In a twinkling of an eye, the day for two people to get married is tomorrow. At eight o'clock in the evening, the promise and Huo Yiheng sent the people who came to visit today. Since yesterday, there have been all kinds of people coming to visit. It's hard to promise not to see them. The promise made his face stiff with a smile these two days, which made the promise think that it would be better not to get married. But the promise didn't dare to say it, because the promise knew that if he said this, he would know it and have a good time with his brain. After all, this man is really careful.

"Yiheng, why don't we have tomatoes. Ah, it's not just tomatoes that have nothing left. "

the promised guests are starving. I went out to eat with my friends this noon, but the food didn't meet the promised appetite, so I didn't eat much. I thought I would go home and make some delicious things myself. It's estimated that Huo Yiheng, who has a sharp mouth, didn't eat either.

But when I got home, I promised to see several men sitting in the room, talking to each other at a glance. Later, I promised to talk with them. Later, I played cards together. Only just now did I send off those friends.

So it can be said that promise and Huo Yiheng didn't eat much this day, but unexpectedly, when promise opened the refrigerator, there was nothing, and they were really drunk.

"Of course, there's nothing left. How can I cook and eat by myself when you're away? I have no appetite when you're away. Just eat a little every day. There's nothing left at home for a long time."

The promise is helpless. It's true that Huo Yiheng doesn't know how to take care of himself when he's not around. It seems that he can't leave him in the future. Otherwise, he can't starve to death.

"Well, there's no way. Fortunately, it's only eight o'clock. The supermarket downstairs hasn't closed yet. Go there and buy some food. Otherwise, we'll be hungry tonight. What would you like to eat?"

Huo Yiheng also took a look at his watch. It's true that the supermarket downstairs should not be closed at this time. He promised that he could buy some vegetables or something.

"As long as it's you who make it, I love it. Let's go to the supermarket with you. Let's go and have a look together."

Say two people just put on clothes to prepare to go out together, Huo Yiheng's telephone rang, pick up the phone.

"Hello? I see. OK, I'll go right now. Wait for me. "

"Well? Who? So late, what's the matter? "

"Listen to Li Haiyang saying something happened to the company. Tell me to go over and have a look. Promise that you will stay at home. I'll be back soon. When I come back, I'll buy you something to eat. Don't go out."

But the promise refused.

"Oh, it's OK. Don't buy it. I made delicious food when I bought it outside, don't you think? I'll go out and buy it. Anyway, the supermarket is not far away. You can wait to come back and eat my delicious food. "

Huo Yiheng can't see the promise, but he finally agrees.

Downstairs, two people are going to separate. Huo Yiheng kisses on the promised forehead.

"Darling, wait for me at home to come back for dinner." Finish saying two people go to buy dish, one went to the company.

But they didn't know there was a pair of eyes looking at them in the dark.

He promised to go to the supermarket and buy a fresh fish, tomatoes and some other vegetables. At last, he felt enough to eat by himself and Huo Yiheng. If there is any shortage, he will buy it tomorrow. Promise to go to the cashier to settle the account, and then in a happy mood except for the supermarket.

The road promised to go home is a lane without street lights. It's very short, but because there are no street lights, not many people go. Usually, they promise they won't go. Although there are some detours on the road, there are street lights on the road, and there are many people. But I promise that I don't know how to do it today. I just left the alley. Maybe I promise that I'm afraid that Huo Yiheng will come back early. Xiaoai, you should go home to cook for Huo Yiheng.

But the promise never thought of, because of the difference of the promise, she was kidnapped.

The promise only feels that someone has been following him. He can't help being a little scared. The promise speeds up the pace, but the pace behind the key is also fast. So, the promise is fast, he is fast, the promise is slow, he is slow.

Promise is also afraid of a sudden look back, but did not think of a family was covered with a towel nose and mouth. Then the promise is unconscious.

When he woke up again, he found himself in a broken room with only a bed and an old-fashioned electric light gun, which was very dark.

He promised to find that his hands and feet were tied with ropes, and he could not move at all. Like a lamb waiting for someone to kill him at any time, he could not move in bed.

I don't know how long it took for a man with a mask to open the door.

Promise can't see this man's face clearly, so he is afraid from the bottom of his heart.

"Who are you? Why do you want to help me here? What are your intentions? "

Promise to speak first and question the masked man. But the other side did not plan to answer her, but stood in front of him and looked at her.

She was more afraid of the promise. I didn't expect that I could experience this kind of thing in my life. Was I kidnapped? So who is this man and why kidnap himself?

Didn't wait for the promise to ask this person why to tie himself, that person spoke, said the words, and the original text message is the same.

"Do you really love him?"

The promise never thought that the person who helped himself would ask such words. What does he mean? Is this person a person he knows? So the promise calmed down a lot, and Canary didn't seem to want his life. Then it's much easier to do, and the promise is relieved.

"What do you mean, do we know each other?"

However, the man ignored the promised question and repeated it.

"Do you really love him?"

The promise is asked, what do you mean, who do you love? Huo Yiheng?

"You know me, don't you? Do you mean he will not die

After the promise is asked, the other party stops talking. It seems that the promise is acquiesced. The promise is more confirmed in the heart. This person knows himself and probably knows him. But I can't really figure out who this person is after all.

"Do you ask me if I love him? Of course I love him, but it's none of your business and why you brought me here. "

Hearing the promised answer, the man obviously shivered, as if he had expected the promised answer for a long time, as if he could not accept the promised answer.

The more you look at the promise, the more you feel that the person is familiar with you. You search for the person in the early sea until you know who he is. Finally, the promise finally comes to mind.

"Lu Zimo, you are Lu Zimo, aren't you?"

It's like affirming or asking questions. The promise shows that this man was Lu Zimu who was saved by himself by the roadside three years ago. When I think of this place, the promise reminds me of what happened three years ago.

At that time, he promised to stay at home because of his mother Huo. Once, he sneaked out and wandered around for a day to go home. When he saw a little boy being chased and beaten by a middle-aged man, he promised to stop the middle-aged man's stick. The stick hit the promise. At that time, the painful promise was only in cold sweat.

Later, I learned that it was the boy who stole from the supermarket and was chased and beaten.

He promised to pay for the boy and take him to a nearby restaurant. He promised to look at the boy as if he was only a few years younger, so he regarded him as his younger brother. Later, I learned that the boy was an orphan. After he was driven out of the orphanage, he lived by stealing. At that time, he promised that he would be very kind. He gave all the savings he had saved at Huo's house to him. He learned that his name was Lu Zimo. Later, they separated.

Lu Zimo was promised to recognize, and then he took off his mask. He promised to look at the boy who was thin at the beginning and was like a pole. Now he has really become a man. He is really handsome. But the promise doesn't understand. He saved her at the beginning, and now he will tie it here for the emperor?

"Zimo? Where have you been for three years? "

In fact, after returning home, the promise also found Lu Zimo for a period of time, but I don't know why, this person just like the evaporation of the world, the promise can't be found at all, and then after half a year, the promise also gave up. The promise really did not expect that it was this scene when we met.

"I went abroad. I found my own parents. I just came back from the previous stage, but. But as soon as I came back, I knew that you were going to get married. Promise, I know that you don't love him, right? I know that you have a bad life at Huo's house. Did Huo force you to marry him

Lu Zimo had just returned home to look for a promise. In the past three years, Lu Zimo has been thinking about a promise every day. She hated her inability. At that time, she couldn't take the promise with her. But now it's different. He found his parents and left them with a company. Now he has the ability to take care of the promise. So this time, he will take the promise with him, so he I sent a message to promise, but I didn't expect to be seen by Huo Yiheng.

"Zimo, what are you talking about? I married Huo Yiheng voluntarily. How could he have forced me? Why do you say that "

it's a bit silly to promise to be told by Lu Zimo. Why does Lu Zimo think so?

"Promise, it doesn't matter. You don't need to be afraid. When I come back, I can take you away. I can take you away from this place. I don't need to marry Huo Yiheng. If you want, I can take you away at any time."