Chapter 671 Punishment

Name:Biohuman Author:
"With that, we'll have to punish you with this." Vox'su lifted his left hand while Rox'su lifted his right. Their hands folded into each other, and a sweltering pain grew within Keng and Lee Seng. "Keng won't be able to help you for a while. We're forcibly keeping him inside of you, Lee Seng."

"W-what- wait!" Keng shouted. He immediately disappeared, flying into Lee Seng who fell onto the floor. The amount of energy pushing against him made him feel like he was going to be sick. Lee Seng retched, spilling the strange golden and silver energy out of him. Traces of red and black energy flew out, flowing straight towards Vox'su's right hand. The four colors swirled into a metallic ball as Lee Seng raised his head up.

"All of the progress you've made will be held here." Vox'su rolled the ball back and forth with his index and thumb fingers.

"You cannot gather any souls as punishment." Rox'su continued. "You cannot call upon your Fox Spirit powers for the time being. You will do this as a Biohuman like you've wanted."

"W-wait, how am I gonna—" Lee Seng stuttered. His eyes were wide with fear as the twin gods released their hands from each other. "I need it!"

"No, you don't." Rox'su shook his head. "Until you prove you're capable of doing this with your own strength, you won't have Keng nor the Fox Spirit's power. You will live your life as a Biohuman like you wanted. Isn't that great?"

"Please, L-Lord Rox'su, L-Lord Vox'su! I-I need that to do anything! I—Please!" Lee Seng cried. He crawled over to Rox'su grabbing his leg. Rox'su's face scrunched like he wanted to kick Lee Seng away but didn't do anything in front of Hydran. "I'm useless without it! I've sunk all my time into it! Please!"

"The only thing you'll have available is what was yours before. Ability mutation and that cosmic gravity power of yours. If I had it my way, I'd leave you useless without the gravity. It was because of Keng, you got that power."

"Then let it be Keng's fault!" Lee Seng told them. "Not me! You can't punish someone for wanting vengeance against something so wrong."

"You will also have to deal with Keng's quest, too." Hydran spoke up. "Save my people. You'll meet someone named Calis. He's on Earth and currently held by Chimera's men. Find him and find the cup. Once you get the cup, Calis will know what to do."

"W-what? Y-you're gonna dump me with his stuff, too?"

"If it weren't for the stunt, you two just pulled, a slap on the wrist would've been easier." Rox'su scoffed. "Come, let's go. It's time we sever the link. He'll be damaged if he doesn't go back now."

"A gift to help you since you feel so wronged." Vox'su moved over and pulled out a bag. "I think this belongs to you anyways. I would rather not have it in my space, so you take it." Vox'su set the bag in Lee Seng's hands and turned to follow after Rox'su and Hydran.

"Wait! This is unfair!" Lee Seng shouted. "How am I supposed to do all of this?"

"Figure it out, human!" Rox'su waved. "You're my Blessed after all!" The three gods turned into pure light, fading away. In an instant, the world around Lee Seng vanished. He appeared as a burning golden sun in the sky. The silver sun that was supposed to be next to him was hidden behind the moon. His vision pulled away, whisking him along as he screamed.

[Notice: The Deimon known as Eleven is no more. The Protocol is all yours.]

Lee Seng's eyes opened as he felt his stomach rumbled. He turned to the side and threw up over the bed. He coughed in a fit of rage as puke continued to fall onto the black boots that scooted away.

"Lee Seng!" Someone called. They moved over to the side and patted his back as he released the last bits of puke in his system.

'Why was this my responsibility?' Lee Seng wondered. 'It was Keng who did this! Why am I punished too?!?' Lee Seng spat as he wiped his mouth. He straightened himself out and noticed a dark-circled Akio. Before he could even say anything, a painful pang grew in his head. He clutched it, squeezing his eyes shut as he groaned.

"H-hey!" Akio shouted. "I think you need a doctor!" He pushed the button on the wall, and it started to quietly blink as Akio asked if Lee Seng was okay. Memories of Keng flooded into his mind. He painfully watched as he quickly saw what had happened to him. Everything Keng had said was true and the last couple of weeks appeared.

Keng had taken over as Lee Seng. Ritsuka found out. He knew who Calis was and looked like. The Dungeon. The entire group knew his secret.

'Wait.' Lee Seng groaned. 'T-they know?!?' The memories of Keng desperately trying to find him came up last. The amount of carnage and blood. The smells, the feelings Keng had. Lee Seng felt them all. Lee Seng felt another wave of puke coming and leaned over the side and released it.

The door flew open, and Akio looked up. Words were said as people scrambled. A bin was put below Lee Seng to puke in while chaos grew around him. Lee Seng could barely register anything that happened. Keng's memories burned into his head. It burned itself in his chest. His neck felt itchy as he scratched it.

"L-Lee Seng!" Akio shouted. He grabbed Lee Seng's hand and pulled the shirt down. A scar of a burn mark that looked like a hand wrapping around his neck was suddenly there. "H-how did this happen?"

"Number 10 we need you to step aside." The nurse told him. "Let the doctors handle it." They pulled Akio up who continued to look at the burn mark.

"Who did that to you?" Akio asked. Lee Seng couldn't answer it. Akio was whisked away, and the nurses and doctors began their work on Lee Seng.

It was chaos for hours. Lee Seng didn't budge. He didn't speak a word. He allowed the medical personnel to do whatever they needed to do. His mind continued to replay the carnage the demonic fox had done – what he had done. Keng's pain was sweltering in his chest and Lee Seng felt like he was going to burst.

"How is he?" The Creator asked, throwing the door open. A doctor turned to look at the Creator, nodding at his presence.

"He woke up and puked, twice. Had some sort of panic attack of sorts and is quiet. I've asked him many questions, but he hasn't responded once. And strangely enough, he has a weird burn scar on his neck. It looks like someone tried to strangle him or something." The Doctor reported. "He occasionally grabs his chest like he's hurting. We try to relieve the pain, but he continues to do it. I'm not sure if it's physical pain… It seems like there's something mentally—"

"Enough. I get the jist." The Creator hushed the doctor. The doctor nodded and stepped off to the side. The Creator moved over to Lee Seng and looked at him. Lee Seng's eyes were there. They weren't like someone who was mentally ill. Lee Seng reached up and squeezed his chest. He then pounded on it as his face stayed the same. The Creator sighed and turned around.

"No problems whatsoever?" The Creator asked.

"Mentally… Possibly." The Doctor answered. The Creator nodded.

"You all may leave. Let me… Talk to my son." The entire group saluted and walked out, leaving the Creator alone. He sighed and pulled his glasses off. He wiped his face and turned to look at his son. "What stunt are you pulling now, Lee Seng?!?" He knocked over the medical equipment. Glass shattered across the ground as Lee Seng continued to blankly look ahead.

"What the fuck did you do?!? Do you know how many people were murdered? They're saying its you! I should've really… ARGH!" The Creator swung at Lee Seng, punching him in the cheek. Lee Seng's head turned to look right. The blank expression released, and pain grew for a moment before fading into nothingness. "You were doing fine! Why did you have to cause trouble? Did you really kill those people? Why are you doing this to me? Everything I've worked for is—"

"Quiet." Lee Seng spoke in Japanese. The Creator's eyes grew even more confused as he swung for another punch across the face.

"Are you telling me to shut up? Smart ass!" The Creator continued to pound his son's face in. Bruises growing and fading. No matter how hard he hit his own son, the result of it would never see the light of day. "You be quiet! You should be sent to jail for this! You should—"

"Enough." Lee Seng spoke in English. His eyes slowly turned with his head as he looked at his father. The Creator held his fist like he was about to hit him. Lee Seng watched the fist fly at his face, knocking his head into the wall.

"Enough? You fuckin' brat! Everything I've done for you is for nothing! I'm glad your mother's dead! She can't see how pitiful of a son you are! You're such a—" The Creator's body froze, snapping his arm as gravity shoved the doctor through the bathroom door. He screamed in pain as Lee Seng lifted himself up and moved to stand in front of the destroyed bathroom door. The howls and ruckus caused the door to fly open.