Chapter 662 Talking To Chrono

Name:Biohuman Author:
Keng moved through the crowd, looking for a taxi that would take him to the edge of the city. He threw his hand out while he waited at the end, looking for a taxi in the busy streets of the Spiritual center of the City. Keng's phone pinged, drawing his attention as he pulled it out and looked at it.

"I've notified the Fox Spirits." Calis texted him. "Is Akio going to drop you off?"

"No." Keng replied. He waved his hand, watching the taxi move past him. Keng let out a sigh of frustration as he pulled his arm back and continued through the crowded streets. "I can't get a taxi either."

"Should I let someone know to get you?"

"I'll call myself. Are you at the lab right now?"

"I got pulled away by one of the Foxes. I'm being taken somewhere else for the time being."

"Alright. I'll let you know if I can't get a ride or not." Keng responded. He exited the messaging app and opened the phone book. He clicked Chrono's name and listened to the dial ring.


"Hello?" Chrono's voice came over the phone.

"Chrono." Keng spoke. "I need your help with something. Are you free?"

"Where are you? Are you outside the Academy?" Chrono asked.  Keng stopped at the crosswalk and waited to move across it. He glanced around, noticing cars and people coming and going. No one seemed to pay attention to him as he readjusted the backpack on his back.

"In the Spiritual district on West side." Keng replied. "I need a ride over to the place."

"Ah, I think Valen just called about something similar. Calis and you find something?"

"Yeah." Keng noticed the crosswalk lights turn green. He began to cross it with the others, ignoring them as they went. "He told me he was noticed so he got taken back to the base. Can you get me?"

"Where are you exactly right now? Send me your location and I'll have one of the new runts come grab you."

Keng pulled the phone away from his ear and sent Chrono his moving location.

"I'll stay in this coffee place until then." Keng told her.

"Alright." Chrono nodded. "I've sent the location to the team. Someone should be out for you. I'll let you know who to look out for. How'd you get there anyways, Keng?" Keng pushed through the glass door, listening to the chimes ring as a worker greeted him.

"Akio took me here for some personal business." Keng told her.

"He did? Does he know about your secret? About us?" Chrono asked, cautiously. Keng moved up to the front and pulled the phone away.

"Hi, what can I get for ya?" The worker asked.

"I'll take a hot chocolate." Keng answered.

"That'll be 65 creds."

Keng pulled out his card out of his wallet and handed it to the worker.

"Thank you." The worker handed the card back after she was done. "Can I get a name?"

"Don't use your actual name." Chrono told him.  "Or Lee Seng's."

"Kai." Keng answered.

"Alright, Kai, it'll come out in a second." The worker jotted his name down as he turned to stand off to the side.

"He knows about me. I didn't tell him about you guys because it wasn't relevant." Keng answered.

"That's dangerous. He's a Number! What if he reports this to the Creator and the others? What will happen to you then?" Chrono asked.

"He won't report it. Trust me. He'd do whatever he needed to do to protect his little brother, but he wouldn't throw his brother out to the wolves. At least, not while he's missing." Keng answered. "Look, he doesn't know about you guys, but he knows about Calis so—"

"Calis can't come with you then." Chrono interrupted. "You're gonna have to do this alone, then. The building is off limits currently. We don't know why."

"Number 10 said it was because the Creator went on a business trip or somethin'. That true?"

"Something like that. We've got people watching it from a distance and some strange stuff is happening."

"Like what?"

"There are people we've seen a couple of times before. They randomly showed back up suddenly. If these guys are who we think they are, something is happening, and you need to check it out."

"Kai, hot chocolate?" The worker shouted. Keng turned and grabbed his hot chocolate.

"Thanks." Keng smiled before turning to find a spot to sit. "You think Lee Seng might be with them?"

"We're not sure." Chrono answered. "The only way to find out is to have you go by yourself." A voice came onto the phone. Chrono redirected her attention to the person talking to her, thanking them for the information. "A guy named Van is coming for you. Should be there in half an hour. We'll talk more in depth when you're here, okay?"

"Sounds good. Bye." Keng answered.


"Put it on him right." A silver haired woman ordered. Virgil grunted as he struggled to move his hands near the wild beast in front of him.

"To think this is A VVIP! Argh, he won't stay still!" Virgil pulled the device in his hands away from the demonic fox. He turned to look at Wysteria and the silver haired woman, giving them an agitated look. "Why can't one of you two do it? I always have to do the dirty work."

"Cause you don't work." Wysteria commented. She sauntered up, snatching the device from Virgil's hands and looking at the demonic Lee Seng. He slammed himself against the Prison Cell, bending it. Wysteria watched the Cell bend back to its place. She clicked her tongue, shaking her head. "No, no, no. You can't do that I'm afraid."

She motioned to the Prison Cell with her head and watched as metal grew from the bars, strapping Lee Seng in place. The Prison Cell opened, allowing Wysteria in as Lee Seng growled and snapped at her. She motioned with her finger, watching his head lock into place.

"Now you can't bite." Wysteria chuckled. She strapped the device onto Lee Seng's wrapped head. "Do you think this will do, Captain Childs?"

"It's only meant to monitor him. Nothing more." Captain Childs, the silver haired woman answered. She wore a gold breast plate with a leather harness that went down her legs. The straps held a few daggers but held no main weapon near her hip. Captain Childs removed her eyes from the tablet and set it off on the desk to her right. "We'll see what happened to him."

"I heard the Spawn's a complete opposite to the actual Biohuman." Virgil commented. He just wanted to talk and gather information about why they had the Creator's son in the first place. "Why do you want this one, Captain? His skills better than mine?"

"Much better even if I take this sociopath and replace him with you." Captain Childs smiled at Virgil.

"Aww, come on, Captain. I'm not that bad. I get the job done at the end of the day!" Virgil pouted.

"You do after you cause so much mayhem." Wysteria commented, stepping out of the Prison Cell. The cell door closed, mending back together as Wysteria lifted her hands up. "All done, Captain."

"Good." Captain Childs nodded. "Let's see what the device is saying, shall we?" The Captain grabbed the tablet and tapped on it a couple of times before ending up where she needed to be. Wysteria and Virgil stood at her side, peering down at the tablet.

"It seems like it's registering him." Virgil spoke. "But is it showing how he is?" A blip appeared on the tablet. Wysteria looked up and watched Lee Seng shake his head as the red material on his head covered his mouth and eyes. She had seen him in action, and he was very powerful. More powerful than Neo, of all people. Wysteria wouldn't say that aloud but found it odd the Creator's son was so powerful. Captain Childs clicked on the blip and a whole bunch of information came up. Wysteria and the captain scanned through it while Virgil lost interest and began to play with a dagger strapped to his side.

"It seems like it isn't registering the Spawn inside. Something's blocking the device from reading it properly." Captain Childs told the two. "Did you put it on right, Wysteria?"

"I did, ma'am." Wysteria nodded.

"Virgil, check it." Captain Childs ordered. Virgil twirled the dagger in his hand, grabbing the hilt and sliding the dagger back into its place.

"Yes, Captain." Virgil moved to the Prison Cell, starting to turn and tell Wysteria to open it. The cell door slid open as the growling grew louder. "C'mon, Spawn. We just need to know if you're doing okay…" Virgil grabbed the device and pulled it down. "It's on right. Why isn't it reading it then?"

Virgil continued to mess with it as Lee Seng snarled at him. Lee Seng went in for a bite, only to be met by the metal plate in front of him. Virgil laughed as he pulled away.

"He's stupid! Why would anyone want this guy?" Virgil asked turning around. "He literally tried to bite me!"