Chapter 766: Planet Ancient Emperor’s Mysterious Ceremony

Name:Beyond the Timescape Author:
Chapter 766: Planet Ancient Emperor’s Mysterious Ceremony

As Xu Qing walked out of the main entrance of the imperial palace, his audience with the emperor was officially over. However, his heart was in turmoil. He felt like there was a wild animal inside of him trying to break out. He did his best to maintain control, keeping his facial expression calm as he walked toward the Captain and Plumdark, who were waiting for him outside. He even smiled.

The Captain seemed distracted, presumably by Xu Qing’s performance. In contrast, Plumdark remained focused.

Therefore, all it took was a single look at Xu Qing for Plumdark to make the decision to leave with him. The Captain stayed, claiming that he wanted to wait for Ningyan. However, given the way the Captain was eying Planet Ancient Emperor with such longing, Xu Qing could imagine that he was probably planning some big job. The look in his eyes was the one that appeared when he was gathering information.

Xu Qing’s audience with the emperor had resulted in significant gains. First, he acquired a title that came with a lot of destiny aura. Second, he confirmed the identity of the imperial preceptor. And third, he acquired The Emperor’s Sword.

That said, Xu Qing wasn’t pleased with his performance, as some things hadn’t gone smoothly. Of even greater significance was that he couldn’t allow his thoughts to calm down. If he did that, his mind would fill with killing intent toward the Crown Prince of Violet and Cyan.

Plumdark, with her keen senses, had picked up on that. It didn’t matter how Xu Qing tried to hide it, she could sense... that there was a tempest raging within him. Thus, she took his hand just as he had done with hers in Forbidden by the Immortal. Warmth seeped into him.

“Let’s go home,” she said.

They exchanged a glance as the wind stirred their hair. Xu Qing took a few breaths, then started walking. As he did, he quietly explained all the details of what had happened.

Plumdark listened attentively. When they got back to Ningyan’s mansion, they stood on the shore of the lake. Plumdark spoke, her voice soft and gentle.

“You handled yourself well when you saw the crow. And I agree with your conclusions. There’s no way the emperor doesn’t know the crow’s true identity. And that means... the two of them must have some sort of deal with each other.

“The fact that the sword wouldn’t stir against the crow isn’t very surprising. The sword is intended to benefit the public, not be used for private situations. It can sense transformations to the destiny aura of humankind, and can be used in critical moments to prevent catastrophes.

“The areas you’re not content with during your meeting with the emperor are, frankly, harmless. I suspect the emperor and the crow are playing a game of Go with each other, and each is focused on their own game pieces.

“When it comes to your killing intent toward the crow, the reality is that until you’re absolutely certain you can kill him, you need to keep yourself safe. Endure the killing intent. That’s the most important thing.

“Our trip here to the imperial capital is destined to be full of twists and turns. But remember, Ah Qing, you’re not in this alone. Whatever you do... I’ll be here with you. If you want to kill the crow, then let’s wait until the right opportunity comes along, and we can do it together!”UppTodated from nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)/m

The surface of the lake shimmered as a fish jumped out of the water, then splashed down, causing ripples to flow out in all directions.

Xu Qing looked at Plumdark and nodded.

The Captain’s eyebrows danced up and down as he rushed out to gather more information.

Xu Qing’s pill was complete. When he opened the pill furnace, a blood-red pill floated out, covered with golden striations.

Plumdark inhaled sharply. Eyes gleaming with anticipation, she waved her hand and simultaneously took out a geomantic compass. The compass was what she had been working on recently, and it was designed to bolster her senses. Taking the blood pill, she put it into a slot in the middle of the compass. As soon as the pill clicked into place, blood-red light flared, and the compass vibrated. The concentric rings on the compass began to rotate, whereupon Plumdark sat down cross-legged, put both hands on the compass, and then cast her senses outward.

Her senses were immediately boosted dramatically, and everything around her seemed to vanish except for that one lamp connected to her by destiny. In fact, that lamp... was now clearer than ever.

Xu Qing sat down cross-legged off to the side to act as dharma protector. At the same time, he considered what he would be doing next.

For one, I need to help Plumdark find that lamp. But also... I should go visit the Imperial University.

The Imperial University was the most prestigious educational establishment for humans. Xu Qing had heard about it a lot recently, and knew that whether it was the imperial princes or the officials, they had all spent time studying there. And it was common for chosen disciples from the superpower sects to long for such qualifications.

In some respects, the Imperial University was actually like a sect of its own. However, it was the most orthodox type of sect imaginable, meaning that it did not foster sectarianism. All techniques and all types of knowledge were there to be studied.[1]

On the way here, Princess Anhai mentioned the Imperial University and said that it emphasizes different schools of thought.... There are several thousand different schools of thought, some more prominent than others. All of them have their own dao, and their own systems of understanding regarding the world and cultivation.

By using different methods and different directions, they seek to identify the most suitable paths for humankind to use to rise to prominence in cultivation.

The different schools of thought don’t have entrance requirements. As long as you qualify to go to the Imperial University, you can join any of them. Everything is set up to further the academic interests, so your background and status don’t matter there.

The Imperial University is a standalone dimension; when you enter it, you’re automatically clad in a special daoist robe and mask that covers your aura. You’re also prohibited from revealing who you really are. It’s only when you graduate that your true identity is revealed. If you have the ability, you can even establish your own school of thought, with the goal of attracting students and earning approval of your theories....

These rules for the Imperial University were established by Emperor Dark War, despite many objections. But over the years, the university has churned out countless techniques, as well as one chosen disciple after another. It’s a place where human philosophy can flourish, where a hundred flowers can blossom, and where people can talk freely about their personal dao.... [2]

Thinking back to everything Princess Anhai had told him, and then considering what he had seen in the presence of the emperor himself, Xu Qing had to admit that he really didn’t understand Emperor Dark War.

The clay fox said that the emperor is up to something big. But what is it...?

After a while, a new thought occurred to him.