Chapter 840 Stroke Of Unluck

Name:Biohuman Author:
"Are you sure it's this way…?" The timid girl asked. She wrapped her own hands around her chest as she walked like she was tiptoeing. She guarded a small container in her arms that blinked occasionally. The gruff man with the large sword on his back stopped and looked at her.

"I'm sure. We're almost there." The man answered with a grunt.

"D-didn't that woman say th-there were high ranking monsters out here as of late? Sh-should we really take a direct route?"

"It shaves off time. You don't have time, right?" The man asked the girl. She hesitantly nodded. "That's our answer then." The man faced forward and continued on his way. The sounds of everything around them scared the girl. She had lived the last week on the road and she just wanted to be home in New Angeles.

The timid girl followed the man she had hired. He had guaranteed her life but it did take loads of creds. She wondered if it was the right thing to do. They trekked up the hill. It would eventually lead them downwards towards New Angeles - a hub created from a huge old city.

Hours had gone by and the timid girl was getting more afraid. The noises of growling never stopped. She had thought it was the man at first, but it always switched positions. First it was in front of her, then it was behind her. Now, it was off to her right. There was nothing in her sight that would tell her others. She could somewhat see around her.


The timid girl stopped in place and spun to the right. She looked over at the mountain in the distance while the footsteps of her bodyguard came to a stop.

"What is it?" The bodyguard asked.

"Don't you hear it?" The timid girl asked. The bodyguard shifted and sighed. It was obvious the timid girl was scared and it was obvious she never stepped foot outside of a border city before.

"Just some low life creature trying to spook us. As long as I'm here, nothing will happen." The bodyguard brushed it off. "C'mon, let's go." He turned back to the direction they needed to go and started without her. The timid girl listened for a while. The noises were getting louder. She gulped and turned to run to her bodyguard when she didn't see him.

"S-S-S…" The timid girl stuttered. There was not a single sign of where the bodyguard went. "W-where are you? Sir?" She spun around a couple of times as the growling grew louder. A single slam on the ground turned the timid girl around. A large quadrupedal creature stood in front of her. It towered over her as its six red eyes glistened. Three heads growled while the middle head held something in its mouth. Blood spilled from its jaws as a large sword fell to the ground.

"Foolish human. You should've stayed home." The black wolf growled. The timid girl froze. Her entire body locked up. She shook in fear as the huge black wolf looked at her.

'T-this is… This is…" The timid girl stuttered, her body still not allowing her to back up.


"AHH!" The girl screamed.

Birds flew in every direction from the mountain. Lee Seng and Keng glanced over at the mountains. They had pushed a lot of time by choosing to fly. They would only have to deal with airborne monsters and anyone who saw them, would probably avoid them.

"AHH!" The scream had definitely come from the mountains.

"You hear that?" Keng asked.

"Yup." Lee Seng nodded.

"Should we…?" Keng began to ask when Lee Seng branched off, pulling everyone to the right.

"Where are we going?" Manny asked. Lee Seng didn't answer. He blitzed forward, making them go quicker. The discordant sounds of screams and broken chimes filled his ears.

"GRAA!" The three headed wolf slammed into the girl, taking a bit of her arm. The girl screamed as she tried to fight it off. The other two heads went for the kill, fire escaping its mouth.

"Gravitum: Piercing Flash!" Lee Seng flashed forward, summoning the Sun Blade into his hand as he swung forward. The three headed wolf noticed his presence and dodged the strike. Lee Seng crashed into the ground, shaking the ground around them as the timid girl screamed bloody mary. "Heal. Protection." Lee Seng turned to face the three-headed wolf. The girl's injuries began to heal as Keng and the others landed on the ground.

"That's a three-headed wolf!" Ritsuka shouted. "A-rank Cerberus!" Lee Seng twirled his sword and kept his eyes on the Cerberus.

"Are you okay?" Lee Seng asked the girl. She gulped and winced.

"Y-yea… W-where did you—" The girl began to ask when the Cerberus roared. Flames erupted out of its mouth before it rushed forward. Its black fur coated itself in flames as it picked up speed.

"Shit." Evan cursed.

"Let's go." Keng motioned. Keng and Evan flashed forward, raising their shields in unison with Lee Seng. Cerberus slammed into the shields, shattering Lee Seng's in an instant while Keng's held on for a bit longer. Two Cerberus heads spewed fire while Evan pushed forward. "I got you!" Keng pushed his energy into Evan, charging him further.

Lee Seng turned and lifted his free hand at the girl. He moved her towards Manny, who immediately pushed himself through Lee Seng's healing shield and began to heal her. Ritsuka summoned the enchanted bow and readied it. Cerberus noticed this and jumped backwards, spewing two fireballs in front of him and one at Ritsuka.

Ritsuka cursed. Olivia pointed her finger at the fire and watched it dispel. A bolt of lightning flew outwards, hitting Cerberus.

"Now!" Liz shouted.

"Ice Shot!" Ritsuka shouted the command. The bow shimmered, gathering ice energy and forming an arrow as he pulled the bow back. He released the arrow, watching it sail through the air, hitting Cerberus and exploding in ice.

"Gravitum: Piercing Flash and Dash!" Lee Seng and Keng shouted. Hydrosphere swirled into existence in Keng's hands as the twins flew past Evan, slashing Cerberus. The ice shattered as flames escaped the three-headed wolf's mouth. The twins redirected themselves and moved in for another slash. Cerberus howled, creating a flaming aura around it. Keng's blade hit first, exploding everything around him in hot liquid. Lee Seng and Keng flew backwards, rolling and bouncing on the ground.

"A shield move?" Olivia observed. "Is it capable of such a thing?"

"Icicle Storm!" Ritsuka released an arrow into the air, watching it multiply and rain on Cerberus. Cerberus lifted its head upwards and breathed fire, melting the arrows.

"Psionic Beam!" Liz released the psychic energy building around her at the three-headed wolf. A flaming barrier appeared, exploding and covering the wolf in flames.

"How do we get past that? It's like we're fighting three things at once!" Ritsuka asked. A fireball pushed through the flames, flying straight for Liz. Olivia moved her attention to the fireball and started to dispel it when the fireball exploded. The group screamed as the explosion pushed them backwards.

"Guys!" Evan shouted, starting to run.

"Foolish human. I'm here." Cerberus spoke. The three-headed wolf exploded into existence between Evan and the rest of the group. Lee Seng and Keng pushed themselves up onto their feet. Lee Seng patted out the flames while Keng washed them away.

"Resonance Art: Roar of the Dragon." Keng blasted forward, swinging Hydrosphere at the Cerberus' behind. A large roar of energy swelled to life as the water dragon slammed against Cerberus.

[Cerberus' Water Resistance has absorbed the damage!]

"Exploding Fury." Ceberus whipped his tail and sent Keng flying backwards.

'It's resistant to water. Of course…' Lee Seng cursed. Keng flipped in the air and landed, sliding to a stop as water extinguished the flames around them.

"I hate this…" Liz strained. A flickering purple barrier in front of the group. They had slid backwards due to the force of the pressure, but Liz had at least created a shield in the last moment. The shield faded as Liz's body slumped to the ground. She sucked in a breath, drawing energy into her body.

"What do we do now?" Keng asked Lee Seng. "It's resistant to water."

"Water and Ice are out of the question…" Lee Seng sighed. He noticed strange stars floating around. "What's… all this?" The three-headed Cerberus rushed at the large group. Liz threw her hands outwards, pushing another psionic barrier up. Cerberus slammed into the barrier, cracking it. Liz grunted and Evan and Keng were already rushing forward to stop them.

"Paralyze!" Olivia shouted. A blast of invisible energy flew outwards, capturing Cerberus and paralyzing only a single head.

"It didn't work?" Manny asked. He pulled away from the girl and started forward. Ritsuka donned Angerfang and readied himself.

"I can't… hold it… much longer!" Liz grunted. The shield shattered and Cerberus rammed itself straight for Manny, sending him into Liz and knocking them onto the ground. Ritsuka swung Angerfang straight for the neck of the third head, only to watch the blade spark. Cerberus' left and middle heads looked at Ritsuka. Flames grew in their mouths as Ritsuka tried to hold Cerberus in place.