"What's the matter?" If Xuan looked at the sign on the person's chest and asked, "are you in charge? You have to give us an account of this

"I'm sorry, miss ruohuan!" The visitor lowered his posture, bowed respectfully and explained, "we have made countless calls to inform you and discuss solutions with you. Unfortunately, your mobile phone is turned off. Now, except for you, all the people have unsubscribed. We are willing to provide you with three times of compensation, plus a brilliant VIP card. I hope you can give us a convenience! "

If Xuan took out his mobile phone, as expected, saw more than ten missed calls on the mobile phone, and felt a little better.

The man is helpless. The people who come to play tonight are either the rich second generation or the red third generation. None of them can be offended by him. The security work should be done well in the venue, and no one dare to let others enter.

The splendid VIP kana is not what ordinary people can get. If in the past, ruohuan might have promised this solution, but not today! Today is the place where he is going to pick up the wind for Shaoyang. They took a taxi for an hour before they arrived from the airport. They were tired and hungry. Do they have to find a new place now? How could she lose face in front of Shaoyang!

At the thought of Shaoyang, ruoxian's attitude is unprecedented.

"I refuse. I only know that we are also guests. You can't make sense because others let us go. How many of them are there? Did they use all the splendid box? "

"This..." The man frowned and didn't know what to say. According to his news, it seemed that there were not many people coming, only three or four, but these three or four were masters with great achievements and money, so Even if it is to offend this pedestrian, we should stabilize those people, otherwise the leader will not give him a good look.

"Not used up? Why don't you give it to us? " If Xuan looks at a man's hesitant expression, he knows that he has guessed it. As the largest entertainment place in S City, jinbihuihuang can accommodate tens of thousands of people at most. How many people can there be in a party? What a bully!

"Forget it, ruohuan!" Yi pulled the corner of La Ruo Xuan's coat and said, "let's go to s big street! It's cheap and affordable! "

Hearing Yiyi's words, Shaoyang also helped: "yes, I also want to revisit my hometown!"

During the quarrel, a blue Ferrari stopped by the roadside like lightning. The man was dressed in a delicate blue handmade shirt with simple and sharp cuffs. Two buttons were untied between the necks, revealing the honey colored chest muscles. It was strong and strong, and had a bit of rebellious taste.

Mo Zhai swept, did not see his friend's car, frowned, those people really have enough drag.

Mo Zhai throws the key to the parking boy, and then he enters the golden splendor. He sees Gu Yiyi in his T-shirt and shorts.

"Gu Yiyi?" Mo Zhai called and strode over.

Yiyi turned his head and watched the man step by step approach. In the dazzling neon lights, the man's face was cut into several cold and warm sides by the light, which seemed to take a minute of alienated gorgeous.

Seeing him again, Gu Yiyi's heart jumped several times for no reason. It was only in the morning that he was separated. How could he see him again?

This city is so big, but I can meet you.

"Less ink!" The resplendent manager, seeing Mo Zhai, welcomed him and called respectfully "Mo Shao!"

"Yiyi, do you know?" Even in foreign countries, Shaoyang has seen this man from the financial magazine, the financial myth of S City, Mo's Mo Zhai!

Within five years, let a second rate enterprise enter the world's top 500. His several trading projects have been listed in American economics textbooks!

"Partner!" Yiyi squeezes out a few words from the mouth, but Shaoyang's heart suddenly shakes. What can Yiyi and this man of heaven have to cooperate with? Between men and women, isn't that all? Shaoyang's heart is filled with a sense of crisis!

"See you again!" Mo Zhai walked in, nodded to Yiyi and looked at the person in charge, "what's going on?"

"It turns out to be mo Shao's friend!" This thing is easy to handle, the person in charge quickly came over and said the original thing again.

"Arrange a box at once!" Mo Zhai listened to the frown, the person in charge quickly led Ruo Xuan and his party to the resplendent "rich and noble Pavilion".

"This We ordered Meiyuan If Xuan waved the ticket in the wave, the best box is called "Pavilion", the next one is called "Pavilion", and then it is "garden". The lowest consumption level of each box is different. According to ruohuan's calculation, the three of them are very good in Meiyuan!

"How can I charge you?" The person in charge squeezed out a flower on his face and said flatteringly, "I don't know that you are a friend of Mo Shao. I was offended before. Now I'm renting a shop with less ink. My friends are free from consumption!"

"So..." If Xuan put the ticket in his pocket, "then we can still use this ticket after that."


"That's not bad. At least I made a few tickets!" Gu Yiyi blinks. It seems that hitting Mo Zhai is not a bad thing. At least there are times when he takes advantage of him.Singing K and drinking wine is originally to save the wind and dust for Shaoyang. When Shaoyang comes and goes, he pushes cups and hands. Shaoyang drinks too much and leaves in a hurry to solve his physiological problems.

Taking advantage of Shaoyang's efforts to go to the bathroom, Ruo Xuan launched a "interrogation style" interrogation of Yiyi? The man who gave you "Purple eyes"? I just separated in the morning and met again in the evening. Yiyi, do you think he has ulterior motives to follow you

Yiyi's eyes suddenly widened, funny looking at friends, green onion like ten fingers pointing to Ruo Xuan's head, "what do you think in your head? What's his identity? What's my identity? Where are you free to follow me? You didn't hear that he came here for a party of friends

"Yes, too." If Xuan nodded and approved Yiyi's words, he believed in his heart.

But the eyes are still full of romantic feelings, quietly lying in Yiyi's ear and saying: "Yi Yi, do you remember the love novel we read at the beginning, which says that if a woman and a man meet three times in the same day, the fate between them is predestined!"

"Ha ha!" Yiyi giggled and looked at ruohuan in disbelief. Comrade ruohuan, who has always been famous for his reason, could have given birth to such unrealistic fantasies?

"It's all arranged by the author on purpose. Otherwise, how can the story go on? At the end of the story, it is not revealed that the three meetings were arranged by the hero with ulterior motives. "

"But between you..." If Xuan left hand is on knee, right hand holds head, slant head looks at Yi, "really very wonderful!"

Wonderful? Yiyi suppresses all kinds of emotions in her heart. The girl's feelings are always poems. Any woman who is involved in the ambiguous feelings with the famous "Diamond lover" will feel happy, but it is just a point of vanity to satisfy the girl's self expansion, not reality!

"Mo Shao, is my sister-in-law in there? Come and play together

The door of the box was pushed open, a head poked in, and then the long legs stepped in. The whole person entered the room, with a delicate face and a bright face.

The visitor wore a red silk shirt, a yellow slacks, black shoes, a few strands of dyed purple hair. The whole color was like a parrot in the park. However, such a chaotic color could not make people ignore the good leather bag of the visitor. He only felt that the young man in front of his eyes was beautiful like a demon.

Chaotic bangs covered a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes, a smile, arc up, appropriately lit up that pair of fox eyes, evil like moving soul, lips do not point and red, more ruddy than girls.

"Sister in law, I'm a junior!" The boy hopped to Gu Yiyi and said quietly, "I heard aunt Sufang mention you!"

Aunt? Did the news go so fast? Yiyi frowned. She only went to my aunt's house once!

She did not know that over the years, Mo Zhai's "sexual orientation" has always been a layer of haze on Li Sufang's mind. Now that the haze has been cleared away, it is natural for her to announce her family and friends all over the world, hoping that the world will know it.

Xiao San, this name is really strange, where is anyone willing to call "Xiao San"? In this world, "prostitutes" are called miss, not to mention the junior? This kind of word has obvious derogatory meaning.

"Night care for the city!" Mo Zhai came from the door, holding a small three collar, "how did you get here?"

"My aunt has already called. Are you going to hide it?" Xiaosan looked back at Mo Zhai, Du mouth, a pair of I already know, you don't hide the appearance, said: "really not enough brothers!"

"Yes, Mo Zhai, what does the cover look like? I can't hide it from the first day of junior high school, but I can't hide it for fifteen years. Can't my sister-in-law see anyone? " Another voice came in.

Gu Yiyi takes a look at Mo Zhai and Xiao San. His brain is confused. What sister-in-law? What brother and sister? Who's going to tell her what's going on? When did Gu Yiyi label her as Mozi?

"That's right, my aunt said. You take your sister-in-law home, eat and live together, and take a picture of your sister-in-law and send it to my mother. Now that the whole circle knows, you still want to quibble!"

Sleeping trough! Is aunt so gossipy? Gu Yiyi is full of black lines. Does the whole circle know? So she this kind and the upper class society does not get up with the Taobao small seller, is also a little famous?

"Yiyi, I'm..." Mo Zhai looked at Gu Yiyi with helpless face. His face was full of guilt. He wanted to explain something, but he didn't say it.

"Yiyi!" If Xuan looked at the confused Gu Yiyi, said softly: "you say hello, in front of his friends, don't lose his face..."

Huh? Who will tell him, Mo Zhai's face, what is her business?

Although he was so proud and charming, Gu Yiyi looked at ruoxian and Mozi. He thought of his aunt's valuable gift and had to find a chance to return it. Now he can't be so indifferent. He can only stand up uncontrollably, smile a little and say, "Hello, I'm Gu Yiyi!"