She has a natural attraction. As long as she appears, Qingmu Chen's eyes will always look in her direction unconsciously. His eyes stayed on her for a long time. Sisi seemed to be aware of it, raised his head and stared at him in amazement, "young master, what's the matter?"“ Nothing. " Qingmu Chen looked away as if nothing had happened and took a sip of her poured wine“ Is the young master satisfied with this wine? " Thinking of his words before leaving, Sisi couldn't help asking. Qing Mu Chen just made a indifferent "um" sound. He bought it himself. Can the taste not cater to his preferences“ If there's nothing else, I'll go down first! " Sisi put away the tray, stood up and left. Qingmu Chen's eyes moved along her figure. When she was about to go down the deck, she suddenly called her, "wait!" Xi Xi's footsteps stopped and looked at his eyes with some surprise, "young master, what else?"“ Did I say "gone?" Qingmu Chen's cool and thin lips lifted, and the corner of his eyes glanced sideways at his side, "didn't the housekeeper train well? When the host has dinner, he will serve here at any time, okay? " His tone of voice was very cold, cold and cold, without any temperature. Xixi five fingers slightly closed, and a trace of flame seemed to rise in his eyes. However, she soon calmed down. She is now a servant! Calmed down, she walked towards the table and finally stood beside Qingmu Chen. Qingmuchen and Luoyi are having dinner in the north and talking about things“ Old man Mu is the most untrustworthy. Do you want someone to secretly check whether Miss Mohist is well? " Luo Yibei had a meal for a while and suggested. Qingmu Chen's hand holding the tableware was stiff, quietly stirred the food in the footplate, and his face slowly raised“ He is also a threat at most. He doesn't have the courage to really annoy the Qing family and the Mohist family! " Luo Yibei thinks so, but... "Aren't you afraid of an accident?" The tip of his brow picked, and he continued to analyze, "what if Miss Mohist didn't cooperate so well and the other party accidentally wiped his gun and went off?" Sisi stood next to her, listening to their conversation from beginning to end. Luo Yibei's words made her quietly turn her eyes to Qingmu Chen. Qingmu Chen was silent for a moment after that, as if he were thinking about this problem. However, when he raised his head, he said, "Mohists grew up vegetarian?" His words are ironic. In his opinion, a girl who grew up in a family like the Mohist school will not have the ability to protect herself at all“ Don't you worry? " Loebye obviously didn't expect him to answer that. The expression on the side of Xixi's face seemed slightly frozen. Qingmu Chen jumped over his question directly, turned his eyes to the west, raised the empty glass in his hand, "here." When a simple word came out of his mouth, it seemed a little lazy and idle. Xixi's delicate eyebrows twisted slightly, walked over a few steps, gently hung his head and helped him pour out a glass of wine. Straightened up, he wanted to stand back to his just position, but Qingmu Chen's command sounded again, "so I'll go?" Xi Xi was stunned and stopped“ What else can I do for you, young master? " Qing Mu Chen looked at his plate on the table and handed her the tableware he had just used, "help!" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.