Oh my gosh."

Back in the room, Jenny couldn't help but be surprised. The mess in the middle of the construction disappeared without a trace, and a clean and tidy space unfolded before my eyes.

Of course, the size has changed to three times the size of the room she used to use. A wide bed that looked twice as large as the original was placed at the far end, and there was a desk, sofa, and a simple dressing room.

“I was living in a space smaller than the bathroom.”

“Eh, anyway, the bathroom… … .”

I tried to deny it, but thinking about the bathroom in Tenok's room, it wasn't exactly wrong.

"It's smaller than my room, but it'll be more manageable than before."

Did you feel sorry for yourself living in a small space and gave you this wide space as a gift?

Thinking like that made the man's heart feel very grateful.

"Thank you."

So I politely thanked him. Then the man standing next to him brushes the nape of his neck and avoids his gaze. Is it because of the mood that the auricle looks red at first glance?

Hmm, Tenoch cleared his throat.

“Did you match the prom costumes?”

“I went after lunch. Oh, but didn’t you say it was a masquerade?”


"By the way, why didn't you show the mask in the cutting room?"

Have you ever made a mistake?

no! It's like a rofan ball. You can't ruin the moment you've always dreamed of without a mask!

“Because the mask is a gift from your partner.”


A fact I didn't know.

"I see. Then it is a bigger thing.”


Tenoch asked.

“I don't have a partner. this… … . Should I get a partner first?”

The man's face twisted strangely at her words. She had a slightly puzzled expression, but also a sad expression.

“… … Hey."


Jenny responded with her eyes wide open.

“You are a Kimi-gwan.”

"yes. by the way?"

“Of course you should be by my side.”

“That is not natural. Because I have to taste the food you eat beforehand.”

“Then, of course, you should be my partner.”

Well… … . Why is that?

I didn't quite understand it, but I was relieved to have a partner. No, to be honest, being able to partner with the handsome Tenoch was welcome with open arms.

'Ah, then what should I do with Loetta?'

It was scary to think that it was exciting, and my heart felt heavy. She says how long has it been since she decided that she and she will be Tenoch's mistress.

'Yes, you can't be full on the first drink. After making sure Loetta can attend the ball, I'll put the two together as much as possible.'

I'm making up my mind


Tenoch called to her. Somehow her heart thumped at the sound of her still voice, like her deep dawn.

“… … why?"

Jenny tried to hide her trembling voice.

“Would you like a cup of tea?”


Instead of answering, the man looked at her with serious eyes. So I had no choice but to nod her head.

“Who is out there?”

“Did you call, Your Majesty?”

“Put up refreshments to share with Kimikwan.”

“I will prepare immediately.”

The attendant nodded and disappeared.

“Shall we take a seat?”

Jenny led Tenoch to a sofa placed in the center to freshen up the atmosphere. But as soon as we sat down, Tenoch asked a question.

“You seem to be on good terms with Grand Duke Würth, right?”

"quite? There are similarities.”

“… … Any similarities?”

“The taste was similar. Archduke Würth likes spicy food too.”

Do you remember the moment when we talked about tteokbokki?

'under… … Tteokbokki… … Spicy Tteokbokki... … .'

My mouth watered in an instant. As he was licking his lips, Tenok asked.

“Do you like spicy food?”

“Absolutely, my favorite food is chadol tteokbokki!”

Jenny said while clenching her fists.

"car… … rice cake… … what… … ?”

“There is a celestial food that contains meat called Chadol Tteokbokki.”

She finished her explanation with a soft eyebrow. Just in time, a knock sounded.

An attendant came in, served tea and refreshments, and disappeared.

Jenny carefully inspected the flower-shaped sweets on the plate, then picked one up and put it into her mouth.

"me too… … .”

Tenoch muttered something. He asked, unable to hear properly.

"what? I didn't hear you.”

“… … I like it too.”


Jenny held the snack she had bitten into the air.


“Then what do you like?”

“… … spicy food."

Tenoch moved his lips slowly. The room must have been hot, with reddened auricles.

“Oh, yes?”

Jenny put the remaining snack into her mouth.

'People here also like spicy food quite a bit.'

It was unexpected. The reason is that most of the food he ate while staying in the imperial castle was greasy Western food.

Naturally, I thought I didn't enjoy spicy food, but it didn't seem to be the case.

After chewing and swallowing, he said.

“Archduke Würth said he would bring me cayenne pesto. Then I'll give you a taste of the food I used to eat where I lived.”


Jenny widened her eyes at the sudden denial.



said Tenoch, raising the corners of his mouth smoothly.

“I will save you.”


Tenoch summoned the chamberlain and told him to bring the cayenne pesto. As expected of a royal castle where all the best products from the continent come up, cayenne pesto was already prepared in the food storage.

“… … Oh my gosh."

Looking at the basket containing four or five bottles, Jenny couldn't help but exclaim.

It was because it really looked like red pepper paste to the naked eye. She quickly opened a bottle.

"Oh my gosh."

The smell was also similar.

The chamberlain next to her handed over a small teaspoon. Jenny took it coldly and scooped it up and put it in her mouth.

"Oh my gosh… … !”

It really tasted like chili paste. It also tastes like Taeyangcho Gochujang, which is incredibly spicy!

It was the same taste as my hometown, enough to make me miss Korea for the first time after being possessed by the novel world (of course, I don't mean that I really want to go back. Where can I go after this honey-like life).

"Good good. very good!"

She was delighted.

“Do you like it?”

“Perfect! The perfect chili... … . No, this is my first cayenne pesto!”

As if he liked the answer, Tenok's face was filled with pride. Handsome lips draw an arc beautifully.

“Let’s see. Speaking of which, how about tteokbokki for dinner tonight, Your Majesty?”

“Is that tteokbokki made by you?”

"sure! I make tteokbokki.”

Jenny rolled up her sleeves. She then asked the chamberlain who stood beside her.

“Can I borrow your kitchen?”

“Of course, Kimi-gwan-nim.”

“Look forward to it, Your Majesty. I will show you the taste of heaven.”

Jenny grinned and left the room.

'I heard there's a banquet for dinner.'

Upon entering the kitchen following the chamberlain, I saw a busy kitchen workforce. Everyone was busy doing their own dishes.

“Are you here?”

The chef who was waiting hurriedly approached, wiping his hands on his apron.

“I received a message that Kimikwan-nim will personally prepare a dish for His Majesty. If you have the necessary materials or manpower, please feel free to let us know.”

"Well… … . I need sugar and minced garlic.”

Jenny rolled her eyes upward and recited the ingredients one by one.

“It’s good to have green onions. Could I get some beef too? to the oily part. and… … .”

Oh My God.

I was so focused on the gochujang that I forgot the most important thing. In this world, there is no 'tteok' that goes into tteokbokki.

“… … there."

“Yes, Kimi-gwan-nim.”

The chef immediately answered Jenny's call.

“Are there any rice cakes here… … won't there be?"

"rice cake… … What? It's the first ingredient I've ever heard of, but... … .”

he put on a puzzled expression.


Jenny pondered as she put the basket she was wearing on her forearm onto the countertop.

'Let's see, let's see.'

For Jagoro Tteokbokki, wheat tteok is the best. okay. Flour was overflowing here, so it was enough to make wheat cakes.



“The potato gnocchi I ate last time.”

"Yes! Perhaps… … Was the food strange?”

the chef asked nervously.

“No, it was great.”

Jenny reassured him with a warm smile.

“I need flour gnocchi like that. softer and firmer. And the shape.”

Jenny chuckled and raised her index finger in the air.

"It's like this, about three fingers long, in the shape of a cylinder."

“Chewy, hard, long… … .”

The chef followed her words.

"Is it possible? His Majesty is expecting tteokbokki.”

“There may or may not be. I will try to make it right away.”

The chef immediately took out a large mixing bowl and poured flour into it. With his skillful hands and thick forearms, he quickly made a large loaf of dough.

He couldn't hide his proud expression when Jenny, standing next to him, exclaimed.

an hour later. The chef took a handful of aged dough and placed it on a stainless tray. When I rolled it with my palm, the thick dough became as thin as candy.

“Oh, I wish it was a little thinner. Yes, yes, now!”

Jenny stuck right next to her and took the lead in making wheat cakes. The chef made several doughs of appropriate thickness.

I gathered the made things together and cut them into bite-sized pieces with a large kitchen knife. Then, briefly blanch in boiling water and rinse immediately in cold water.

Looking at wheat cakes with sobok on a plate.

clap clap clap

Jenny clapped her hands loudly.