Tenoch sat at the top of the table and meticulously reviewed the documents posted by the ministers.

The meeting was going smoothly. Except for one thing, the proposal to welcome the empress.

Tenoch raised his gaze slowly with a cold face.

“I should have told you not to comment further on this matter.”

“Oh, Your Majesty.”

Among the nobles who were watching each other, an elderly bureaucrat opened his mouth.

“Welcoming the empress, strengthening the solidarity of the empire and reassuring public sentiment is a duty that must be shouldered as the monarch of the empire. It has already been six years since His Majesty ascended the throne, and there has been no engagement or even talk of marriage. It is a very right thing to do as a subject that the officials, including the sosin, are concerned about.”

It was the Marquis of Cebus Malicio. It is also a person who constantly troubles Tenoch even before he ascended the throne.

“You probably don’t know that there was a lot of noise while the former emperor was in Bowie.”

“Do you dare to insult your father in front of me?”

Tenoch raised himself from the backrest and slammed the armrest. The Marquis of Malicio stared at him even more intently and continued.

“The reason why His Majesty the previous emperor had bad luck was because he welcomed an unqualified empress.”

As if ice water had been poured into the already quiet hall, a chill surged through it.

“Hani, please make the right decision.”

After finishing what he had to say, Cebu's Malicio nodded toward Hoeju. The bureaucrat, who had been watching Tenoch with a bewildered expression, hurriedly handed over the document.

“No, this is the last item. There is an opinion that the ball, which has been canceled every year, should be held this year.”

These are very purposeful.

Tenoch raised his hands and pressed them firmly against his temples. There was no true servant for himself in this meeting room.

The forces of the heart that have made a marriage contract with the family they put forward and shake him somehow.

When will I be able to get out of this lonely battle?

“Your Majesty's opinion that 'it is not right to waste the state budget on social gatherings' is very valid, but the nobles' social activities are also the basis for strengthening relations with each other and making them obey the imperial authority.”

Tenoch snorted.

You like submission. While thinking of connecting with my daughters somehow. Yes, it comes out like this, right?

There is a saying that if you can't avoid it, enjoy it. Tenoch straightened his shoulders.

"good night."

All eyes in the hall were turned on him at the sudden affirmation.

“Let’s hold a ball.”

“Dog, do you mean to hold it?”

Perhaps it was an unexpected reply, Hoeju stuttered.

"okay. Next month would be a good time.”


The shocked servant hurriedly held his breath. Any noble party prepares for at least two months. It was because it took a lot of time to send out invitations to guests, as well as to prepare food and decorations.

But to prepare for a ball held in the name of the emperor in one month. never… … .

“Is it impossible?”

“It can’t be. I will prepare perfectly.”

The god hastily shook his head.

"great. So, let’s end today’s meeting here.”

Tenoch got up and left the meeting room.

'The damn ball.'

When I was the prince, the images of the young ladies clinging to me flashed like a kaleidoscope. I don't remember their faces, but I could hear the horrendous smell of balm and the terrifying sound of cackling laughter.

“Would you like to go straight to the dining room?”

Aide Recardo followed and asked.


Tenok strode along on his long legs and continued to talk behind his back.


“If you tell me the title of the book, I will bring it to you… … .”

“Kim Kwan is there.”


For a moment, Recardo's expression hardened at the word Kimi-gwan. Just the thought of her made her nose twitch.

Tenoch said without stopping.

“I’ll go alone, so you don’t have to follow me.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Recardo stood silently. Leaving him behind, Tenoch continued forward.

'okay… … . Maybe this time will be different.'

The moment I thought of Kim Kwan, the shape of a human Jenny appeared in front of my eyes.

I will never forget her appearance wearing a dark green dress and walking in with light steps.

The way she acted as if she was a noble lady was also cute, as if she was satisfied with her appearance.

'Does he like prom?'

Imagining the scene of Jennie walking around the ballroom made me smile.

Of course, he's in the form of a rabbit now, but he might become a human in a month. And even in the form of a rabbit, it would be quite nice to see a cute hair ball walking around the ballroom.

Soon we arrived at the entrance of the library. Beyond that door, there must be a retrospective kimi-gwan. Tenoch opened the door with a hearty smile.

Inside was silence.

“Are you back already?”

Just when a hint of disappointment lingered on her face, a maid quietly walked out from between the bookshelves.

Tenoch recognized her identity at once. She was White, a maid who looked after Jenny. No, snow or something. anyway.

“Joe, welcome to His Majesty the Emperor.”

Recognizing the master, the maid hurriedly lowered her head. Tenoch asked.

“Where is Kimimi-gwan?”

“It is inside.”

As soon as I heard the answer, I started walking again.

“Your Majesty, let me tell you something… … .”

But the maid added a word and held him. Tenoch narrowed his brows and glanced back.

As the eyes filled with intimidation poured out, the maid shook her shoulders.

“How dare you get in the way of Jim?”

“Sin, sorry! Kimi-gwan is so... … .”

“So much?”

"I'm sleeping so hard... … . stop without knowing Cow, I'm sorry. Please forgive me.”

The maid trembled and fell flat on the floor.

Tenoch whispered softly, placing a finger in front of his lips.

“Lower your voice.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The maid also answered in a voice as small as that of an ant. The small head with both hands together on the carpet and squatting on top of it looked like it was engulfed in fear.

“I will give you a prize.”

However, what followed was quite different from what was expected.

“In the future, if there is anything related to Kim Kwan, please report it anytime.”

“I will keep that in mind, Your Majesty.”

Tenoch walked towards Jenny with even more muted steps.

When we arrived, there was another maid. Jenny was sound asleep on her maid's lap as she sat on her couch.

Sensing the presence of someone approaching, the maid raised her head slightly. She recognized her opponent who appeared and was startled and tried to raise her body.


Tenoch muttered slowly.

“I apologize.”

The maid bowed her head with her face flushed red. She couldn't even imagine that His Majesty the Emperor was here and she was sitting down.

Tenoch slowly moved towards Jenny. As if dreaming of eating something again, the rabbit opened its dainty mouth.

A defenseless appearance that made you laugh out loud.

My nerves, which had been on edge throughout the cabinet meeting, calmed down in an instant. For a long time, Tenoch stood and watched Jenny sleeping.


comfy. After all, the emperor's bedroom is the best.

'Ummm... … .'

Jenny wriggled to change position. But some kind of hand keeps touching it.

Big, warm, soft.

Thinking it was a great pillow, I buried my cheek even deeper. Then, all of a sudden, I felt a cold energy.


I'm sure I'm closing my eyes and seeing the front Scary to think it was a dream, red hair passed in front of her eyes.

Jump up.

I woke up in amazement.

“Are you awake now?”

A familiar voice poured from above. Jenny forced her heavy eyelids to come out of her slumber.

A well-crafted statue was reflected in the field of vision that was gradually coming into focus.


As soon as he opened his eyes, the man's appearance was fantastic. If I could see this kind of face every time I wake up, I'd be happy even if I died tomorrow... … .

'No, why die?'

Jenny brushed herself off and completely drove away the energy of sleep. When he came to his senses, the place was still a library.

I'm sure I was with the Snow-White duo, but where are they going and Tenoch is there?

“I must have fallen asleep while reading.”


Yes. Contrary to her great ambition to investigate the beastman race, Jenny fell asleep without reading a single chapter.

'Reading a book is a very sleepy thing in Korea now.'

The eyes of the man staring at me were burdensome. Feeling embarrassed, Jenny took her ear and washed her face.

“Aren’t you hungry? It's been a while since mealtime."


The front paws, which had been moving briskly, stopped abruptly. Jenny twitched her nostrils and looked up at her tenoch with longing eyes.

“Stop, go.”

he hugged her Jenny was quietly cradled in the emperor's arms and moved leisurely to the dining room.

Dining room arrived. When the door opened wide, an indescribably delicious smell rushed into my nostrils. And the scene before my eyes was perfect, as always.

All kinds of great dishes are set on a wide table. Tenok usually doesn't eat much, but he always tells me to prepare such an excessive amount of food.

'If it wasn't for me, I should have thrown it all away.'

Jenny climbed onto the table with a proud heart. Now, which food should I try first?

salad. The dressing was better yesterday.

Soup. The liver is suitable.

Soybean stew. Boiling is appropriate.

And the ultimate steak.

An attendant standing by cut off a large piece and put it on a plate for her to taste. Red, greasy juice drips down the cut section.

Really, it couldn't have been more wonderful and desirable baking.


The saliva passed by. The moment when he set his teeth like grains of rice and rushed at the meat with bright red blood!

Suddenly, the red hair I had seen in my dream came to mind.