Chapter 306 The C-Rank Monster

Name:Biohuman Author:
"Can you see it?" Manny asked. Lee Seng and Manny kept their backs to each other. Lee Seng's head turned trying to keep up with the noise of the monster. The monster definitely had speed. Lee Seng's eyes could barely catch up with it.

It bounced between the trees, clearing the distance like it was nothing. A strange crackling noise alerted Lee Seng. Lightning shot out of the direction Lee Seng was focused on. He threw himself in front of Manny, shouting in pain as the monster continued to bounce.

"Lee!" Manny's eyes removed themselves from the forest to his friend. "Are you okay?" Lee Seng glanced at his chest.

"I was right to bring the armor along!" Lee Seng shook off the pain. If he hadn't worn his armor, he would've been horribly injured. He spun around looking past Manny as he continued to follow the monster's sporadic movement. Gold aura formed around him.

Manny watched as the aura suddenly spread straight into the forest. He was surprised Lee Seng had an incredible grasp on Aura manipulation. Lee Seng's eyes twinkled as he turned and shot out a gravity blast. A tree splintered into pieces as Lee Seng continued to follow the monster's jumps.

A crackle noise alerted Lee Seng.

'I'm gonna do it again.' Lee Seng immediately threw a gravity barrier up around Manny and him. The gold aura pulled back as Manny simply watched.

A lightning bolt slammed against the barrier, aimed right for Manny. He watched the barrier start to crack. Before he could even react to anything, Lee Seng was pulling him past the barrier, backwards. Lightning arced in different directions as Lee Seng kept a smaller barrier up between them and the monster.

"Do you know any Lightning monsters that would be in here?" Lee Seng asked.

"Lightning?" Liz asked.

"It's quick and I can barely pick it up with my eyes. I tried to expand my aura but it avoided the aura."

"It has enough intelligence to know to avoid the aura then…" Liz whispered.

"It can't be one of the Specials, can if?" Manny asked.

"You mean they didn't kill the last Special from the entrance exam?" Liz asked. "Why would they do that?" Another lightning bolt flew as Manny and Lee Seng were forced to split. The lighting flew past them, splintering a tree behind them.

'I can't use my Fox aura form…' Lee Seng clicked his tongue. A set of chattering teeth noises broke through the loud jumps of the monster.

"Can a monster chatter it's teeth that quick?" Lee Seng asked.

"It's blind!" Liz shouted. "We're coming on your point!"

"It's blind?!? It's using echolocation to find us?!?" Manny asked loudly.

'Doesn't explain how it avoided my Aura so easily…' Lee Seng frowned. Another crackle of lightning flew out at him. Lee Seng dodged to the side. Another tree splintered, falling towards them. Manny and Lee Seng were either gonna get squashed by falling trees or burnt to a crisp by its lightning bolts.

Black void energy flew past Lee Seng and Manny. Swords erupted, following the monster as it dodged the attacks.

"This one's faster than the Direwolves! Why does everything move so fast?" Ritsuka complained as swords continued to miss its target.

Liz, Ritsuka, Evan and Olivia reunited with Lee Seng and Manny. Lee Seng focused on the crackling and chattering noises. A set of chattering noises would go by and it would lash out an attack, before continuing to dodge the Black Void.

A blue lightning bolt flew straight for Olivia. Evan quickly moved, pulling his shield up and grunting as he struggled to block the attack. The aura quickly boosted itself to a gold color. Lee Seng raised his left hand. He imagined the outer ring of the forest becoming heavier with gravity.

The monster landed on the tree and flew to its next one. It hit the ring of gravity and began to slow.

"There!" Olivia quickly threw her hands together. "Soul Freeze!" The monster's chattering immediately stopped, body growing limp. Gravity pulled it to the ground. Its eyes were covered by some sort of bone-colored playing. Its teeth were huge. It had a lanky body.. The thing would probably only be about four feet tall.

Psychic lightning charged around Liz as she released an attack. It made a direct hit, slowly bouncing from the impact. The monster moved past the gravity threshold.

"chchchchchchch!" The monster's teeth suddenly picked up, rattling away. Large circles of blue energy appeared around it as it flipped itself and slid to a stop. It lifted it's head and began to run again.

Large lightning bolts flee straight for the group.

Lee Seng appeared next to Evans' side.

"I'll direct it your way and keep you grounded! You'll need to take it all with your shield!" Lee Seng shouted.

Evan felt his shield lift faster than he could react. Lee Seng had already put thing into motion. Evan could feel himself growing sturdier as Lee Seng pulled the lightning bolts into a cone.

"ARGH!" Evan grunted as the huge bolts of lightning hit his shield. Lee Seng's tail moved and pressed against Evan's back. Gravity balanced him from falling backwards.

The chittering blind monster bounced off to the side as it came straight for a swing. Manny threw himself to block Evan from being attacked. Lightning sparked off of the lanky monster's hands. It swiped, tearing into Manny's arms as he blocked.

"Chchchchchchch!" The monster cried out as swords flew up, slashing at it.

Olivia swung a punch straight for the monster's head. Lightning redirected across the monster's body, sending a spark out at Olivia, sending her backwards.

"Olivia!" Liz shouted. The blue lightning monster shot itself backwards, giving it space as the large frontal attack ended. Evan huffed. He hadn't felt this much stored power in his shield in a long time. The aura of the shield glimmered many different shades of blues.

Lee Seng pulled the gravity off of Evan, who stumbled backwards.

"You got this?" Lee Seng asked.

"Hold it down and maybe I can knock its head off!" Evan grunted. The gold aura wrapped tightly around Lee Seng as the blind lightning monster's teeth chittered. Its head snapped in different directions as it got a hold of where they were.

"Lee, Olivia. Hold it down. Ritsuka and I will close the distance. Evan, do you think you can make it with us?" Manny asked. The blind monster leapt up, blue lightning showering down on them. Liz through her hands up, psychic lightning bolts flying out and sparking the sky with blues and pinks.

"Yeah. I can do it" Evan nodded.

"Olivia, I can hold it down but you gotta get a good strike in before then." Lee Seng warned her.

"I'm raring to go." Olivia rolled her shoulders. Lee seng swiped his hand across the field.

'Give them lighter weights so they can clear the distance faster.' Lee Seng thought.

"I'll support you from here. You guys got this?" Lee Seng asked.

"Yeah, let's go!" Manny shouted. The blind monster landed and quickly bolted right. Blue lightning sparked off of it as it picked up speed.

'Let's test this out. Aura and gravity mix.' The gold energy flew out in all directions. The blind monster landed on a tree and shot itself in the opposite direction. 'It's going to try to outpace the aura.' Gravity shot out from above Lee Seng's spot, severing all the trees. Lee Seng closed his left hand and all the cut tree's froze in place as gravity striked the blind monster.

"Got you." Lee Seng's voice sang. He immediately closed his right fist and watched as gravity slammed the monster straight for the ground.

"Olivia!" Manny shouted.

"Got it!" Olivia moved faster than she thought she would. She cleared the distance in seconds, slamming her palm straight onto the monster. The monster snarled as Olivia's energy shot through its body. She pulled back as Manny and Ritsuka slid to a stop.

"We'll propel you upwards, Evan!" Ritsuka shouted. Manny and Ritsuka lowered themselves as Evan jumped. The two shot him upwards. Evan flew higher than he had expected. Lee Seng quickly watched Evan as he started to descend.

"Oh my god! Why would you make me go this high?!?" Evan freaked out as he flailed his arms.

"YOUR SHIELD! GET READY TO RELEASE ALL OF THE ENERGY!" Manny shouted. Evan shut his eyes and held his shield up.

"Ahhh, he isn't looking 'cause he's scared of heights!" Lee Seng reminded his teammates. His eyes glinted as he focused on Evan. He would make sure Evan hit his target and hit it hard.

"3!" Lee Seng shouted. "2! 1! Now!"

Evan screamed as he collided with the monster. The shimmering shield released all of its energy, exploding the monster and the ground into bits.

"Ahhh!" Evan shouted. Lee Seng reached out with his left hand and forced Olivia, Manny and Ritsuka towards him.

"Bubble!" Lee Seng shouted.