Xia Siyu was calm: "what am I afraid of? I'm all pigtails, and I'm afraid to be caught by her? Other places are hard to say, but in the entertainment industry, why did she bring me down? With her little brother with three white eyes and a crooked nose? "

She's not as good as she used to be. She was the love bean of "pure jade girl" in those years. Her image was damaged by the collapse of renshe, and it was a bit hard for her career. But now, she has a lot of black powder. People all know that she's overbearing and vicious. She's been involved in gossip for several rounds. Her personal image doesn't exist at all.

If she wants to beat her again, she will be afraid of a few negative news unless she breaks the law, commits a crime, surrogacy, goes against public order and good customs?

Wei Jingjing is speechless, so her negative news has become her protective color. The image problem that other stars worry about is that Xia Siyu is nothing but drizzle. It's not enough to tickle her. The only tragedy is that their staff have to help her wipe her farts.

But as long as xiasiyu doesn't fall down, they are a little tired and have money anyway. With her current traffic and status, it is very difficult to completely disappear from the entertainment industry. Fear that she will be retaliated by the other party is better than fear that she will be physically attacked by the other party.

Even if the affair with Bo Yan is made public, Bo Yan is the worst drag. After all, xiasiyu has more lice and is not afraid to bite, but Bo Yan is a high-quality idol and the dream lover of fans.

She's not afraid at all.

Two groups of people left in such a staggered way. Later, she went back to her hotel room and told Bo Yan about it.

In fact, Bo Yan has been investigating the Jiang family since he finished the investigation on Li Weiyi and the Li family. Jiang's family is engaged in the entertainment industry. Bo Yan and Xia Siyu both know how deep the industry is. The film and television industry can not be measured by the same quantitative standards as the Internet, technology companies and other real industries. It stresses human feelings, teamwork and creation. Unless the national policy is tightened, even if there are major accidents, such as tax evasion, financial report fraud and capital extortion, it will be difficult to crack down thoroughly. At most, it can only suppress the stock price.

However, it is not impossible to operate.

Bo Yan said to Xia Siyu, "although they can't threaten you for the time being, they are not afraid of thieves. They are afraid of thieves. She's obviously here for you this time. "

"Come to me, come to me. I'm afraid of her? How can her brother be popular just like that? Xiao Hong depends on holding, Da Hong depends on life, and Qiang Peng is punished by heaven. Even if you've been on seventeen or eighteen face brushing programs and TV, you won't be remembered if you don't have any strength. "

Xia Siyu said with a smile: "besides, I'm not stupid. I can't hire more bodyguards."

The last sentence made Bo Yan laugh. "When do you turn it on?" he asked

Xia Siyu said: "it was originally yesterday, but director Ji found a geomantic master somewhere and made a divination. He said that only the day after tomorrow at noon is auspicious time, and no other time. I said it's superstition, but they believe it, and I can't help it. " This is the southwest border. It's very close to Thailand. It's really deeply influenced by Tibetan Buddhism. There are also rumors about witchcraft and witchcraft.

"Noon the day after tomorrow I'm on the same day. I don't know who's going to finish shooting first when I turn on the camera together? "

Xia Siyu said, "of course it's you. You can make a literary film. I have war scenes on my side. I want to shoot. "

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