer the candy to Lu Zhe.0

She withdrew her gaze.0

Su's mother had no idea that the young man in the passenger seat had bitten down on the candy held by the girl's hand, his thin lips also pressing against her delicate fingertips.0

Lu Zhe rolled the candy into his mouth, his tongue brushing against the girl's fingertips.0

A moist sensation came over.0

Su Ci quickly withdrew her hand, feeling the warmth on her fingertips. Her fair little face secretly flushed with a rosy hue.0

Lu Zhe's mouth was filled with the aroma of milk; the candy the girl had fed him was a milk candy.0

Lu Zhe rarely ate candy. When he was a child in the orphanage, well-behaved kids would get candy.0

His quiet personality made him a small, transparent presence among the lively group of children, naturally not winning him any favor.0

After Lu Zhe was adopted by the Zhao Family, he was always busy with chores, and Zhao's parents never bought him candy.0

Fortunately, Lu Zhe wasn't particularly fond of sweets.0

Unexpectedly, the girl had fed him a candy.0

Lu Zhe's thin lips curled slightly as the candy slowly melted on his tongue.0

He didn't notice that the little mischief-maker behind him was blushing.0

The car stopped at a highway service area, and Wen Ya and Su's Mother needed to use the restroom.0

"Ci Ci, do you want to get out and stretch your legs?" Su's Mother asked her daughter.0

Su Ci lazily leaned against the car seat, "No, I'll wait for you in the car."0

Wen Ya looked meaningfully at her son, "Zai Zai, what about you?"0

Lu Zhe's expression remained calm, "I'll stay in the car."0

Wen Ya pulled Su's Mother away, "Alright, let's leave them here."0

Su's Mother didn't say much, nor did she have anything to say.0

The driver, who often picked up and dropped off Lu Zhe, already knew that their young master was with Su's daughter. He was clever and said, "Young Master, I think I'll get out to buy something."0

Lu Zhe nodded.0

The driver left, and the car door closed.0

In an instant, only Su Ci and Lu Zhe remained in the car.0

Su Ci sat up and directly leaned over the front seat, poking the expressionlessly cold young man with her fingertips, "Lu Zhe, now that no one's here, do you want to kiss me?"0

The windows were tinted, and passersby outside couldn't see what was happening inside the car.0

Lu Zhe turned his head, his gaze meeting the girl's overflowing with mirth. He chuckled softly, "No."0