Soon to the destination.

Since it's a competitive sport, naturally some sports have to run and jump. The first two groups are all girls. They have already started. The latter two groups, after the director announced the rules, also set out quickly.

Although it's competitive, it's impossible to engage in outdoor long-distance running, triathlon and so on like sports. Combined with the local historical and cultural issues, the two groups received different task cards.

For example, Bo Yan is more historical. Sicily has been a place for military strategists since ancient Greece. From ancient Greece to the middle ages and then to modern times, there are countless historical and humanistic knowledge. As long as you get the relevant task card, Bo Yan first analyzes and draws a conclusion, and then rushes to solve it.

Xia Siyu doesn't have as much knowledge as Bo Yan. Wang zisu, who went to Korea as an intern after graduating from junior high school, naturally doesn't know the common sense. But Xia Siyu has two advantages. First, she lives here, is familiar with the situation here, and can speak Italian. Second, Wang zisu and she are used to sports, running and jumping is nothing at all.

At the beginning, Bo Yan with a wealth of knowledge, quickly ran to the front, and even began to catch up with the two groups who started half an hour earlier.

But it's a pity that in the second half of the race, Wu Di couldn't keep up with his physical strength and had been chasing after him very hard.

The task must be completed by a team, so even if Bo Yan runs faster, he can only wait for Wu Di, and the two of them advance and retreat together.

On the contrary, the division of xiasiyu formation is very clear. Xia Siyu is crazy about the road, so Wang zisu is responsible for the running and finding part. Although Wang zisu succeeded in climbing yesterday, he was still a little afraid of heights after all. So ask the way, and all the parts related to climbing, Xia Siyu will do it.

Although they were in the last group at the beginning, they were not good at learning dregs, but they cooperated with each other tacitly, and they were young and energetic. Soon they came from behind and saw that the progress bar was about to catch up with Bo Yan group.

Between the two groups, there is still one project left. What Bo Yanzu got was to find a clue about the myth and legend in the Roman epic at the Massimo theater. At the same time, the Massimo theatre is also the location of Godfather 3.

And xiasiyu went to the flea market nearby to take down Sicilian desserts. Two groups of people happened to meet near the theatre.

In fact, Xia Siyu doesn't have any desire to win or lose. She doesn't want to win very much. She even wants to fall behind deliberately before the last day and go to Taormina. But they are a team. Wang zisu still has a desire to win or lose. She can't let the team lose the game for her own careful thinking.

Wu Di has no desire to win. She just doesn't like Xia Siyu, or all the girls around Bo Yan. Wu Di, who had been a drag along the way, finally broke out at this moment. She was the first one to rush into the theater - and then lost her way.

Or Bo Yan, soon found the punch point according to the clues given by the program group, and then just go to the designated position of the program group to report, even if the project is completed.

"You are the first one to punch in and collect all the items first. As long as you report, you will be the first one," the program said

Wu Di was excited when he heard that, but he and Bo Yan had just come out of the theater. Before they went down the steps, they saw Xia Siyu from a distance. They had already clocked in and started towards the final destination. , the fastest update of the webnovel!