Bo Yi didn't slow down after entering the curve. As he had imagined before, he clamped firmly, grasped the handle of the motorcycle, lowered his figure, and let the car and people stick to the ground as much as possible. The speed of a motorcycle is too fast, which is different from a car. It is not wrapped by the frame outside. When it is close to the ground, even if it is not close to the floor, it can feel the dust and heat of the motorcycle rubbing against the floor.

Even though it was very difficult, he always bit his teeth and held on to the handlebars.

He is not a risk-taking person, but once let him into a thing, he will do his best!

As long as he's on the inside, as long as he doesn't slow down, as long as he keeps going, he wins!

Both enter the corner at the same time!

Bo Yan is behind him!

He has been holding his breath, lowering his body, and controlling the handlebars!

This curve is more curved than the previous ones.

Although there are only two kinds of straight and curved roads, there are not many U-shaped curves that are standard in qiumingshan, and there are no ups and downs. But for those who are not familiar with it, it is still difficult to operate.

Originally, motorcycles are more difficult to control than racing cars. Especially in the corner, the strength of arms, waist, abdomen and legs should be strong. Although Bo Yi also keeps fit, he learned martial arts together when he was a child. But he is certainly not like Bo Yan. He is still exercising and has good physical fitness.

Bo Yan's biggest failure is that he chose to refit the car.

Refitting the car to install a higher power engine, to strengthen the body, will naturally increase the weight of the car. Especially when turning a corner, in addition to driving skills, the biggest resistance is centrifugal force.

Centrifugal force has something to do with self weight. The heavier the weight, the greater the centrifugal force.

And Bo Yan in the first few circles of the curve, has gradually become familiar with the car's drift, at this time to operate, more handy!

That's the three points. In the precision control of millitop, the gap will be displayed little by little!

Bo Yi is really drifting, and he has. But he wants to dominate the inner road and not let Bo Yan overtake. The more he wants to squeeze in, the greater the centrifugal force. He watched as he controlled the car, drifting away from the inner road.

However, Bo Yan, who had been in his half position, made a beautiful turn and pushed him into the inner road smoothly, pushing him away bit by bit. When the curve became straight, he pulled up the car forcefully. Without slowing down, the motorcycle turned from side to upright and rushed to the end like an arrow!

And Bo Yi, when he was pushed away, the more anxious he was, the more flustered he was. When he pulled up the car, he failed. The whole person fell out with the car and was thrown out of the track!

A few seconds later, boss Chen also crossed the finish line. The only one who didn't cross the line was Bo Yi, who fell on the edge of the field.

After Bo Yi fell, Bo Yi's subordinates and boss Chen's people all exclaimed. Although the car will inevitably have an accident, but the fall in the end is still a bit serious, we ran to the side, sent someone to inform the field of the medical team.

Fortunately, Bo Yi just threw it out without being crushed by the motorcycle or causing an explosion.

But his wrist is still swollen. It's supposed to be a fracture.

Bo Yan took off his helmet and walked over with ease. He also sighed, "ah, what a pity." , the fastest update of the webnovel!