568. Preliminaries X

Name:Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG Author:
568. Preliminaries X

Adam glanced between the guards, Jurot, and Sir Landon. The group were drinking tea together, eating the snacks provided by the arena, various fruits cut small and fried dough snacks.

‘What is going on?’

Jurot spoke their tale, stating his personal involvement clearly, while vaguely brushing past Adam’s actions. He understood the game which was being played, and though it annoyed the captain, she couldn’t help but admire his audacity. Learning more about Jurot did end up telling her more about Adam too, since there seemed to be a deep connection between the pair.

“Are any of yours in the Hundred Iyrmen?” Clara asked.

“My grandfather is fighting in the war,” Jurot confirmed.

“The same grandfather you mentioned?”


“He’s fighting in the war with one arm?”


Clara blinked. ‘Iyrmen are crazy.’ “Is he strong?”


“The old geezer’s pretty strong,” Adam confirmed. “He’s one of only two guys to beat me in the last few years. Him, and a... Demigod?” Adam looked to Jurot.

“Idol,” Jurot corrected.

“An Idol?” Clara squinted her eyes. She was sure she had heard the term before, but couldn’t quite recall it.

“Those greater than Paragons,” Jurot explained. “Such as the Golden Dragon which protects the capital, Lord Stokmar, and other Greater Dragons and Demigods which roam the land.”

“That guy was one hell of a monster,” Adam said, his voice low.

“He is stronger than even the previous King’s Sword,” Jurot said, crossing his arms as he tensed up. He recalled the flames which had engulfed him.

“Now, now, Iyrman, you can’t say that,” a guard said. “The Traitor King was the greatest King’s Sword to date, even if he’s currently rebelling.”

“Jurot would know, since the Traitor King used two Fourth Gate spells to defeat him,” Adam said, smirking slightly. “You can ask Sir Landon, since he was around at the time.”

Sir Landon nodded, confirming their words.

Jurot had merely stated he had the chance to spar with the King’s Sword, and said no more as he continued the topic. Yet, to think the King’s Sword had to use two Fourth Gate spells against him, it was unbelievable.

“A fellow stronger than even Sir Merryweather?” Clara asked.


“His fire was so strong that it knocked me out in a single burst,” Adam stated, his face souring at the memory.

“Fire? They say the south is being protected by someone known as the Fire Lord.” Clara stared at the pair, wondering if they knew anything about the figure. From what she gathered, the figure may be the same.Fịndd new updates at novelhall.coma’s father,” Jurot stated.

“Who is-,”

“What?” Adam interrupted the captain, his eyes snapping to Jurot. “He’s Shama’s dad?”


“You’re talking about the old man from the village? The one you drew your axe against? Asa?” Adam asked. He remembered their first meeting. Though the old man seemed to be quite mysterious and dangerous, he had been rather nice to them. ‘He’s Shama’s dad?’


“Damn,” Adam whispered. “There really are mountains beyond mountains.”

Jurot nodded. Though Adam’s statements were weird, they did make some sense to the Iyrman.

As they stepped up to the nearby room, Adam paused. He recalled something he had been told earlier in the year. “Is it true that Lord Stokmar made half of all the mountains in Aswadasad?”




“Okay?” Kitool asked as the pair stepped inside.

“Okay,” Jurot replied.

“Where are Nobby and the others?” Adam asked.

“They went to fight.”

“Ah! Did you bet on my behalf?”

“We did,” Vonda assured.


“Did you kill the man?” Vonda asked.

Adam frowned. “No.”

Vonda bowed her head. “I knew you had not, but I wished to hear you say it.”

“I don’t feel comfortable killing people around you,” Adam said. “I barely feel comfortable killing animals.”

Vonda continued to smile towards the Half Elf, though her face was covered by her scarf.

“Let’s hope I don’t get into any more trouble,” Adam said. The group made their way up to the first floor in order to watch the fights, while Jurot and the others went to the walls for their fights.

“Did they ask you many questions?” Vonda asked.

“Yeah. It was really weird. They accused me of murder, and pretty quickly Sir Landon dealt with it. Then we started talking about my story.”

Vonda understood it must have been because of that. Some noble or another may have tried to embarrass Adam, but it was more than likely to try and gain more information about him.

Eventually, it was time for the older Iyrmen to fight.

“Sponsored by Marquis Logan Bluewater, the young knight groomed by the late, great Knight of the East, Sir Devon Clearsea!”

‘What’s with all these names being based on water and the sea?’

“Sponsored by Sir Landon Littlesea, the Iyrman with skin of steel, Chief Executive Officer Jurot!”

“Oh!” Adam stood up. “Let’s go! Woo! Jurot!”

“Sir Devon Clearsea is the nephew of the now deceased Knight of the East,” Vonda said.

“Is he strong?”

“He is,” Vonda said, noting the prying ears on their conversation. She decided against adding more, not wanting to draw more attention to them.

“I’m still betting gold on Jurot, though,” Adam said.

Asa retires to Ever Green before everything goes to hell. Old man can't catch a break.