Bo Yan was pounced on by her and stepped back several steps. He quickly reached for her waist again. It seemed like a hug. In fact, it was to "fix" her so as to prevent her from acting too much and frightening the people around her.

Although the directors and screenwriters who discussed with them were all their own, they knew they were together for a long time. But Xia Siyu didn't get along very well with him. He even quarreled because he didn't know how to rehearse well. In the workplace, both of them are very serious. They don't talk about their work as a public love, but practice their acting skills steadfastly.

Sometimes the quarrel is so fierce that the director shivers. Bo Yan usually can unconditionally let Xia Siyu, only when working can't.

But fortunately, neither of them is a child. If Xia Siyu finds out that she is wrong, she will admit it directly. If both sides are right, but their ideas are different, they will choose the best option in the later running in.

Even, in order to perform the tension of being at arm's length, no one cares how they get along with each other when they go back, but they will deliberately treat each other coldly. This is the first time that they see such a warm Xia Siyu. Bo Yan finally pulls her down. Xia Siyu gives him a kiss and a kiss.

Although the people in the next circle didn't see it, they couldn't help but want to see it. Who doesn't want to see handsome men and beautiful women standing together? The essence of human being is drug addicted chicken.

After the meeting, we didn't eat all night in order to make a play. This is also the last scene, so we made an appointment to have a dinner together. Xia Siyu seemed really happy. He drank two more bottles of happy wine.

Bo Yan just went to the bathroom. When she came back, she had already talked to the director PK. Even the beer guy can only drink one bottle of beer at most. When Bo Yan rushes by, she has finished a bottle of wine.

The point is, this guy had a drink and a bottle of it when he was eating before

However, when Bo Yan pressed her restless paw and Xia Siyu called him "husband" with bright eyes, his bottom line was lowered a little. But he was still adamant: "only one more drink."

Xia Siyu smiles on his face: "my husband is the best!"

Thin speech shape seems to dislike to pull her down from his body, pulled a paper towel to wipe her Pro saliva.

But Xia Siyu secretly drank one more cup, another, and another, he didn't stop him. Just look at Xia Siyu's drunkenness. If she is drunk, he will not let her continue.

After a midnight snack, even though the two of them are now semi open, he still respects Xia Siyu's meaning and doesn't give paparazzi an opportunity. Fortunately, before supper was in the box, when he came out, he specially asked two female assistants to help her get on the car and let Xiao Tang drive her back to the hotel.

He asked song Fengzhi to drive around a few more times. When he was almost done, he went to the convenience store next to him, bought some snacks and drinks, knocked on the window of the paparazzi and handed things in.

"At night, it's hard."

Before, Xia Siyu was too hard tempered and had a bad relationship with paparazzi. Whenever something happened, she would be left behind and the media would follow suit. Bo Yan can't change her, but he can help her repair her relationship. Keep a line in everything, and meet later. , the fastest update of the webnovel!