Xia Siyu looked happy. The feeling of life and death was completely forgotten. She immediately asked, "then I'll eat roast lamb chops! Put more pepper!"

Think of the lamb chop sprinkled with cumin pepper, Zizi and oil, and the delicious taste is almost swallowing your tongue.

Wei Jingjing has no objection. Generally, Xia Siyu eats diet meals and beef and mutton, but the roast lamb chops are obviously fat.

Forget it, she's rarely frightened. Just eat!

Xia Siyu saw that she didn't object and went further: "bake me another pig's hoof. Marinate it first and then bake it. It tastes the best!"

She looked back at Wei Jingjing. There was something wrong in her eyes, and gave her a smiling explanation: "I almost got hurt in my hand just now. They all said to make up for the shape with shape. I don't want to make up for my body."

Wei quietly said, "you can make another brain flower for her."

Xia Siyu also nodded: "yes, make a spicy one and put more millet and pepper!"

She's drooling. He also explained: "I almost rolled my hair in just now."

Wei Jingjing said coldly, "yes, stupid as a pig. Eat more pig brain flowers to replenish your brain."

Xia Siyu could hear the difference no matter how stupid she was, but fortunately, Wei Jingjing scolded and scolded. She gave her the roast lamb chops and roast pig feet, and really got a bowl of brain flowers.

Xia Siyu said with a smile, "it's nice to have a quiet home."

Wei quietly tilted her mouth. If she didn't lose weight, she would never allow her to eat indiscriminately.

If Xia Siyu orders by herself, it will not be a cheating meal a week, but a cheating meal every day - it's not her brain, but herself.


After lunch, Xia Siyu changed into a spare costume, rearranged her hair style and made up again.

During her make-up, Wang Ju found a double to walk, tried the angle again and again, adjusted Weiya, adjusted lighting and photography, and let Xia Siyu come up again when it was determined that it was completely safe.

By this time, it was almost 4 p.m.

Fortunately, it's summer now. Even at four o'clock, the sky is bright. Because he tossed several times in the middle, Wang Ju looked serious this time: "go over it again! Shoot well, try to go over it again!"

In fact, even if he didn't go over it again, he was embarrassed to stay Xia Siyu again. Just now she and Wei Jingjing discussed the booking time, and he had heard it. After all, stars have announcements. Maybe there are other business activities that can't be shirked. Besides, she was almost in danger just now. She was very proud to continue shooting.

But Xia Siyu was very serious. He wore a costume and looked serious. He soon flipped and leaped in the sky. His toes pointed on the treetops. After shuttling, he seemed to see something. At the moment of turning back, his mask was scraped off by a branch and fell to the ground, revealing a surprised, calm and domineering face. Even the eyes, also from the beginning of the cold and sharp, to the back when flying away, there is a trace of confusion, excessive is very natural. Even the flying hair and clothes are very elegant.

"Card! -" Wang Ju shouted card. At first, he was worried that Xia Siyu would not dare to act. Later, he found that she didn't play the just accident at all. It was very natural. This time, the expression was even more perfect than before: "good, hard work."

But Xia Siyu's toes haven't landed yet. He first asked, "is this OK?"

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