"If it's not suitable, don't be with her. Just like I like a girl with a little plumpness and don't want her to be too thin, you probably don't suit me."

In fact, the female reporter is slightly fat. When he said this, he also praised each other. The female reporter was really very happy by him, but she also said: "you have cooperated with her many times, but if the three views are inconsistent, how can you cooperate very happily?"

When it comes to cooperation, it's better to say "falling in love". The reporter just wants to see how Bo Yan answers. If he prefers Xia Siyu, doesn't it mean that he admits what he is licking the dog? If he denies, what is his cooperation during this period? What do you think?

Bo Yan said: "Xia Siyu was very serious and spiritual when filming. I have made several plays with her. Her completion of each role is very good. Variety shows, this is the second cooperation. She fights wits and courage with the program team, which is very interesting."

He means that work is work and life is life. Sometimes a person's personal morality is very bad, which doesn't mean that he does his work badly. These are two different things. What's more, Xia Siyu's private morality is no problem. She just likes to talk wildly.

The reporter asked, "so you agree with her three views?"

Bo Yan smiled: "you are asking me about my cooperation, and I answered truthfully. What does this have to do with Sanguan? Moreover, there are many people who have cooperated with her more than once, and there are several on the scene."

It's true. The wife of the old couple used to cooperate with Xia Siyu to play her mother. Shang Feier didn't mention it, so did Zhou Weiwei, and even Han Yifan, who came from college.

Han Yifan really nodded: "yes, she was like this in college. She didn't talk to the door."

He is Bo Yan's good friend and Xia Siyu's senior.

Work belongs to work and private affairs belong to private affairs. These journalists don't even know this. They just want to forcibly prove that Xia Siyu has something to do with Bo Yan.

The reporters had no choice but to embarrass them directly at the press conference. After asking other guests several groups of questions, he turned his eyes around his teammates again: "excuse me, Siyu, why do you want to participate in this program?"

Xia Siyu's answer was still like yesterday: "they gave too much." didn't she say everything about the pilot films? Do you have to ask?

The other party said, "but this is a love reserve. It's a love program. You should know what it means?"

Xia Siyu asked, "then I want to ask you what the three words' reserve 'mean? You should know what it means?"

The other side walked around her and said, "it depends on whether what you think is the same as what I think."

Xia Siyu said, "I don't care what you mean. I mean it anyway."

These two people go around in circles, and Xia Siyu's culture has gradually grown since she studied. She is no longer the guy who was provoked to swear by his words in the morning.

Even the host was amused, but he didn't continue to circle with Xia Siyu, but looked at Bo Yan: "but I'm surprised that Mr. Bo also came to this program."

"You gave me a lot." that's what they said in the pilot film. After everyone laughed, Bo Yan replied, "but I really think it's time to get old."

To what age, to love and get married?

The reporters were hooked up and asked Bo Yan, "excuse me, Mr. Bo, are you in love now?"

Bo Yan shook his head: "No."

They didn't believe it and turned to Xia Siyu: "does Siyu have plans to fall in love now?"

Xia Siyu snorted, "I also said I had plans to have a daughter. Do you believe it?"

She didn't lie. She really did, but the reporter didn't believe it.

"Because it's really fascinating for the two to participate in this love variety show, and they also had relevant rumors before. Although they are 'reserve', it's easy to think more."

Xia Siyu took the microphone and said, "do you want me to tell the truth? No. not now, not in the foreseeable future."

Nonsense, if she's in love, she won't be destroyed by thin words? That's a fresh and hot green hat. Now she can't fall in love at will. She's not for sale.

Looking at Bo Yan again, Bo Yan smiled: "I do have the idea of starting a family and business, but this is not the time to fall in love."

What they both said was not the present continuous tense or the future tense, but the past continuous tense.

Because it has been completed, these beautiful ideas should not appear in the form of love, so there is nothing wrong with denial.

On stage, in fact, Han yipan and Zhou Weiwei both know about Xia Siyu, but Han yipan won't say, and Zhou Weiwei dare not say.

Although she is a little jealous of Xia Siyu, she also knows that if this kind of words are exposed, after provoking Xia Siyu, some of her previous black materials will also be turned out by Xia Siyu in an instant.

Xia Siyu's blood is thick. Anyway, she is used to being scolded. She has a face and fame. Now her acting skills have been practiced. Her position is very stable. Unless she violates the law and discipline, it's difficult to lose it.

But she is different. A little black material can kill her. Apart from others, Li Weiyi was her ex boyfriend. If Xia Siyu hadn't been in front, she would have collapsed.

Although she did not dare to disclose the news, she did not want to stand up for "deep sisterhood" as in the past. How to say, although she understands that Xia Siyu is the flow at this time, if she sticks to her, she will increase the exposure. However, she just doesn't want to rub Xia Siyu's fame. She wants to rely on herself and win over her, not just a pendant and attendant around Xia Siyu.

Another reporter wanted to speak enthusiastically. Bo Yan smiled: "the next thing is to watch the main film in the evening. It will be wonderful to leave a little suspense for the program."

He refused to answer, and the time for the program group was up, so he had to give it up. After that, the guests took a big group photo together. Xia Siyu still smiled heartlessly.

However, the program team still bought a clear hot search for Xia Siyu, for fear that more people will boycott it when it comes to the main film in the evening. This guy is a double-edged sword, which is not only a flow, but also a curse.

However, when the feature film was broadcast in the evening, Xia Siyu was scolded miserably.

She had just arrived at the place. Regardless of her teammates, she went for a walk by herself. When Bo Yan finished lunch, she took a nap by herself. She lay down all day without doing any work. In particular, Bo Yanfen was so distressed that he sent Xia Siyu to hot search again.

But Xia Siyu's action really perfectly fulfilled her mate selection standard: I want to lick the dog!

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