Thin does not respond. The teenage girl gives Shen Yünjü a cold glance, but she does not respond either.

In the end, Shen Yünjü just lowers his head in disinterest.

… What’s the use in assigning blame anyway?

Silence ensues.

In the end, it is Jiang Shuangmei who suddenly speaks up, asking, “did anyone bring an Infocard?”

The Missiontakers are all in shock.

Nobody ever directly talks about utility cards in the Tower, especially in a Nightmare, in such a circumstance, talking about a specific utility card.

Jiang Shuangmei raises her head, showing her stiffened, wilted face, saying, “I’ll exchange with some other card… How about an Attack card?”

Shen Yünjü almost immediately responds, “I’ll do it!”

Jiang Shuangmei smiles silently. She throws the Attack card in her pocket to Shen Yünjü. After he has confirmed it, he hands his Infocard over to Jiang Shuangmei, while examining her all over anew.

How rare it is that a ‘Zombie’ loner like Shen Yünjü can ever see such a rare Attack card? While Jiang Shuangmei just took one out to trade… for an Infocard of all things?!

Infocards are the common agates to the diamond that is an Attack card!

Jiang Shuangmei couldn’t care less what the other Missiontakers thought of her, only remarking, “I just want to check, the killer of my older sister, who it is. Please…” Her tone turns slightly quavering again as she continues, “at least, let me confirm that.”

Thin has a difficult expression as he glances at the teenage girl, before finally agreeing on a condition, “can you let us come with you?”

Jiang Shuangmei doesn’t respond, and just walks straight to the elevator——That is, her older sister.

The rest of the Missiontakers take the stairs instead.

A few minutes later, they are all at Room 807.

Xü Beijin, watching the scene through the stream, is feeling rather complicated inside. When the Nightmare began, he pointed his camera here out of sheer coincidence.

Who would have thought that this might also be where the Nightmare ends?

Jiang Shuangmei is standing right next to the sofa where she picked up the utility cards and sweeping her gaze across. Ignoring the pain and self-loathe bubbling within her, she tries to recall to the best of her ability what happened the last moments of the last run of the Nightmare.

Finally, her gaze fixes onto the settled curtains nearby, hanging down near the corner of the room.

No matter how she considered it, among the sentient furniture in the living room, the only object that could move and kill someone in a short period of time… would be this.

Also, she recalls how her older sister told her before, that in the first run of the Nightmare, she saw the curtains lift up for no reason.

… She hates how vividly she can recall the past, as if her older sister is still actually living, just in her memories, but she is not anywhere to be found.

Is this fake reality, even meaningful?

Jiang Shuangmei points her Infocard shakily at the curtains.

She is quiet for over a dozen seconds, until the three other Missiontakers have become restless and anxious from the long silence, when Jiang Shuangmei suddenly makes a move.

She is not moving outdoors.

Instead, the Missiontakers watch in bafflement as she retrieves a pair of scissors from the kitchen, and then…

She cuts the curtains apart.

Her expression is still so completely calm, as if her facial muscles have all rotted away, as if she is merely venting out her anger and not avenging her older sister. She is cutting it into elaborate strips, looking like making it resemble a broom is her intent all along.

The curtains have become tassels…

It makes the Missiontakers uncomfortable and even fearful.

They do not even dare ask what the results from the Infocard was, even though they already have some form of an answer in their minds.

In the first run of the Nightmare, Jiang Shuangmei died;

The second run, Shen Yünjü died;

Neither of the deaths resulting in them disappearing.

In run four, Jiang Shuangjie died. She has disappeared.

What about the third run?

Who died in the third run? Did the person disappear? Did he… become the curtains?

The curtains which killed Jiang Shuangjie…

The only person with a clear grudge against Jiang Shuangjie…

Almost immediately, Thin has connected the dots and saw through the reasoning that made Jiang Shuangmei act in such an insane manner.

A while later, Jiang Shuangmei seems to have finally calmed down. She finally stabs the scissors right through the curtains, and then calmly nods towards the rest of the Missiontakers, telling them, “apologies. Let’s head back down.”

Thin could almost mistake her countenance for her older sister.

They are back on the ground floor.

With suppressed pain in her chest, she touches the button on this elevator. She gently murmurs, “I’m sorry,” and pauses, before promising, “I will keep going, sis. I will… leave this damned game.”

She could swear when she looked back on this memory, that she heard a sigh.

The elevator is all quiet, though. They could probably hear even a grain of dust falling to the ground.

Jiang Shuangmei is still sniffling, but she is no longer tearing up. She has come to terms with what happened.

She is clutching the utility cards tightly in her fist, including the card named ‘The Devil’s Mask’ – what nobody else knew, was that when she checked the curtains with the Infocard, which revealed information on Muscular, she came to learn some unimaginable terror.

After using the card ‘The Devil’s Mask,’ the price paid, is not just limited to an amplification of stubbornness and arrogance.

When the card is lost, the ‘Devil’ will only view its former owner with disdain.

Therefore, anyone using an Infocard on this abandoned Missiontaker, will cause not just current information to pop up, but even reveal all the past deeds of the person without fail.

Jiang Shuangmei has now come to learn where Muscular lived, what utility cards he had, what Nightmares he has been through, what contacts he knew, what information he has procured, and so on. In some sense, she will be able to pull off a perfect identity theft as ‘Muscular.’

And even, the fact that the bookstore owner strikes Lin Qin’s fancy…

Jiang Shuangmei takes a deep breath as some thoughts go through her head.

After her older sister has departed for good, she will have to rely on her own abilities to live. The information she gleaned through that Infocard might be able to help her establish herself on the bottom floor.

Love, huh…

Jiang Shuangmei is bitterly smiling, out of nowhere in the perspective of the others.

She is wondering, if anyone could actually ever experience genuine… love? In the Tower of all places?

Then, she gathers her thoughts and rubs her face again to make herself look calmer before joining back up with the other Missiontakers.

A few minutes later, they have broken the lock of the electrical room with a hammer they found in the security room. Then, they broke the circuit breakers.

After that, the Server’s cold voice rings out. They have reached a Normal End.