Chapter 17: Mess Around

Chapter 17: Mess Around

New Valentine always struck me differently when forced to walk through it on foot. The sense of scale, of just how huge the sprawling districts and buildings were didnt feel the same when blasting past them on a bike or bus. The contrast between the different districtsfrom the working class Southside to the bustling business atmosphere of Downtown. The grotesque level of wealth on display rested on the backbone of hundreds of thousands of mortals barely getting by.

The Sects didnt care to maintain the city aside from a couple of choice districts. Assuming the people would self-manage with the corporations pitching in. Unless something affected their business as usual.

We ran through the streets of this city like little blood vessels. Our lives gave shape to this beast; bringing it to life. That comparison felt fair, New Valentine was like a spirit beasta grouchy swamp-dragon content to dwell in the dank muddy bottoms of stagnant water. Only bothering to reluctantly surface when trouble poked its domain.

I crossed from Downtown to Uptown, the home of Brass King turf. And reached my destination; I checked my phone and confirmed that this rundown apartment was the place. Ivy grew freely on the reddish-brown brick side of the building, infesting the place with nature that seemed foreign to this concrete jungle. It was rather poorly maintained for an Uptown building, its steps cracked and the metal railing leading up to the door almost hanging off.

Strange to meet at an apartment building, Tristan usually found some abandoned hole to lay claim to. Maybe even some back-of-shop that paid us protection, and got a cutback for the trouble.

Cars lined the outside lot of the apartment, but what pulled my eyes was the set of bikes. Including Brunos familiar black and chrome beauty, and Kaysons sleek apple-red comet. If not for them, Id have assumed this was an elaborate setup to demean me before my new squad, Tristan had pulled those kinda shitty tricks.

What was even stranger was that he wanted me to meet everybody before a job. Didnt see a major point to that. In my experience, delinquents didnt hang around and get to know one another. Whenever Tristan called us to meet, it was usually to deal with something. I dialed Kayson, hesitating by the door to the apartment.

Hello? Kayson asked, and I heard a radio blasting in the background. They were kicking some euro-rock. Upbeat with heavy guitar riffs. The most recent obsession in the Rising Sun. It was popular to picture ourselves mingling with the castles and lords and ladies across the ocean, even when their music had barely comprehensible lyrics.

Went to the spot ya gave me. See your bikes, this aint some kinda trick is it? If yall are going to come out and mock me, get it over with. Im just wanna get on with this, I owe yall that much.

He really did mess you up, didnt he? Oh well. Wait a minute, Ill come down to get you. What the hell did that mean? Before I could open my mouth to chew him out with my questions, the phone call dropped. I shoved my hands into my pockets and strolled around to take a closer look at those bikes.

The lot had a few boring cars, beat-up sedans, and cheap trucks. But I ignored those, going right up to the bikes of Kayson and his squad. You could tell a lot about a person depending on what they rode. Of course, there was the beauty of a chopper that Bruno rode on, I felt a tingle of jealousy at the smooth frame. But I had to admit it suited the mans bold personality. There was Kaysons cherry red sportbike, well crafted, and no doubt reliable. Someone had an off-roader, midnight blue and caked with dirt. And lastly, a gorgeous yellow bike, modified for racing. A stripe of black ran down the length, reminding me of a bee.

Over here, come on. Bugs are thick, and dont want them to get in because youre busy scoping out our bikes like a kid staring at candy. Kaysons dry voice jerked me out of my admiration.

I blushed a bit, turned on my heel, and stopped. He wasnt even wearing a Brass Kings jacket. Just a plain textured button-up. He scowled at me. That was strange. Tristan only ever showed up in front of us in his Brass Kings shit. Pride in his colors and rank. I assumed most lieutenants were the same, ego-obsessed jackasses; considering I was meeting the rest of his squad, Id have figured hed have that sorta thing on display. Whatever, as they said, when in Rome. Id come in with as open a mind as I could manage.

He hustled me into the building, I gawked at the beige walls and dull gray carpet, which I theorized at some point had been much closer to white. Still a step up from what I was used to, so hey, good for whoever lived here. Kayson didnt leave me much time, pushing me up the steps to an oak door thatd seen better days.

Shes like that around new people, and you were a bit of d-dick, Suzaki muttered, retreating further into his chair. My jaw went slack. Bruno laughed and patted me on the back. A-another hand? Suzaki asked politely, unable to cope with the tension. I stared in the direction Eve disappeared, before settling back down in my seat. Maybe the kid was right, but damn, that didnt mean I had to be happy about it.

Why not. No better way to ease your tension than a hand or two of cards. Even with the low stakes a spark of thrill burst in me. But I dont got any chips, I shoved a hand in my pocket, meaning to take out my phone and turn them out to show they were empty. ExceptWhered it go? I searched bewildered, got up and checked my jacket too. Nothing.

Bruno tilted his head, looking rather absurd with that t-shirt of his, a cartoon mascot stretched across his broad chest. He began to divvy out the chips between him and Suzaki, leaving a pile for Eve. Then pushed some of his in front of me, even as I spazzed out trying to find my phone. Everything okay, Luca?

Nowhere the hell is my phone?

Probably dropped it. Bruno shrugged, gesturing to the pile of chips he placed in my spot. Ill loan you some chips, so you can play.

I If I lost my phone, I was pretty screwed. But, this presented a chance. I might win enough cash even in a low-stakes game to buy a replacement burner, I was decent at poker, being fine with adapting to the bluffing component. In a way, bluffing someone was like placing a bet, that theyd buy in or not. With the problem re-framed, my Soul Seed rang with delight. I settled down and joined the casual game. Yeah Thanks, Bruno.

They asked a few questions, at first I answered honestly without trying to give too much away about my family. Wasnt sure why they bothered with those questions and more than anything it caught me off guard. Nobody in the Fourth Division cared enough to act, but this went past polite conversation. Bruno seemed invested in my answers, so I got opened up a bit.

Wasnt like they were trying to butter me up. Nobody tried cheating which, I suppose wouldnt have made sense considering the big guy loaned me chips. Slowly the tension began to unwind.

Then Eve returnedI darted from my seat and damn near scattered the few chips I had gained when I saw my phone in her hand. She threw it at me, and I barely caught it, knowing this piece of junk wouldnt survive a meeting with the floor.

More boring than a rock, she shook her head with disgust. All there was were scam calls, messages between you and your old lieutenant, and the occasional one to your family. B-ooo-ring. Even worse than that, youre about as big of a dumbass as Bruno there. Wonder how youve managed that, slick. She stuck a tongue out and seated herselfa quick tap on the table to be dealt in.

I stared at my phone, then at her. Evaluating this ruthless invasion of my privacy and was damn near stunned by the way shed admitted to it with such a casual demeanor. What the fuck! I shoved the phone away. Who the fuck do ya think ya are

S-shes does that, Suzaki, of all people, cut me off. Shrinking into his chair. S-sorry, should have warned you. That didnt help. It made me more pissed, who was this entitled brat who thought she could stick her hands in other peoples pockets? I shoved my chair as I stood, it clattered against the ground. Bruno gave a clapped and hollered in excitement.

I was about an inch away from losing it, the only thing holding me back was not wanting to disrespect Kaysons home.

Eve lifted an eyebrow, daring me.