Chapter 607: Shocking news! Detonated worldwide!

Imperial Capital International Airport.

An extremely luxurious Gulfstream private jet landed slowly.

The cabin door opens~~

A man dressed extremely luxuriously and ostentatiously walked out swaggeringly, looking over the imperial capital proudly.

Silicon Valley boss-Stephen!

"This is the Chinese Imperial Capital?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Stephen's eyes.

This is different from what the Beacon State media said?

The Beacon State media said that China’s economy has been hit hard, the city is in dire dread, and no one has even taken a flight.

But at the airport, it's so busy.

A large number of aircraft took off and landed in an orderly manner.

There are many tourists, coming and going like a tide.

A trace of discomfort flashed in Stephen's eyes~~


In my lighthouse country, the airport is now empty and miserable.

He used his private jet to fly as long as he said to fly, and he didn't need to stare at traffic management because he didn't use the flight to grab the runway.

Without comparison, there is no harm!


Stephen curled his lips and said to the executives around him: "Have you checked it out? Where is Jiang Chen? I'm going to find him!"

"It's clear that Jiang Chen lives in the imperial capital, very close to the airport. We sent out invitations several times to ask him to meet with you, but they all fell silent. He didn't seem to want to see you."

The executives are triumphant.

"Hahaha, a native of China, a local tyrant, how dare you meet a world-class inventor like me?"

Stephen has an arrogant and domineering look.

Behind him, followed by many media and reporters from the Beacon Country, all flew to China together with him on his private flight.

The purpose of their trip is to humiliate Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen invented the photonic chip, which completely defeated the sanctions of the lighthouse country...

Although the Twitter boss, as always, has a hard duck mouth, and never mentions things that are unfavorable to him, as if it has never happened, everyone with a discerning eye knows that Jiang Chen's influence in the world can never be wiped out!

The Twitter boss instructed Stephen to find a place back!

Go to China, show off your real skills with Jiang Chen!

[Zhagenbao] The research progress of the spacecraft is very smooth. Stephen, who lost a pass on the photonic chip and his face is dull, thinks~~

He, it's OK again!

The NNC reporter was impatient to interview Stephen: "Mr. Stephen, may I ask you why you went to China on this trip to find Jiang Chen?"

Stephen gushed: "I heard that Jiang Chen invented the photonic chip and became the youngest and most promising inventor in the chip field. He also broke the monopoly of the lighthouse country. I seriously doubt this. This trip To expose his true face of deceiving the world and stealing fame. More importantly~~"

He sneered: "I talked to him in the air, shouted, and had a fight. It's totally not addictive! Man, you should just face to face! I want to solemnly announce to the world that the lighthouse nation [Grab and Treasure] spacecraft has been developed !"

"Mankind's first spacecraft that can fly to Yanxing is officially completed!"

"This spacecraft will, just like Columbus discovering the New World, carrying the astronauts of the lighthouse nation, after a year, it will successfully set foot on the land of Yanxing!"

"I want to tell Jiang Chen, tell China that the Lighthouse Nation is invincible!"

Stephen said with an unbelievable expression: "In order to demonstrate the great technology of our lighthouse country, I plan to press the ignition button in Huaxia Imperial Capital, and let Huaxia people know that grabbing Genbao and flying to Yanxing is a great feat!"

NNC and other media took various photos, and flashed the flash at him~~

Stephen looked arrogant, as if he had already conquered Huaxia alone and stepped on the pride of Huaxia people.

His arrogant remarks in the Chinese Imperial Capital were soon broadcast to the world through various lighthouse media such as NNC.

Jiang Chen leaned Erlang's legs and sat in front of the TV.

An Qing, the girlfriend on the side, said angrily: "This person is really annoying. I have some skills, but I can't stop. I have to come to demonstrate to us? Make trouble? Huh! I really hope we can also have a spacecraft and teach him well. !"

Jiang Chen smiled, not low-key anymore!

Strength, has not allowed me to keep a low profile.

He picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, it's me."

"Dragon Spaceship, are you ready?"

Over there, the chief engineer’s calm voice sounded: "Mr. Jiang, [Dragon Spaceship] are all ready. Although the technology we use is countless times more advanced than that of Zhan Genbao, at least 100 years ahead of it! Production is countless times more difficult. Good. The Huaxia Industrial System is very complete, and the infrastructure madness is not for nothing. We still complete the construction of this spacecraft with quality and quantity."


Jiang Chen said calmly: "Since Stephen ran all the way and asked me to slap me in the face, I'm not welcome. Please let me know, [Dragon Spaceship] will be launched in 3 days. The 3 astronauts selected by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Is it already in place?"

"Yes. Actually, as early as three months ago, they had already started special training at our [Jiang's Space Company] Space Center and were preparing to fly to Yanxing. It's just~~"

The chief engineer hesitated to speak.

"Just what?"

Jiang Chen said lightly.

The chief engineer paused: "It's just that some domestic scientists are still questioning whether our [Dragon spacecraft] can be achieved within a few Mars, like the design specification? They have a good understanding of the performance of the dragon spacecraft. There are doubts."

Jiang Chen said lightly: "Don't worry about the sour lemon essence! Three days later, we will use the facts to shut them up! The sturdy life does not need to be explained."


The chief engineer said solemnly.

The admiration in his heart for Jiang Chen has reached the point where he can't add any more, he has fallen into the ground.

Although he is also a well-known scientist in aerospace systems, graduated from Huaxin University, he was born in aerospace systems, and has been engaged in aerospace science and technology for a lifetime, but he has never heard of such a whimsical, rigorous and meticulous plan by the Long Spacecraft!

When Jiang Chen dug him over from the aerospace system with an annual salary of tens of millions of dollars and presided over the Long Spaceship, the chief engineer was still disapproving, but after seeing the plan and technical manuals written by Jiang Chen himself, his eyes almost came out!

He couldn't believe it, this was a technique written by Jiang Chen himself.

Where did these cross-age technologies come from?

Anti-gravity transition system, wormhole jumping system, future space materials...

These are all black technologies that will pass through in the future!

But, with so many black technologies, combined, can the three astronauts of China be successfully sent to Yanxing?

The chief engineer was also at a loss.

After all, if you haven't done it before, how do you know if it's easy to use or not?

"Three days later, the launch must be successful!"

He said loudly.


Jiang Chen said lightly: "You are responsible for this. In three days, we will shock the world!"

An Qing's body was burning when she heard it!

My boyfriend did not choose the wrong person!

He is too powerful.

Jiang Chen just put down the phone.

Only heard someone knock on the door.

An Qing went to open the door, and when she saw it, she was surprised.

"Huh? You are not~~Stephen?"

The person who came is surprisingly the king of the lighthouse country-Stephen himself!

With the famous Twitter tycoon, Steven, who is listed as the two great people of the lighthouse country.

The legend of pretending to be forced.

Behind Stephen, there were dozens of reporters from the Beacon Country, all desperately taking pictures, recording this historical moment.

Stephen came personally and hit Jiang Chen in the face!

Stephen was surprised to see the beautiful An Qing!

I go, what a beautiful woman!

It's so temperamental!

He restrained his arrogance a little, and pretended to be polite: "Beautiful lady, is this Jiang Chen's residence?"

Jiang Chen walked out: "I'm Jiang Chen, what's your last name?"

Seeing Jiang Chen swaggering around the beautiful and **** An Qing, Stephen's jealousy immediately popped up!

Hemp egg!

You have all the beauties!

He sneered: "So you are Jiang Chen? That Jiang Chen who claims to have invented the photonic chip?"

"it's me."

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows.

"I am Stephen of the Lighthouse Country, the world's greatest innovative inventor!"

Stephen waved his hand proudly: "Presumably, you have heard of me too."

Jiang Chen said faintly: "Shit brother points? Never heard of it! It sounds disgusting."


Stephen staggered and fell to the ground.

The reporters around were all sweating.

Shit brother points?

This nickname is too hurtful.

"You, you kid."

Stephen's forehead burst into blue veins, and he roared: "You did it on purpose, right? Humph! I won't fight with you, I'm here to fight with you!"

Jiang Chen was angry and funny: "PK what? You studied the chip, didn't you lose to me?"

Jiang Chen was well-informed, and he also heard that the CEO of the fruit company also wanted to develop a photonic chip and found Stephen. As a result, Stephen fiddled with him for a long time, ended up in a feather and failed, and lost his face.

Jiang Chen's **** in the wound really made Stephen furious again.

"Huh! Photon chip, you said you developed it, I don't believe it at all! No one believes in the lighthouse country!"

Stephen roared angrily: "You must be a plagiarist!"

Jiang Chen spread his hands: "Do you believe it or not, what does it have to do with me? Why should I prove it to you? Besides, your lighthouse country has a serious anti-intellectual tendency and is very sick, and it is not a day or two. As long as we Huaxia Invented, your lighthouse country must be slandering and trying to belittle it. Isn’t this new? Anyway, it’s enough for global consumers to be honest and rush to buy our photonic chip phones."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he turned to leave.

Stephen is embarrassed...

I wanted to pretend to be forced, but was cursed!

Bringing so many reporters to the door to humiliate Jiang Chen, it was extremely embarrassing to be taught by Jiang Chen!

Come to give someone a head? This is very embarrassing.

"Huh! You can say it! I won't talk nonsense with you. I'm here to send tactics!"

Stephen said proudly: "Dare you dare to fight?"

Jiang Chen: "??? What is it?"

"The photonic chip, whether you steal it, steal it, or plagiarize it, you will definitely succeed."

Stephen sneered: "But unfortunately, the technological innovation capability of our lighthouse country is not something that you can catch up in a short time. What can you do if you play with the chip? We can block you! Don't let your mobile phone go to the world market Sales!"

"Furthermore, I have also developed the Zhagenbao spacecraft that can quickly travel back and forth between the earth and Yanxing. This spacecraft can carry manned spaceflight to Yanxing!"

Stephen said proudly: "I will send an astronaut this time with a flag!"

When Jiang Chen heard it, he was amused.

An Qing said in a loud voice: "I said why are you so overbearing? Just land on the landing, why do you still carry the flag? Do you think that the flag Yanxing belongs to your family?"

"of course?"

Stephen sneered: "The first thing we found was ours! The first thing we logged in was ours! Just like when we discovered the New World, we were the first to reach Yan Xing, and we should become the owners of Yan Xing. !"

Jiang Chen said coldly: "Why don't you say that you are the first to see Yan Xing, so Yan Xing belongs to you?"


Stephen is speechless.

Jiang Chen coldly said: "So many years have passed. You still have the logic of robbers-I come, I see, I conquer. Back then, there were tens of millions of Indians living in the North M continent! It’s not an uninhabited continent. After your ancestors went up, they massacred the Indians and killed all their masters. The house became vacant, and it became what you called the new continent!"

"Now, is this still the same?"

"It's a pity! Now, it's not the past!"

Jiang Chenshi shocked the world and announced: "Unfortunately, I happen to have a little experience in spacecraft research and development. I established [Jiang's Space Company], and the research and development [Dragon Spacecraft] is also ready! I can launch it to Yanxing at any time. Up!"


Stephen, who was going to pretend to be forced, was thunderous!

The reporters from the Beacon Country are all dumbfounded!

Looking at each other!


Huaxia was actually ready to launch a manned spacecraft on Yanxing?

This is real?

Isn't this going to talk to the lighthouse country, face to face with gongs and drums?

The news that Jiang Chen announced was shocking and shocked the whole world in an instant.

NNC and other TV stations, go crazy into the live report!

"Stephen arrives in the imperial capital and meets Jiang Chen! Jiang Chen broke the news!"

"The inventor of the photonic chip Jiang Chen announced that he has successfully developed a manned spacecraft, which will be launched at the same time from similar spacecraft in the lighthouse country!"

"The Yanxing Competition? Who can be the final winner?"
