“It is said to be the attire of nobles in fashion in the capital these days.”

While putting on a summer jacket with epaulets, the emperor's dedicated customer spoke politely.

“It’s noisy.”

Tenoch was very dissatisfied with his reflection in the mirror. He even wore a wig for disguise and a mustache tucked under his nose.

The curled beard at the end looked a bit cheesy, but I was able to tolerate it because it completely offset the original impression.

But a shirt with puff sleeves like women do. Isn't it like a cute clown?

“It is said that the higher the status, the bigger the puffiness of the sleeves, so you need to be at this level to avoid any suspicion.”

Despite the explanation from his aide, Recardo, Tenoch had a hard time hiding his displeasure.

I want to throw it off right away, but I still have to swallow bitter pills to successfully infiltrate.

While frowning, he was slipping the puff sleeves of his shirt into the sleeves of his jacket when he heard a knock.

A servant approached and opened the door slightly, revealing that it was Jenny's maid. Tenoch asked.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“This way.”

After permission was granted, the servants opened the door to the dressing room. In the meantime, Jenny, dressed to the fullest, was revealed.

The first thing that caught my eye was the dark green color of the dress, reminiscent of a refreshing summer forest.

When I looked up along the hem of the skirt decorated with off-white lace, I saw a narrow waistline that seemed to be held in one hand.

Next is the symbol of a beautifully swollen woman. The ruby ​​necklace placed on top of her round breastbone matched the color of her eyes, creating a harmonious beauty.

The brown hair wig worn to cover her rare silver hair also matched surprisingly well. Braided down with jewels, she looked like a shy new bride.

Jenny gently lifted the skirt and walked in slowly. He looked like a swan swimming on a lake.

“All preparations are complete, Your Majesty.”

Jenny, who came closer, said with a grin. For some reason, I was thirsty again.

It's probably because of the change from talking casually when he was with me to using honorific words in front of everyone.


“How do I look? Is it suitable?”

“… … Just like a noble lady.”

"Thank you for the compliment. Your Majesty is also a completely different person. Especially that... … .”

Jenny tapped the area around my philtrum with her fingers.

“You have an attractive mustache.”

As if the current situation was happy, Jenny smiled brightly raising the corner of her mouth. It was a very pretty smile.

“… … .”

His eyes keep following her. She had never been interested in a woman in her life.

I was embarrassed when I realized it. Tenoch hurriedly turned his head out the window.

'It's probably just out of curiosity about the beast race.'

Then I tried to find the reason for my unusual behavior.

“The sun is setting. Let’s start slowly.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Jenny was overly formal.

'It must have sounded interesting.'

Until they reached the waiting wagon, Tenoch kept looking over his shoulder, paying attention to the woman following him.

The coachman opened the carriage door. Tenoch stomped on his footrest with familiarity. Then, with a sudden thought, he put his feet down again and looked back.

The woman blinked her red eyes.


Tenoch held out his hand instead of answering the question. Jenny, who immediately recognized the meaning, responded to his man's escort.

"Thank you."

She climbed into the wagon and took a seat, and Tenok took a seat across from him.

“Please be careful. The SS will always be nearby.”

Recardo politely bowed and closed the carriage door.

“I will depart. Hey!"

As the coachman swung the reins, the wheels of the wagon started rolling down the stone road with the sound of the horses' hooves.


Jennie forcefully lowered the corner of her mouth that kept rising.

It seems like just yesterday that I kicked the ground and got angry because I was possessed by a rabbit, but to go on a date with the male lead in the form of a human (and with a goddess-like appearance) like this.

Of course, they are going out now to infiltrate the slave market disguised as an aristocratic couple, but anyway, they are riding in a carriage alone with the handsome Tenoch in such a luxurious dress.

'Isn't it more difficult than winning the lottery?'

I was so excited that I kept laughing. It was easy to be misunderstood as a strange person if they were caught laughing innocently.

'But Tenoch's face is such a blessing!'

Even though he wore an odd mustache, his handsomeness was not hidden at all.

'When I see it, I feel so happy and proud that it makes me smile.'

So, there was only one way. To not see his face as much as possible. So Jenny had been trying hard to keep her eyes on him outside the window since earlier.

Of course, it was very interesting to see the outside world. After entering the novel, he stayed only in the imperial castle.

The scenery of the city was as described. As it is the capital city, all the roads that the wheels can reach were paved stone roads.

Buildings with long gray walls stretched left and right. Each one had a red roof and made me feel like I was in Europe.

Soon the sun went over the horizon and calm darkness came.

Street lamps placed at regular intervals burned brightly, and yellow lanterns illuminated shops, inns, and places where alcohol and food were sold.

'The capital of the Apellod Empire, Te Apelod.'

The capital city does not have a separate city name, but it symbolizes it by attaching 'Te', which means 'center' or 'beginning'.

As befits the largest city in the empire, where the emperor's castle is located, there were still many people on the streets even after sunset.

“We will arrive at the clock tower soon.”

The coachman opened a small window leading into the carriage and announced the current location.

“Didn’t I say I just need to find a man in front of the clock tower wearing glasses looking down at his pocket watch?”

Unlike Jenny, who was looking out the window, Tenoch, who had been staring only in front of me, asked.

“Yes, he will lead us to the slave auction.”

Jenny looked at Tenoch and smiled. Then the man wiggles his eyebrows and turns his head around.

I felt a little bad about being left out in the open.


I pursed my lips, and the carriage slowly stopped.

“There it is. Looking down at the pocket watch... … . Hey?"

Tenoch did not wait for the coachman to open the door, but opened it himself and headed out.

"what the."

Jenny quickly followed him.

Ttubeok tttubeok, ttogak ttogak. The light sound of shoes ringing in my ears as I walk.

“I will ask for directions.”

The man who was looking down at his pocket watch slowly raised his head. The man wearing glasses peered over the round gold frame at the aristocratic couple who appeared in front of him.

Jenny kept her lofty expression while tying her cape. She had the appearance of being unconcerned, but she was not.

'My heart is about to burst.'

My heart pounded wildly when the play began, to the point of embarrassment that I had followed, saying I was confident in this kind of work.

Jenny pretended to correct the wrinkles on her skirt and lowered her gaze.

“Where are you looking?”

the man with glasses asked.

“Is there a place where I can have a cup of herbal tea? It would be nice if it was in a quiet place where there are not many people.”

Tenoch calmly recited the lines Jenny had made. In the original setting, 'herb tea' and 'secluded place' mean 'slave' and 'slave auction house' respectively.

The bespectacled man glanced at Tenoch and Jenny's attire, then folded his pocket watch with a click.

“There are good places. Here.”

Then he led the way and led the way.

Before following, Tenoch leaned over toward the woman standing next to him. Her straight lips pressed close to Jenny's ear.

From the outside, it seemed like the couple was whispering their love.

“They say he has a good opinion, but it’s because he’s so restless.”

“Who, who said he was restless!”

“Your voice is loud. It looks like you want to get caught.”

Jenny awkwardly raised the corners of her mouth and hid her nervous expression. Pink lips, a newly crushed threat flowed out.

“Eudi deug bar. (Where to look.)”

Tenoch raised himself with a soft smile.

"However much."

Then, this time, he puts his arms out.

“Go away, madam.”


Jenny couldn't hold her breath and let out a harsh sound as it came out of her mouth.

“Why is that, madam?”

Tenoch asked with a smirk.

'Oh my gosh.'


'A wife... … !'

My heart just exploded! It looked like it was going to explode.

'Besides, arms crossed?'

It felt as if a fire had been put on my face.

“Wow, why is it so hot today?”

Jennie fanned her hands to cool her reddened cheeks.

“My wife is always weak against the heat. Even in the evening when the sun has gone down, it's so hot. Shall I take off her cloak, madam?”

peel off? take off what?


This time it was a small scream.

“What a shame… … ?”

Tenoch tilted his head with a puzzled expression. Jenny hurriedly changed the topic.

"It's okay. Come on, West. Your guide is waiting for you.”

"west… … Are you a roommate?”

Oops, in this era, you won't use the title 'Seobangnim'. I passed the rest of my excitement.

She went around whatever came to mind.

“It’s my husband’s nickname.”

“It’s a nickname.”

“Yes, aren’t we a couple? Of course you should call me by my nickname.”

Jenny smiled genuinely.

"okay. So what does West mean? It’s a word I’ve never heard before.”

"that… … .”

Gulp, why is my saliva going over at this time? Doesn't it sound like you're nervous?

'Roll your head, Yujin!'

Red eyes circled the air. Still, I couldn't think of anything plausible.

oh i don't know

“It is an abbreviation for the husband who wants to hide in his room in a hurry. Is it because your spouse is so handsome? I was worried that other women would be greedy.”

Jenny was brainwashed as she could.