Chapter 688 The rest of the plane (2)

Chapter 688 The rest of the plane (2)

As Erik made his way towards the maw of the shattered fuselage, his eyes narrowed, trying to take in the chaotic scene that lay before him.

The young man stepped inside. The first thing that struck him was the smell, a strong and pungent combination of burnt metal, fuel, and an unidentified scent that he couldn't quite identify.

Inside the wreckage of the plane, the interior was a scene of utter chaos and devastation. The twisted metal, jutting out at peculiar angles, formed a complex maze of sharp corners and distorted surfaces.

What would have been rows of seats in a commercial airliner were replaced here by large, open spaces filled with strewn items and toppled wooden crates.

The limited number of seats that were available were in a state of disarray, with a few of them being ripped from their moorings and left hanging with shredded fabric, while others were completely displaced and thrown around.

With the overhead compartments left open, their contents spilled out and ended up in the aisle. The previously tidy aisle became a mess, filled with a combination of personal items, scattered papers, and remnants of the in-flight amenities that were once provided to the passengers.

Wires dangled from the exposed ceiling, sparking from time to time, while panels and insulation hung like torn fabric, swaying in the desert wind that swept through the gaping tears in the plane's fuselage.

lightsnοvεl The once-smooth floor was now a treacherous terrain of debris and sharp objects, making navigation perilous.

The wall lining in certain areas had peeled away, revealing the skeletal frame of the aircraft, while in other areas, the windows had shattered, causing shards of glass to sparkle in the sunlight.

The scars and dents on the metal walls showed the immense and violent forces that had torn the plane apart.

The plane, being a cargo model, was designed for hauling goods rather than accommodating passengers, and its cavernous interior reflected this intention.

But it was the cargo that caught Erik's attention. Weapons—lots of them. Rifles, handguns, and even some heavier artillery were scattered around the interior.

The sand, blown in through the broken windows and gaping holes in the fuselage, had left some of the objects half-buried, while others remained strapped to pallets, as though they were awaiting delivery to a distant battlefield.

Now, the wooden boxes that had once held them were damaged and shattered into pieces. The contents spilled out from the container, resembling the entrails of a mechanical beast.

As Erik made his way through the wreckage, the sound of his boots crunching on the floor, a mixture of sand and debris, echoed in the air.

He stopped to examine one of the wooden crates, prying one open to reveal more firearms, still wrapped in their protective packaging.

Remaining vigilant, Erik scanned the disarrayed interior of the plane, his senses heightened and ready to detect any potential threats.

After a thorough search, seeing nothing was there, he was satisfied. He then grabbed his radio. "Kael, the place is empty. Get in here."

"Give me a minute." Without turning off the engine, Kael left the vehicle and entered the plane. He stepped through the twisted metal opening, his eyes widening as he took in the scene. "What a mess."

"What? Are you joking?" Kael asked.

"For real!"

If Eshalt represented the entry-level of valuable mana-infused ores, and Aclaitrium held a mid-tier position, then Bristalite was positioned near the top, surpassed only by Mernium and Dranstone.

The latter material, because of its exceptional durability, mana infusion capabilities, and high mana conductivity, stood out as the ultimate symbol of excellence and became the most sought-after ore on the entire planet. Bristalite, ranking third in these categories, signified a high level of prestige and value.

The existence of a suitcase crafted from Bristalite suggested that the merchant who issued their quest was very wealthy, implying the weapons inside were far more valuable than Erik and Kael had estimated.

In order to verify what was inside, Erik opened the suitcase. Within the confines of the interior, cushioned by layers upon layers of foam, there rested a sword that was unlike anything he had ever laid eyes on.

The blade, which had a mesmerizing shimmering silver color, seemed to possess an otherworldly beauty.

It emitted a faint hum that appeared to be in sync with the mana present in the surrounding atmosphere. Although there were many impressive aspects to the sword, Erik's attention was drawn to the pommel.

Attached to it was a large, red crystal that glowed, its luminescence casting a warm light within the confines of the suitcase. As if it possessed a life of its own, the crystal seemed to pulse, infusing the weapon with mana.

Erik was quite familiar with brain crystals, having seen many of them, and he noticed that they all shared the common characteristic of transparency. How come there was a red one?

However, despite the questions, he couldn't help but smirk as he looked at the extraordinary weapon. "Well, we found the first."

Kael hastened to join Erik, his gaze drawn on the sword with an expression of sheer amazement. "Incredible."

He leaned in, eyes locked on the weapon, as if trying to commit every detail to memory. "I wonder when we will finally be able to get some for us."

"We will get them sooner or later, but you better stick to your training." Erik's tone was calm. Kael was too weak to have such a weapon. Someone could easily kill him to steal the weapon.

Erik then closed the suitcase, his movements precise as he secured the locks. Then, with a steady grip, he lifted the case.

"Well, I'll be damned." He chuckled. "Now it makes sense why they used such a high-end suitcase."

"Yeah, this sword alone could be worth hundreds of millions of eurems," Kael said, his eyes still lingering on the case.

"Let's continue our search; there should be two more."

With a nod of agreement from Kael, they turned their attention back to the task at hand, each step driven by the prospect of uncovering more hidden treasures.