“Moderator, what is that woman’s name?”

Tenoch, who was still with his arms crossed, asked the name of the wretched woman on the stage.

The auctioneer blinked his eyelids a couple of times. Slavery itself was just a commodity, and the name was unnecessary information.

But what can I do if the customer wants it?

“Hey, you. What is your name."

The presenter pointed with his chin and asked. But the woman just kept her head down, and she didn't even open her mouth.

When the answer didn't come back right away, the presenter raised his long staff high. It looked like he was about to hit the red-haired woman on the back.

It was at the same time that Tenoch and Jenny's eyebrows were crumpled.

“Such a beauty… … !”

Jenny swears and jumps up from her seat, but the cane floating in the air does not come down as if it were fixed.

“… … Loetta.”

Then, a beautiful name flowed from her lips.

Jenny let out the breath she had been holding in and slumped down in her seat. Fortunately, she was the real Loetta.

I looked at the woman on the stage again. Even with her messy tangled hair and her soiled clothes, her lofty air was not offset.

Whether viewed from the front or from the back, it is an outstanding beauty.

'No, writer man. How ugly is that look? I'm full of spirits.'

I'm grumbling alone

“100,000 derpa.”

Tenoch undid his arms and called for the amount.

“Ten, ten… … only… … !”

At an unbelievable amount, the host repeated the amount with a bewildered expression.

“The all-time high is out! 100,000 derpa... … !”

The hall was agitated.

“Are you insane?”

“To spend that much money on at least one slave.”

“I’m thinking of tearing the family down because of the needless desire to show off. I don’t know where I can get paid properly.”

While the nobles were talking behind their backs, a worker approached to hand over the money. Tenoch took out the checkbook and fountain pen from his pocket and wrote down the amount and signature with familiarity.

When I tore it up and handed it over, the man looked up and down Tenoch with a suspicious look. Then she snatched it up and passed it onto the host.

The moderator looked at the check. Then.

“This, this, this pattern… … !”

The hand that held the check, the eyes that read the check, and the mouth that spoke of the check all trembled relentlessly, like an aspen tree!

That's when everyone in the crowd in the same space sensed something strange.

“Shut up everyone! Whoever tries to escape, behead him immediately!”

Those who suddenly came in were military police and the emperor's bodyguards. Belatedly, the armed men who guarded the auction house came out, but were quickly surrounded.

"Ahh! Help me!"

It was not enough to capture the site where the auction house was being operated, and the check stamped with the imperial family coat of arms became evidence to prove that the auction actually took place.

“I-I just came to watch… … !”

“Let go! I know who I am... … !”

Some begged for their hands to become feet, and some threatened them with their identity.

But in this space. No, in the Apellod Empire, who could have a higher rank than the emperor?

"lung… … under… … ?”

The man who had been threatening me stiffened up with a contemplative face. Tenok took off his wig and removed his mustache to reveal his true self.

“You have an interesting hobby, Lord Przeller.”

"your majesty! My belief is... … !”

Earlier, the man who won the bid for the brute man and shook his hat was Duke Ptzeler, who ate the rust of the empire.

“I saw it with my own two eyes. Well, let's wait and see what interesting excuses you come up with before the trial begins.”

"your majesty… … !”

As he was dragged away by the military police, Duke Teller's voice was dimly muted. One by one, the people who were filling the auction house were arrested and sent away.

A refreshing situation as if drinking cool cider. Jenny stood still and clenched her fists.

By the way… … .

'How come your vision seems to be a bit different from before?'

Scary to think.

“What happened… … ?”

The look on Tenoch's face as he looked down at him seemed quite bewildered.

'what. why. What's up? Why are you looking down at me like that... … . wait.'

Jenny jumped up from her spot in surprise. I lifted his two hands clenched into his fists and saw that it was the dainty paws again!

'What is this! Why is it suddenly a rabbit again!'

The dress and necklace that had decorated her beautifully were still piled on the floor.

The one who is harder to believe in the current situation than Jenny is definitely Tenok. His wavering golden eyes prove that fact.

However, as befits the owner of cool judgment, he quickly returned to his composure. Tenoch hastily removed her jacket and draped it over her.

'Ahh! What are you doing!'

Then he wrapped himself around Jenny and lifted him up. Jenny, who had kicked his back foot a few times, also crouched down after grasping the situation.


"your majesty."

It was the captain of the guards, Kyle. One of the few people that Tenoch especially cherishes and keeps close to him.

My heart is beating relentlessly after seeing the woman of the Rabbit Miao tribe become a hair ball again.

However, I thought that I shouldn't show a confused image, so I refined my voice as much as possible.


Fortunately, a low, subdued voice came out as usual.

“We blocked all possible escape routes and arrested no one who missed it.”

“Good job. Identify and report the identities of those who participated in the auction and the size of the auction.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. By the way… … .”

Kyle looked around and frowned.


“… … Where is he?”

I was talking about Jenny. Tenoch clung to her chair a little longer, fearing that the dress she had tucked under her chair would be discovered.

“During the surprise attack, they were evacuated in advance in case of an armed conflict.”

"Is that so? I didn't see anyone running away. Tell us where he has gone and we will take you straight away.”


Uncharacteristically for Tenok, the answer felt impatient.

“Jim prepared it on his own, so don’t worry and try to organize this place.”

“I take orders.”

Kyle bowed and saluted, then turned right back to clear up the rest of the situation.

Tenoch trudged along.

“… … there."

Then, a voice caught my footsteps. When she stopped and turned her body slightly, she saw a red-haired woman in her field of vision.

Was her name Loetta? Was it Robert?

“Did you call me?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

She came right in front of me.

“Thank you for saving me.”

After bending your knees and bowing, raise your head again and face each other. It was different from before, when he had been staring down all the time.

“Did you dare to look into the eyes of the emperor?”

"Yes… … ? sorry. Girl, have small expectations and stop... … . sorry."

At that moment, the rabbit that had been calm inside the jacket twisted its body around. Tenoch had no intention of caring whether it was Loetta or Robert now.


“Did you call?”

“This is a woman who came out as a slave. Bind together.”

"All right."

"Yes… … ?”

The woman's purple eyes twinkled. Either that or not. Tenoch turned again and quickly exited the dark space.

“I will take you to the carriage.”

Following the guide of the guards, I quickly climbed onto the carriage.

Usually, Tenoch didn't close the door himself. As soon as he climbed into the carriage, the attendants closed the door on their own.

But I couldn't afford to wait even for that. Tenoch stepped on his footrest and at the same time pulled his handle and closed the door himself.

Then, put the jacket wrapped around the chair.


A rabbit with silver fur jumped out of it.


“Pien! (I thought I was choking to death!)”

Jenny took a quick breath. He thanked him for hiding it in an embarrassing situation, but he almost died of suffocation.

Jenny glared hard at Tenoch's handsome face with bright red eyes.

"under… … .”

The man let out the breath he had been holding back. It meant he was uncharacteristically nervous. However, he asked in a slightly urgent voice, whether there was no time to care about the difference.

“What happened? Why did you suddenly turn into a rabbit?”

'Well, I don't know.'

At the question, Jenny shrugged.

“You mean you don’t even know?”

'Okay, I'll have to find out now.'

This time he nodded.

"under… … . what is this?”

Tenoch pressed his fingertips firmly against his temples. Either that or not. Jenny picked her hair on the chair across from her.

'Eight. I was dressed pretty at best.'

Pretty dresses, sparkling jewels. It was very sad.

'I couldn't enjoy it for a while and ended up being a rabbit again after a day.'

No matter how stupidly I thought it would be okay to be a rabbit as long as I could be next to Tenoch, isn't this an exaggeration?

He shook his head while grabbing his forehead with his small paws.

“Your Majesty, I will depart.”

The wagon's wheels rolled gently over the stony road, moving forward.

Jenny stretched out slowly on the chair and thought about this and that.

'A piece of the witch's mirror was embedded in the rabbit's body. The rabbit became a human. A witch's mirror piece makes a rabbit human?'

on the other way.

'People became rabbits. Unlike rabbits, there was no physical stimulation. Then, what has changed around you?'

many. Because it was a crazy auction house. There were a lot of people hanging out.

'Then, once you've become a human again, why don't you test it? By the way… … .'

Do I have to stab myself with a piece of the witch's mirror again to become a human? She told me not to throw away the pieces of her mirror just in case… … .

'That's too cruel!'

That pain when a piece of glass flew into your heart and got stuck. I still vividly remember the pain I felt for the first time in my life.


Jenny trembled.

“Where are you sick?”

Tenoch, who was resting his chin on it, asked in a nonchalant tone. Raising his head, his gaze met his bright yellow eyes precisely.