Xia Siyu took a look at the title. Yo, young man, she has a good eye. She glanced in.

This post owner quoted a lot of arguments in it, from photos, videos to text analysis, everything.

She wrote in the post: "I am Mr. Bo's Lu Hao. I have been paying close attention to him since his debut. I didn't know much about Xia Siyu before, but I also heard some rumors about her. However, this article is not very detailed. I will start from Mr. Bo.

When Mr. Bo entered the circle, he was a university teacher, graduated from a doctor's degree, and studied literature and film art. And they have a good family background, so they don't need to live as artists. Work is also very serious, not playing ticket. This shows that he is different from those artists who enter the entertainment industry in their teens. He is mature and has his own purpose. He does not take some shortcuts for short-term benefits.

Mr. Bo has been in the circle for three years, and his pace has been very steady. He is different from those flows. He really relies on his own strength. He was the best newcomer in the first year of his career, and he won the film king in the second year. The films we made are not high-quality, but they are absolutely worthy of his acting skills.

He has always been a man of no choice but to make films. He had expressed before that he didn't want to shoot with Xia Siyu, but it didn't take long to start shooting. There were still two films and a variety show. The time was so intensive that he spent half a year with Xia Siyu. Although receiving drama and variety show may be the consideration of script, team, director, funding or other relevant factors, I only see such a direct regret here once.

What's more, when did Mr. Bo express that he didn't want to find a partner and couldn't be single all his life? It was in November last year, about after shooting "spring light" in Northwest China with Xia Siyu. Before that, he had never expressed his views on his lover or family. And this kind of expression has been said more than once in many interviews. I really don't believe that he doesn't have any mood swings.

Moreover, although it is widely spread that he and Xia Siyu have a bad relationship, the last time Xia Siyu and Shang Feier broke up and jumped out to explain who they are? It's Mr. Bo who released a picture of their rehearsal. Does Xia Siyu and Shang Feier have anything to do with Mr. Bo? No matter how the two actresses tear each other, he can't affect himself. But he took the initiative. Don't tell me it's because Shang fei'er is his brother's girlfriend. Before Shang fei'er's love had twists and turns, teacher Bo didn't say a word.

In addition, when it comes to love, Xia Siyu never denies it. Except for the dispute between Shang Feier's predecessor and the present, she takes the initiative to explain the relationship. Moreover, Han Yifan, Shang Feier's current boyfriend, is Mr. Bo's best friend. If she comes out to explain the situation, will Mr. Bo also consider it.

Xia Siyu once replied that her first love was "under the age of 30 (teacher Bo was under 30 at that time), very rich, a member of the circle, and had worked with her.". She and Mr. Bo are both n-big, and Mr. Bo has said many times that his first love was when he was reading. I have a bold idea. Would they have known each other in those years? Maybe they were not lovers at that time, but maybe they had a good feeling. "

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