Chapter 505 Tragic Lovers, Part 10

Name:Biohuman Author:
Gravity ripped out of his hand as Lee Seng spun in the air. Ranged attacks flew the opposite direction as Lee Seng suddenly suspended himself in the air. Eleven caught himself and watched the annoying Deimon lady continue falling.

Teresa's screams caught Lee Seng's attention. She continued falling past him as her fear in her eyes screamed "help."

"Serves you right, lady! Don't play a game you can't win!" Eleven shouted.

"Dammit." Lee Seng muttered. He popped the bubble and started to fall again. He flew towards Teresa as the distorted voice screamed for help. If Lee Seng could analyze this moment, he would've wondered if the Human and/or the Deimon was calling for his help.

Lee Seng tightened his body and propelled himself closer to where Teresa was.

"Please help me!" Teresa screamed as she clawed for him. "Help me please! Help!" Lee Seng collided with Teresa, pushing her further away as he cursed.

"Come here!" Lee Seng stretched his hand. Teresa clawed for his hand. Lee Seng grunted as he shot his tails out. The tails grabbed her and pulled her closer as Lee Seng tried to create another gravity bubble.

"Come on!"

The ground was growing bigger.

"Come on!"

Teresa's screams were growing louder. Her eyes caught a glimpse of her death below.

"Come on!"

The sight of the crowds looking as they grew closer to the ground.

"Come-fucking-on!" Lee Seng ripped his hands away from each other as a gold and silver energy exploded all around them. The sudden fall came to a sudden stop as everyone screamed loudly in unison. Gravity exploded in every direction, catching whatever else had fallen from above, too.

"Ahhhh!" Teresa screamed bloody murder with the onlookers. Her eyes were squeezed shut as Lee Seng's tails were mere inches from the ground. Lee Seng had done it. He had narrowly done it.

"That… Looks a lot like mine..." Eleven whispered. He started his way down, a trail of cosmic energy following him . "Is this Fox… My little Fox?"

Lee Seng let out a shaky breath he didn't even know he was holding in. He looked around and noticed the building bits all over.

"Didn't anyone teach you guys to not stand directly under debris and people falling?!?" Lee Seng barked. His loud voice spooked many people out of their stares and all of them gave them a wide berth as Lee Seng focused on Teresa.

The shadowy Deimon wasn't there anymore.

'Does extreme emotions of the owner outweigh the faux Deimon?' Lee Seng wondered. He gently set Teresa down on the ground, flipping himself to be vertical with the ground. He slowly descended as people gasped.

"You're that annoying Fox, aren't you?" Eleven collided with Lee Seng. Eleven lifted Lee Seng up into the sky, grabbing at the mask. His fingers began to wrap around the mask as Lee Seng tried to shove Eleven's hands away.

"Get… Off me!" Lee Seng growled, punching Eleven's face. Eleven recoiled backwards, loosening his grip just enough for Lee Seng to rocket himself backwards. He descended onto the ground, sloppily catching himself with gravity. Lee Seng slid onto the ground, tails billowing behind him as his ears twitched.

Eleven fired off a couple blasts of gravity at Lee Seng, creating holes in the area around them. Eleven cackled as he continued to fire shots of gravity at Lee Seng. Lee Seng swung his head to the side, feeling the blast explode behind him. Lee Seng raised his hands up and stretched them in different direction.

[Gravity Barrier has been used.]

Eleven's blasts of gravity slammed into the barrier as Lee Seng pushed the barrier forward.

"Tch." Eleven fired five more shots out. "We'll do it this way then." He blinked forward as his blasts created a smoke screen in front of Lee Seng. A loud scream came from Lee Seng's left followed by Eleven's punch. Lee Seng raised his tail and easily caught it, sending another tail straight for Eleven. Eleven anticipated this and grabbed the tail with one arm and pulled.

Lee Seng flew off of his feet, being spun and tossed into the air. The ground beneath Eleven's feet shattered as he took off into the sky, appearing above Lee Seng as he put his hands together and swung downwards. The sudden shift of change exploded in the air like a sonic boom as Lee Seng slammed into the ground, shattering the ground all around them.

People screamed in terror as Teresa finally got a hold of herself. The growing damage to the city she had worked so hard to protect was disappearing all around them.

'I didn't… Leave the city to not… Have everything taken away from me… again…' Teresa weakly thought. She straightened herself out and raised her arms. 'Cancel.' A wave of energy flew straight for Eleven and Lee Seng. Eleven began to drop straight for Lee Seng when the strange fractals appeared. The energy in his body suddenly dissipated and he found himself falling.

The strange feeling washed over Lee seng, who didn't have time to react to Teresa rejoining the fight. Eleven landed on him, crushing him as Teresa's ability continued to pour out of her.

"Argh!" Teresa grunted. The energy wasn't stopping. It continued to pour out of her hands. She clamped her hands shut, redirecting the energy like a ray of sunshine. It flew in every direction.

"Boss!" A lackey shouted.

"Stay away from here!" Teresa ordered. "These two are dangerous! I'll handle them!"

"But you can't—"

"I'll figure something out! Protect the people!" Teresa shouted. Her lackeys began to run with the crowd of people. They fled in every direction as Lee Seng shoved Eleven off of him.

"Dammit." Lee Seng whispered, pushing himself up. "I have to deal with not one, but two people now. Great." He began to stand when the sound of the pendant caught his attention. It fell onto the ground, picture opened.

'Yes, I know!' Lee Seng grabbed thee pendant and looked at Teresa. 'I'll have to get to her and see if this pendant will do anything to get her on my side. Maybe I can befriend her long enough to get on top of this deimon!' His grip tightened on the pendant as he eyed Eleven. He was starting to push himself up as Teresa's fingers unraveled.

'Damn this ability!' Teresa thought. 'I don't have full control of it, yet!' Without much choice, Teresa pointed her hands straight at the enemies. 'If I can't shut it off, I'll direct it to these two. They won't cause trouble then!' Teresa's eyes wandered over to Lee Seng who was running straight for her. She gulped. 'What is he doing?'

Lee Seng grunted as he pushed through her disabling ability. It was way stronger than when she was using it through a concentrated point: her sword. Lee Seng felt like he was slowing. His mental and physical tiredness was finally getting to him.

"Where are you going?!? We have unfinished business!" Eleven screamed. He scrambled onto his feet and ran straight for Lee Seng.

'Don't tell me they're naturally this fast?!?' Teresa thought. Lee Seng threw his right hand up. He dangled the pendant. 'What's that?'

"TERESA!" Lee Seng shouted.

'Did he learn my name from one of the guards?'

"Your husband — your lover! He wanted me to give you this!" Lee Seng shouted.

"What?" Teresa quietly asked. Her entire being began to shake. Her drive suddenly dying at the mention of her lover. Her husband. "How do you—"

"YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Eleven tackled Lee Seng. The two went rolling as the pendant was tossed aside. "What's your plan? Trying to gain an ally to fight me?!?" Eleven punched Lee Seng in the face as he tried to pull his arms up.

"He— ARGH!" Teresa screamed. Her arms pulled down as a large shadowy figure hovered above her.

"No." Her own distorted voice told her. "You shall be pulled by your useless emotions. Pour them into me and I'll make sure your husband is avenged. We must avenge your husband, not break."

"AHHH!" Teresa erupted in screams. The strange fractals of Teresa's ability turned pitch black, encasing her in a solid black pillar of energy.

"You! Are! Mine!" Eleven grunted with each punch. Lee Seng bled and bruised as he caught the black pillar in the corner of his eyesight. The energy billowed outwards, shooting Eleven off of Lee Seng. Teresa's scream distorted as Lee Seng pushed himself up.

"Dammit all…" Lee Seng groaned. His eyes moved glanced between the black pillar and Eleven. "How am I gonna do this…?" Pain shot through his cheek, forcing him to wince.

'I'm tired too… Can I really do this?' Lee Seng thought to himself.

"ARgh!" Teresa cut through energy, the black energy arcing off of her as glass-like objects floated around her.

"Ah, shit." Eleven pushed himself off the ground. "Now Deimon baby has come out to play… I just want him, not you!"