145. Peace of Mind

Name:Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG Author:
145. Peace of Mind

Omen: 6, 7

“Damn,” Adam whispered as he awoke, staring at the Omen numbers.

“Are you feeling unlucky today?” Sonarot asked.

“Yeah...” He sighed. “I guess I’ll...” His eyes fell to Sonarot and Lanarot. “Could I see what you do with Lanarot today?”

Sonarot stared at Adam with a little confusion. It would be quite boring to follow her around as she looked after Lanarot, but he had been close to the girl.

‘To think my Nephew is so sweet.’ She wondered just how jealous the other Iyrmen would be. It was always difficult for them to have their older children to take interest in their siblings when they were babies.

“Okay,” she said. “Since you are so eager.”

Adam smiled. He didn’t really know the daily life of his sister, but it would reveal much about how a mother and a child worked in the Iyr. At least, that’s what he had hoped.

“You can go and train for a short while, unless you wish to see her sleep?”

“Alright,” Adam said, nodding his head. “I’ll be back soon.”

Adam and the others went to train, Dunes and Jonn joining them as per usual. They had been working out daily, with some light workouts, though Dunes and Jonn were eager to train harder, joining Jurot, Kitool, and Jaygak to spar harder.

Adam bathed quickly before heading back to the Rot house, where he saw Lanarot was up and currently feeding from her mother.

Adam, feeling awkward, went to check on his items, which had been set into a chest which had been locked and wrapped in a blanket.

“Oh,” Adam said, staring at all the gems. “I forgot I was so rich.”

“You have so much gold,” Sonarot said, smiling at him. “Don’t spend it all.”

“I won’t,” Adam said. “I need to make sure I have enough for retirement.”

“Sometimes I worry you might spoil Lanarot too much.”

“Is there such a thing?”

“As long as you do not starve, it should be okay.”

“If it means she won’t starve, then that’s fine.”

“You will not be in such a situation.”

“I hope not.”

“You worry too much, Adam.”

“Perhaps I do...” Adam rubbed his chin. “I’m not super strong yet, so I’m worried that I can’t protect her, especially with these ears of mine.” He wiggled his ears at his Aunt.

“Your race is quite hated in this land.”

“Yeah.” Adam sighed. “I don’t want that bothering her.”

“Who would bother Lanarot with such matters?” Sonarot asked.

“Those who shoot first and ask questions later. I could see a time when someone sees me with a child, notices my ears, and they do something bad to her. I don’t trust the people of this land that much.”

“You are more cautious than I expected,” Sonarot admitted. “If it means Lanarot is safe, I do not mind it so much.” She brushed her daughter’s hair, looking at her sleepy face.

Adam couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread. “I can’t become too powerful too quickly either...”

“Due to Chaos?”

Sonarot smiled, beaming at the others, showing off her sweet Nephew to them all.

The other Iyrmen stared at her, wondering just how lucky she had gotten.

“You should not be so humble,” Shikan said. “You should accept the compliment into your story.”

“My story...” Adam replied. ‘Right. I’m a Nephew of the Rot family, so my story will be in theirs too?’

“It is good to see you are finally resting,” Shikan said. “Sonarot keeps telling us that you work too hard and have yet to relax appropriately.”

Sonarot narrowed her eyes slightly towards Shikan who had slipped out her worries.

Adam cleared his throat. “Yeah, I don’t feel lucky today so I was planning on taking it easy.”

“Lucky?” Shikan asked.

Adam nodded. “Fate isn’t on my side today, so I decided against doing anything too important.”

Citool nodded her head. “You have done so much for us already, Adam. Why?”

“Have I?” Adam asked, rubbing his chin. “Well, I think it was quite fun to play with the children. I think it’s a good idea for older siblings to play with the younger siblings every so often, so when I saw that no one was doing it, I thought I may as well play with them. Plus, I got to learn the games that the children play, so I learnt a little more about the Iyr.”

“I was speaking of your enchanting,” Citool said. “Seekerstaff.”

“And Bloodseeker,” Jogak said.

“Oh,” Adam said, flushing slightly red. “Right, I did that too, didn’t I?” He scratched his cheek.

Citool smiled, wondering if he was doing it on purpose, but seeing as he was so embarrassed, it was probably accidental.

Adam shrugged. “I didn’t want to die, that’s all. With Kitool and Jaygak wielding magical weapons, chances are I’ll survive the next encounter. Plus, it would feel weird that Jurot and I have a magical weapon when I could make a magical weapon for the two and still have plenty of money leftover.”

“Which we thank you for,” Jogak said, though he was still suspicious of Adam.

“Yes,” Citool agreed. “We cannot thank you enough.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Adam replied. “It was my selfish desire that I wanted them to have magical weapons.”

“When my son is worthy, I will come to request a weapon,” Shikan said. “How much will you charge?"

"Offer me a fair price and I'll accept. Since you're my Aunt's friends, of course I'll give a discount." Adam nodded.

"There is no need for it,” Shikan said.

"They may be no need for it, but there is a want of it," Adam replied. “Since I’m the one forcing the discount, you don’t have to worry about it.”

“Our sons have already gone to adventure,” Lojin said. “They have gone far to the east to make their name, and they will not return for many years. When that time comes, I will also hire you.”

Adam smiled. “When that time comes, I hope I’ll still be able to face them both at the same time.”

Lojin threw his head back in raucous laughter, causing the children to turn to him, and some began to cry due to how much it sounded like a roar.

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Adam begins to seduce the other uncles and aunts.

FYI, I'm still figuring out capitalisations for different stuff. I try to capitalise titles, races, and names of beasts.

However, for the Iyr, they have awkward naming schemes.

Adam is a Nephew, which is different to a nephew, because Nephew is a title within the Iyr which has a specific meaning.