Chapter 104: Eugenics

Chapter 104: Eugenics

What are you doing!?


Dr. Frankenstein, busy sawing off Adlers arm with a maddened smile, turned her gaze at the frosty voice, filled with endless murderous intent, coming from behind.


Noticing the two girls standing stiff with their backs to the exit, her head tilted to the side.

We have quite a few visitors today, I see

I only want to hear the truth.

Lestrade eyes filled with a cold chill as she gazed at Dr. Frankensteins face, adorning a maddened smile stepped forward and posed a question to the lunatic who was harming her lover.

What have you been doing in this mansion?

Our little inspector is quite the curious one, isnt she?

Thrusting the silver saw clutched in her hands against Adlers neck, Dr. Frankenstein effectively prevented the girls from coming any closer to her.

Well, I like that trait of yours, Inspector. Curiosity is the most essential trait for the advancement of science and magic

Speak. Now!

Cutting her off, Lestrade commanded her to spill everything out, fury lacing her voice. And hearing her, Dr. Frankenstein began, her voice gentle and that unpleasant smile still plastered on her pale face.

Have you ever had the thought that the people of London are all dimwitted dolts?

Do you harbor some sort of elitist belief?

Thats not what I mean Seriously, simple statistics and the briefest of scientific analysis are more than enough to explain this conjecture.

Her eyes began to darken in an ominous hue.

Since the onset of the strange phenomena from the early 16th century, numerous changes began to occur throughout the world.

Forgotten races of the past and fairytale-like stories started becoming reality against all logical notions. A handful of people gained the ability to manipulate mana, and the gender ratio destabilized to 4:6

She continued her explanation with a deadly serious expression.

But from my perspective, the most significant and regrettable change on par with the onset of the strange phenomena that changed our world is the steady decline of peoples intelligence.

Thats an unfounded story.

Not in the least, Inspector. Being a student of the August Detective Academy yourself, Miss Gia Lestrade, you should be more aware of this truth, right?

Upon hearing her conjecture, Lestrades eyes widened in astonishment. Meanwhile, licking off Adlers blood that had splattered on her cheek with her tongue Dr. Frankenstein resumed her speech after a brief pause.

I once was a professor at the academy. I had grand dreams of enlightening the ignorant masses.


But soon, I was forced to face the horrifying realization that London was doomed. The competency levels of the students were utterly hopeless.

Isaac Adler, cradled in her arms, began twitching faintly at her statement. A statement that echoed what Professor Moriarty had voiced not long before.

At first, I despaired, but then I tried to find a solution. It was my duty as one of the last intellectuals left in our sordid country.

Such an ideology itself is

And then, the realization finally dawned upon me!

Dr. Frankenstein, who had been caressing Adlers cheek, raised her voice aloud; her eyes flashing with a maddening glint.

The realization that if the people of the era continue showing less and less intelligence, then we just need to throw superior genes into the mix to balance it out.

Her slightly deranged gaze, coupled with her ludicrous statements caused Lestrade and Morans expressions to progressively deteriorate.

With that realization in mind, I left the academy with my fellow colleagues who joined my cause and set up a laboratory in the basement of this mansion.

And so, I began my research in secret. The standard human reproductive activities alone werent enough to release sufficient genes into the world, so, I devoted myself to searching for a more efficient method.

Despite the gradually worsening atmosphere, she nostalgically recalled her past; her spirits undampened.

When the experiment to artificially combine my genes with his first succeeded, I was truly delighted. I even named it after my colleagues surname.

That is

But soon, I realized it was a failure.

Her gaze, for a brief moment, turned to Neria Garrideb; the poor girl was lying in the corner, shivering as she was forced to hear the futility of her existence.

The first had chronic fatigue and a constitution so frail that even a slight bump could shatter their bones. The second one suffered from madness and hydrophobia due to a neural issue


We realized that releasing such imperfect beings into the world would never be able to save it from destroying itself. Thus, I focused on identifying the cause of these symptoms of unknown origin.

However, she soon turned her head away without any lingering attachment to her own flesh and blood.

Jill the Ripper secretly provided corpses and the fog that plagues London. That, along with Dr. Jekylls advice, was immensely helpful in furthering my research. With their continuous help, I was finally able to reach the truth

Wait, what did you just say

Dragons tears.


Well, it doesnt really matter now, does it?

As Adler fell silent at her answer, she only continued her words with a laughter-tinged voice.

The moment I found you, with your superior genes that could overcome the limits set on an artificial being due to the Spark of Life, such things have now become utterly useless.


The children we will have in the future will be the perfect beings born with my intellect and your immense vitality Theres no need for such elixirs for such children now, is th

But those words would never be able to reach their conclusion.


The supercharged and invisible air fired from Celestia Morans air gun the girl who had been quietly observing the scene with her keen eyes and senses pierced through the abdomens of both Isaac Adler and Dr. Frankenstein at the same time.






What the hell are you doing!

Ending a hostage situation is quite simple.

Looking at the dismal scene, both Adler and Dr. Frankenstein collapsed on the floor while leaking blood from their wounds, a dismayed expression soon covered Gia Lestrades face. As she was about to protest to Moran, whose whole body was trembling violently, Adler suddenly staggered his way up to his feet and began murmuring in a soft but deep voice.

You just need to disregard the well-being of the hostage, thats all.


Of course, thats only applicable to someone like me.

Adler, now holding the bottle that the doctor had been carrying with her in his hands, patted Morans head for a job well done. Even though her whole body shuddered at just the thought of harming her master, she still faithfully carried out the telepathic orders conveyed to her. Adler, now done consoling Moran for the time being, quietly started moving out of the room.

Where are you going?

However, before he could even take a few steps toward the exit a chilling voice started to emanate from behind him, putting a halt to his stride.

You said youd cooperate? Even after everything Ive said, you still dont understand me?

Isaac Adler We need to save London with our superior genes

Dr. Frankenstein, clutching her bleeding abdomen, managed to get up relatively unscathed for some reason. Once she was up, he could hear her mumbling with an expression of disbelief on her face as she reached out toward Adler. It was as if she was just not able to understand why Adler had taken such actions against her.

Superior genes?

Hearing her words, Adler responded with a voice laced with cold mockery for the deranged woman.

Perhaps if it were Charlotte or Professor Moriarty then it was feasible.


You dont even know that the cause of the failed experiments is due to the genetic disease you are suffering from, yet you continue to babble around about some Spark of Life nonsense Why would I ever hand over my genes to someone so ignorant and deranged as you?

Hearing his words, the lunatic womans face was momentarily veiled in a dazed expression. And soon, the mysterious, unpleasant fog from before began spreading in her surroundings.

.. Thats a lie.


The only one who has been able to overwhelm my superior genes is you and you alone. Thats why we must become the Adam and Eve of London..

As her words ended, the experimental monsters that had been writhing all around began rising to their feet once more.

Ill leave the back to you.

Adler, looking at the scene with a clearly disgusted expression, whispered in a subdued voice as he passed between Lestrade and Moran.

I have some business to attend to.

Could it be that this business of yours

Following his words, Lestrades somewhat muffled voice came from behind.

Is to feed the elixir to Professor Moriarty lying out there


Instead of taking it yourself?

Turning his head for a moment, Adler replied to his lover with a bright and radiant smile.

Your deductive skills have really improved, Inspector.

Subconsciously, Lestrade clenched her teeth so hard that the bitter, metallic scent of blood began leaking out of her lips.

I really, really despise you.

Contrary to her harsh words, however, her eyes became slightly moist as she silently watched Adlers retreating figure.