[870] – Y03.170 – The Front I

Name:Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG Author:
[870] – Y03.170 – The Front I

“We should return tomorrow,” Sonarot said.

“So soon?” Adam asked.

“It has been long enough.”

“I suppose it’s like that...”

“It is best for the children to return to the Iyr.”


Sonarot waited patiently for Adam to continue, noting the awkwardness in the air.

“Are my children going to stay in the fort from now on?” Adam asked.

“You wish to take my greatchildren from me?” Jarot asked, growling quietly.

“You can visit them whenever you want.”

“With these legs of mine?”

“Don’t make this more awkward.”

“I am allowed to make it so, for I am a crippled old man and you wish to take away from me my greatest joy?”

“Isn’t Churot your greatest joy?”

“Will you take him from me?”

Adam smirked slightly. “Perhaps I can?”

“You cannot,” Churot replied.

Jarot reached out to stroke his grandson’s hair gently, all the while Adam ignored the old man’s smile.

‘Seriously, this old geezer...’ “It’s not like I can fight that. I wanted them to live here, since they’re my kids, but it is probably best for the children to stay at the estate...” ‘It’s probably better for me to move around than for the kids to move around. They need the stability of staying in one place while they’re young, and they might feel lonely without all the other children around. The Portians didn’t play with them much so I guess it’s fine?’

Omen: 10, 20

“We’re going to be heading back into the Iyr. I’m going to spend a little bit of time with my children, I’ve been holding back too much since I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of you all.” Adam beamed towards them with a smile.

‘He’s definitely not joking.’

It was a thought which passed through most of their minds.

“We’ll figure out how to send you all out safely so you can speak to your families and bring them to the business, and of course the contracts that you’ll need to sign. We’re still figuring out the specifics, especially since we’re not wholly certain about the pay structure between all the different levels, but I’m sure you know we won’t jib you.” Adam paused. “Gab you?” Adam paused a little longer. ‘What’s the phrase?’ “Stiff you, right.”

‘Stiff us?’

“We’ll be working hard to make sure your families live great lives within the business, I assure you. Until then, please be patient.” Adam was unsure of what else to say. He glanced to the side, noting the other figures. The Aswadians were to remain at the fort with Vonda, while the Iyrmen promised to watch over the fort with a few of their own for now, though the protection would lighten over time.

‘They’re already doing so much for me... I’ll need to work harder.’

Tariel began to question Adam using her book, writing down within it, while Adam replied verbally. It had been a while since they last spoke, and Adam had adventured, so he spoke part of the tale, before allowing Jurot to take over to speak of it.


‘Did she write a new wow?’ Adam thought, staring at the piece of paper. He was certain she was holding a new book in hand, one gifted to her by the Iyr.

“What plans do you have now?” Morkarai asked, pouring the group more wine, offering it to Adam once more, though the half elf shook his head. “There is a half year still left, and I do not recall you one to spend a half year within the Iyr.”

“Ah, you know, just working,” Adam replied, shrugging his shoulders. He noted the look within Morkarai’s eyes, and he replied with a smile. “Just this and that.”

“This and that,” Morkarai replied, though he shared a knowing look. “How your children must be so proud of your tales, and of your diverse skills.”

“I hope so. What about you? You still working here?”

“I have changed my mind many times, but I have decided to delay my return until next year. It may be some time before I return to the Iyr, and I may never see many of the figures here, for their lives are short, even for...” Morkarai paused a long moment. “They are of the mortal persuasion who may perhaps reach a century if they are lucky.”

Adam smirked slightly towards the Prince. “You are wise beyond your years, Lord Morkarai. Speaking of which, how old are you?”

“I am bearded,” Morkarai replied.

“Spoken like a true noble.”

“Will you speak with such distaste even for me?”

“You know, Ray Vonda is no longer a noble.”

“A Ray is similar enough.”

“Not the same, though.”

Morkarai chuckled. “It is no surprise she has become a Ray, for she was beside you.”

“You make it sound like I’m a fortune bestowed upon my companions, and not a troublemaker.”

“You are both.”

Adam laughed, before stopping, noting his son yawn within his lap. “It seems my Larot is tired, Lord Morkarai. I’ll put him to bed and then you can tease me and we can drink together.”

Morkarai bowed his head, allowing Adam to leave. He glanced towards Tariel’s book, the young woman having written within it. “No. He may be too busy for such.”

Tariel shrugged, before writing down more.

“Perhaps he could, but you should stay away from him, for your presence together may cause too much trouble. Adam has the Iyr, but you, you are still... what do they call you?”


“Yes, that was it.”


“You have caused enough mess for the Iyr with your presence, Star Tariel.”

Tariel smiled. Compared to Adam’s smirks, hers was far more shameless.