The next level is similar to bungee jumping, which is called jumping through the atmosphere, rising to the highest point, almost at the top of the castle tower, and then falling instantly. The effect is similar to bungee jumping.

This time, Xia Siyu also volunteered to play.

If it is normal, she can die with Bo Yan. But unfortunately, this is in the work, personal emotions can not be brought into the work. Fortunately, this is a variety show, not a movie. You should enter the play anytime and anywhere. You must not mix your personal emotions. Variety show... Of course not. However, in reality TV, it doesn't matter to occasionally bring a little harmless emotion. Although her face is smelly, she is definitely the first to rush in front of the task.

Not only rushed to the front, she also moved her wrist and pinched her wrist. She wants to make complaints about it: "I hope this can stimulate the point." the old lady can not fight with one hundred and eighty fist, the better the better.

Although this level doesn't have to roll backwards like a roller coaster, it is still a difficult mode for patients with acrophobia. Zhou Weiwei, who originally wanted to try, immediately counseled. She looked at the director and hoped that this level was still the registration mode.

The director can't let the two levels have the same selection mechanism and immediately announce: "this time it's a draw, and the people who win will go up."

Xia Si Yu slightly make complaints about Tucao: "go up two, do not have to chant, what to draw?"

Xia Siyu looked calm and walked forward with a sign. It was Shang Feier's turn to smoke. Zhou Weiwei looked forward to her getting it. As a result, Shang Feier pulled out a "small" and she smiled: "it seems that I signed it."

She turned back and swept in front of Zhou Weiwei, with a look of good play on her face. She really didn't like Zhou Weiwei very much. After being with Han Yifan, she heard him talk about Zhou Weiwei occasionally. In fact, it's no big deal. There are many such villains in the entertainment industry. Meet each other at work and have less contact in the future.

Zhou Weiwei and the elder went to get the remaining two signatures at the same time. She was really a little nervous and didn't dare to see them. Until the elder nearby shouted, "it's me!"

When she opened her eyes and saw that her signature was "small", she was relieved: she escaped another disaster.

Xia Siyu and the elder, one with his chin raised and one face dragging, went to the machine. The elder next to me was obviously afraid. He carefully confirmed whether the safety measures had been in place.

When they got on the plane, they brought the go-pro and headset as usual. The director will give orders to them below.

Then, the machine rose slowly in an uneasy and afraid face and an indifferent face. This machine will first reach the highest point, then instantly fall to one-third of the position, then rise to two-thirds, reach the top for the last time, fall directly to the bottom this time, then recover to half the distance, and then fall slowly.

Three ups and downs, give enough stimulation.

Moreover, the instructions given by the director were stimulating enough. Xia Siyu heard them clearly in his headphones. He said: "this time, you need two to make three expressions. Each time you reach the highest point, the first time is to cry, the second time is to laugh, and the third time you need to shout a word. You can't complete a task without one task."

"What?" the elder didn't hear very clearly, but he rose to the highest point at this time. Xia Siyu frowned at the camera at will. Before the reaction from the next door came, he immediately fell down.

It has to be said that compared with the rollover of the roller coaster, the impact of speed and instantaneous weightlessness may not be stimulated by so many modes compared with the roller coaster, but it is a bit like the feeling of one force falling for ten meetings in martial arts novels. The impact of that instant falling is even more a feeling of dying.

When you fall behind and then go up, the predecessors next to you are basically no longer human. Just hold the guardrail at hand, close your eyes and wait for the next more violent impact. What makes an expression? Does not exist.

But Xia Siyu, just after falling, seemed to find a feeling. It was rare that Yang spilled a smile: "cool!"

This expression is really sunny. With the light beam of the sun, it has a feeling of full vitality - if it is not for the people next to her, they look blank and close their eyes and shout, as if she is completely different from the painting style of the people around her.

Fell again and came up again. After two ups and downs, especially the second time fell by two-thirds. Most people didn't even have the strength to scream. And this time, I have to shout a word.

This sentence, when Xia Siyu rose to the highest point and saw the light all over the sky, she finally shouted the sentence that had hovered in her heart for a long time: "Bo Yan, you son of a bitch! --"

This sentence roared a magnificent mountain and river, gnashing his teeth and feeling very angry. After shouting, I felt that the people around her were shocked by her.

You know, there are other guests sitting in the next seat, and they all know that the person who came up is Xia Siyu.

Xia Siyu and Bo Yan have a long history of gratitude and resentment, but now this sentence is roared out by her. It seems that she has inexplicably brought some CP pink filter, the best annotation of flirting.

The director group below also heard this sentence behind the camera and was almost surprised to jump down.

Shit, no wonder these two people didn't prepare any surprises at all. What surprises can compare with the details displayed everywhere in life?

When I finally came down, the elder still had soft legs, but his expression was a little more meaningful. Other tourists nearby, with a melon eating face, also wanted to see her cool.

But don't mention it. After yelling, he did decompress. At least Xia Siyu became refreshed after he just reached the highest point and scolded that sentence.

The side effect of refreshing is that she still wants to sit in more exciting things and go to more fun projects.

As we all know, the most difficult thing for such an amusement park is to queue up. Even if you buy an ordinary express ticket, you still need to queue up for a long time.

But Xia Siyu, they go through the most expensive VIP express. They don't need to queue up. They go directly wherever they go. If it is the general people jump in like this, it will cause Tucao, but they are stars after all. They make complaints about it.

There is no need to queue up. It can quickly complete the most exciting projects in the park in one day.

After several projects, it is not a roller coaster or a building jumping machine. Zhou Weiwei can volunteer to play two this time.

When the women's team ran several trips and reached the last level, it just met the men's team. The people on both sides also gathered in front of the "puppet house" checkpoint.

This is the hardcore of the whole park, the most famous, but also the least played: haunted house., the fastest update of the webnovel!