[734] – Y03.034 – Outbreak IX
Adam stared at the stars above, the same stars Lucy and Mara spent their nights staring at. It wasn’t that long ago when Adam used to lay beside Lanarot in the night while the girl pointed at the stars and babbled.
He recalled a particular question she had asked about the stars.
‘Stahz? Boosh.’
If two stars fought, who would win?
Adam smiled at the thought. ‘Ah, you punk! How can you be so cute?’
“Trouble sleeping?” Jaygak asked, approaching the half elf.
“I just was thinking is all,” Adam replied, still staring at the twinkling stars above, the streaks of colours all across the night sky. It was such a different sky than the sky in his first life, though it had become familiar to him.
Adam glanced towards Jaygak, whose brows were furrowed slightly. “What do you need?” Adam asked, sitting up.
“Nothing,” Jaygak eventually replied, bowing her head lightly to Adam. “Good night, Adam.”
“Good night, Jaygak.” Adam hoisted himself up, making his way to the long shack where many were already fast asleep. He settled himself quietly into his corner. He slept to the thoughts of those who waited for him within the Iyr.
Omen: 2, 14Geett the latest novels at novelhall.comn, that was a lot of XP.’
XP: 11 800
‘Woo, baby. We’re going to be eating good tonight, Bell.’
‘What do you think? Should I start spending this on something fun? Probably could grab Mould Earth?’
XP: 11 800 -> 10 800
Trick learnt!
Trick: Mold Earth
‘Bell, let’s not start any problems...’
Trick: Mold Earth -> Mould Earth
‘Thank you.’
Jurot’s eyes remained glued to his brother. ‘Did he speak with Bell?’
“Jurot,” Adam called, motioning with his head to one side. As they passed by the farmers, Adam noted Vonda carving letters into the walls while the farmers watched, listening intently to her explanation of the alphabet.
‘I should have bought more books,’ Adam thought. He wrote within his journal, slipping it back into his shirt a moment later.
Jurot waited patiently in the corner with his brother. Adam unstrapped Strong Shield and offered it to the Iyrman.
Jurot retreated from the wall, making his way out to meet with the singular tribesfolk who had approached their outpost. They conversed for a moment, partly with their hands, before Jurot returned back to the outpost.
“The tribesfolk wish to claim the tyrantboar.”
Adam raised his brows expectantly.
Jurot bowed his head. “We will allow them to claim it.”
“So we’ll deal with the rest?” Adam asked. “How are they going to pull the tyrantboar aside?”
“They will not,” Jurot admitted. “We Iyrmen will assist them in their outpost.”
Adam frowned slightly, unsure of how he felt about the Iyrmen leaving them for some suspicious tribesfolk. However, if he couldn’t trust Jurot’s words, who could he trust? “Okay.”
The Iyrmen swiftly made their preparations as they made to leave. Jurot placed a hand on Nobby’s shoulder, bowing his head gently, before leaving for the other outpost.
“Adam,” Jaygak called.
Jaygak smirked. “Kavgak’s going to hear such a great story from me.”
“...” Adam narrowed his eyes, wondering if he should force his way to the other outpost.
Jaygak clasped his forearm, glancing around towards the rest of the group. “Dunes, Sir Vonda, we’ll leave the outpost in your care.”
The pair of priests bowed their heads gently in response, while Adam fumed, thinking of how to get his revenge.
“If the tyrantboar aims for us, will you assist?” Dunes asked.
“If the tyrantboar is smart enough to avoid us, it will still have to deal with a father who wishes to bring back a great story,” Jaygak replied, before her eyes fell across the group. She wasn’t sure which half of the group was stronger. Those born and bred for war and death, or the group which remained, filled with the likes of a Demon Lord, members of prestigious orders, farmers and porters, and finally, a fool of a father.
“Don’t have too much fun without me,” Adam called out, waving as the young Iyrmen made their way out. “Except for you Bavin, you’re allowed to have as much fun as you like.”
Bavin flushed slightly as he made his way to the other outpost.
‘The tribesfolk aren’t stupid enough to try anything with the Iyrmen, are they?’
“It’s time for us to shine,” Lucy said, holding her giant axe in hand. “Don’t you worry at all, my dear followers, I will protect you!”
“Lucy, don’t be cringe,” Adam said, before quickly glancing to his companions. “We’ll have Nobby, Lucy, and Mara hold the front line this time. Jonn, Fred, you both deal with one wall, I’ll deal with the other.” Adam donned his magical shield. “Amira, if you’d be so kind as to watch over our dear priests, that would be stellar. The wolves will keep an eye out and Zeus and the other magical steeds will support whichever side needs it.”
“I’m not cringe,” Lucy replied, hoisting Great Destroyer over her shoulder. “You’re cringe.”
“I’m not sure if my Fireballs are going to work so we’re going to have to actually work hard today.” Adam began to stretch as the creatures approached, only a few minutes away at most.
Sir Vonda and Dunes began their prayers to empower the front line, Adam feeling his body swell with strength.
Health: 91 -> 96
‘I’ve almost broken a century,’ Adam thought, rolling his shoulders. ‘It’s so awkward that my best stuff won’t be as useful...’ Adam held out Wraith in hand, feeling the weight of the axe. His heart began to throb, sweat pouring across the back of his neck.
“Adam!” Lucy shouted, feeling the divine magic within her. “The one who kills the most gets to keep the biggest fang.” She grinned wide.
“How can you say such a thing in front of Sir Vonda, our Priest of Life?” Adam replied, returning a smile.
“Who am I?” Lucy asked. “I’m the Demo-,” she began, only to remember who she was amongst. “I’m Lucy, damn it!”
I thought this chapter was a different chapter and was so excited. You'll have to wait for a little while longer for that.