The room is very quiet. Xiasiyu is still lying at the head of the bed, probably sleeping.

Bo Yan went to the bathroom first, and went back to bed lightly.

Although the room was quiet and xiasiyu didn't move, Bo Yan knew that she was still up.

In fact, it's very early now. It's just 12 o'clock. For those who are used to nightlife, this time point is far away from rest. But in the northwest, they are used to having a rest when it's dark and getting ready when it's light.

At this time point, if they are just doing something bad, they can clean up for several generations, and by the way, they can hug each other and sleep.

Of course, if he is in a hurry, he can continue now. But both of them are not in the mood at this time. Bo Yan holds her, hands up and down her hair, with a slightly dignified expression.

For a long time, Xia Siyu may feel a little uncomfortable in this position and move in his arms. Bo Yan lowered his head and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Neither of them spoke until Bo Yan spoke for a long time: "you heard what they said just now, didn't you?"

Xia Siyu said, "well," they are coming tomorrow, which means the end of a good day. Even though they don't live in this small yard, she has to carry up her old star style and learn to avoid suspicion when she contacts Bo Yan.

Bo Yan didn't say anything. After a moment, he just laughed: "we are like people who have gone out on their honeymoon and had a good time for a month and finally want to go back to work."

many people as like as two peas on the night of Sunday night feel the same way they do. Can not continue to play, have to return to the intense study and work. Because of too much anxiety, it is said that some people got depression.

"Who's going to honeymoon with you?" Xia Siyu muttered softly. Even she didn't find that in the past, when Bo Yan mentioned "wife", "marriage", "husband and wife", or the related terms, Xia Siyu would immediately blow up her hair. It's light to turn around on the spot, and the chances are to scratch, scratch, kick and fight.

But now, she just resists symbolically, and even swears lightly. She is no longer so angry as before.

Moreover, she does not exclude getting along with him, nor does she exclude calling herself "we" with him. Not because of doing things, but because of this time together, two people have estrangement, in the effort to smooth.

Women and men are not the same, men want to "occupy - have" a woman. Women are more emotional. This is especially true for xiasiyu. She grew up in the West. She doesn't care about her body, but it's not as important as the eastern culture.

Emotion, company, soul and communication are the core of marriage and love for Xia Siyu.

Now, the two of them can finally lie together, talk well, act wildly and make fun of each other. Although Bo Yan is also greedy for her body, he pays more attention to her soul mate and mutual love.

"It's OK. We just need to be careful. You don't have to worry too much. If there is wind and rain, I will stand in front of you. "

"Who told you to stand in front of me? Can't I weather myself? " Xia Siyu retorts again. In fact, she doesn't like those male chauvinism. To protect women's thoughts, women can also strengthen their consciousness. , the fastest update of the webnovel!