Chapter 8:

Opening the first door 'opening the door' allows Hao Fan to cast Biao Lianhua, but since his body has just reached the condition to open the Eight Door Dunjia Formation, after opening, his body will pause momentarily due to the pain caused by opening the door, which causes It created a situation where if you can't beat your opponent in seconds after opening it, you will be in trouble.

But when the body has reached the quality of opening the 'Xiumen', opening the Eight Gates Dunjia and casting Biaolianhua again seems to be more than enough, so you don't have to worry about the consequences of not being successful in one blow, but putting yourself in instead.

On this day, the tower owner of the Tower of Sorcering Books approached the godfather to discuss, saying that he wanted to send Hao Fan and Yuno to take the exam for the Magic Knights in the capital. At first, the godfather refused, because the two children left at once. , he feels distressed!

The royal capital is far away from Haji Village, so the road is hard, needless to say, even if you arrive in the royal capital, you may not be able to pass the exam.

Therefore, he made a slight protest, "Forget what Yuno said, but even if Asta goes, I'm afraid he won't be able to pass it? How about..."

"Are you underestimating the child's ability? Remember the two nobles I sponsored before, one named Lake and the other named Will, they both knelt down and begged me not to participate in the awarding of the magic book that day. The exam for the Magic Knights is over, and the reason why they lost confidence like this is because they were defeated by Asta."

The tower master gave a meaningful sermon.


The godfather still wanted to do some dying struggles, but the tower master was also an old man, and he didn't give the godfather any chance to breathe.

"Are you reluctant to part with Asta?"

The tower master teased.

"How is it possible! That brat, although he has learned to behave himself recently, he was like a mud monkey before..."

The godfather babbled about what happened to Asta before.

"Then, are you still reluctant to part with Asta?"

The master of the pagoda affirmed the sermon, which is the true biography of you who was beaten by a monkey.

"I said no, how could I possibly do it, okay, let them have a care on the road together!"

The godfather waved his hand, he could only compromise for the sake of saving face.

After the names were decided, Hao Fan and You Nuo decided to leave in three days.

During this time, Hao Fan explained many things.

For example, a warehouse was specially built next to the church, and 500 points were exchanged for 500 bottles of healing potions. I believe these are enough for Naxiu and others to use for a year.

Moreover, they also found time to build a single room for the church, so that each child has an independent single room. Before leaving, he and Naxiu and others rebuilt the fence around Haji Village.

Seeing these kinds of actions, the godfather couldn't help complaining, "Asta, why do I feel that you are very confident in the exam of the Magic Knights? These days, you either explain this or that, don't tell me..."

"Are you the illegitimate son of the Magic Emperor?"

The godfather finally thought of a possibility and gave a sermon that brightened his eyes.


Yes, yes, now there are 15 monthly tickets, and a total of 15 chapters will be added.

This is the second chapter of Gagen, and there are still 13 chapters left!

In just a few days, the home must be completed!

The next update estimates that it will be 9 o'clock, and then we will arrive at the capital to start the exam!


Chapter 19 Blonde Kerr


Lily, Naxiu, Yunuo and the others couldn't help but spit out their mouths, what a fantastic idea!

"What good things are you thinking about! You just want to be related to the Magic Emperor!"

Hao Fan rolled his eyes. He is tall now, already half a head taller than Yunuo. This is the charm of physical arts. After half a year of hard training, he has completely grown into a handsome boy with a broad figure.

"What are you talking about, am I the kind of flatterer!"

The godfather was a little annoyed, but when he thought that Hao Fan and the two were about to leave, he felt uncomfortable again. The church without Hao Fan would be lifeless...

Early the next morning, Hao Fan and Yuno officially set off.

"Rushing the road is also a kind of practice!"

Hao Fan stood on his hands and began to walk with his hands. His behavior caused many passers-by to look sideways, but most of them just glanced casually. Most of their eyes were still on Yunuo, because Yunuo was also walking on the road, Practicing magic, the momentum created is quite huge.

The actions of the two attracted the attention of a team that was also heading towards the royal capital. Among the group, a man with blond hair and silver clothes was the most eye-catching, and he also faintly occupied a dominant position in the team.

"The two of you must also be going to the capital to take the exam for the Magic Knights. The journey is tough. Not only must you beware of floods and beasts, but you must also beware of some people who rob houses. And I happen to know a shortcut to the capital. Why don't we go together? Bar."

The blond man walked up to Yuno and preached. He had extraordinary eyesight and noticed the four leaves engraved on the back of Yuno's magic book early on!

Yuno glanced at Hao Fan and remained silent. It didn't matter to him whether he followed the team or walked by two people.

Hao Fan wasn't even interested in talking to the blond man, but the flash of greed in the blond man's eyes aroused Hao Fan's interest.

Judging from his demeanor, the blond man looks like a nobleman, but because Hao Fan is standing on his head, he noticed that the blond man's hands are full of calluses, and although his clothes are gorgeous, the trouser legs are too long, obviously The clothes did not belong to him, and those eyes stayed on Yuno's magic book from time to time, it seemed that he was probably a robber.


Hao Fan straightened up and spoke. He was taller and more majestic than the blond man, which made the blond man who had boasted of being brilliant become ashamed.

"Then... let's join the team together. The people behind are also the ones who will take the exam for the Magic Knights."

The blond man preached with a half-smile, faintly feeling that Hao Fan was difficult to deal with.

This team is huge, probably about twenty people, including three fair-looking girls, and from time to time there will be boys who want to be courteous to these three girls, but the eyes of these three girls are always lingering. Hao Fan, Yuno, and the blond man.

"The two people who joined later are so handsome!"

"Yeah, especially the boy with silver hair, his eyes are so beautiful!"

"However, judging by their clothes, they should be poor people, and Kerr, who organized us together, is a nobleman!"

The three girls whispered to each other. Although Kerr's demeanor was extraordinary, it was obviously inferior to Hao Fan and Yuno's, and relying on their female intuition, they always felt that Kerr's eyes were a little uncomfortable. Because he was born in a noble family, he might have been excluded by them long ago.

"Brother Kerr, isn't this the way into the mountain? It doesn't seem to be in the direction of the royal capital."

After everyone walked for a while, a gray-haired boy couldn't help asking.

"Everyone, maybe you don't know, it rained heavily a few days ago, and the mountain here is prone to mudslides, so for the sake of safety, I took everyone here. If you feel like taking a detour, you can go to the front first. waiting."

Kerr smiled slightly, and took out the speech he had prepared.

"Eh... I still listen to Brother Kerr!"

When the gray-haired boy heard that Kerr asked him to leave the team, he was immediately persuaded. The capital is so far away, if he were to go alone, he would definitely not be able to make it.

"Brother Kerr is awesome, you can think of everything!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"We all listen to what Brother Kerr said, and safety comes first!"

A group of teenagers flattered their beards, and even the pretty girl with her beautiful eyes felt a little admirable.

Hao Fan raised the corners of his lips, is the fox's tail finally coming out?

He rubbed the dirt on his hands and felt that his big knife was already hungry and thirsty!

At the beginning, a first-class low-level mage gave him 300 points, but now I just don't know how many mages there are in this group of bandits?

Seeing Kerr's attitude of not refusing to come, he must not be disappointed by the size of this group of bandits!

Hao Fan showed a devilish smile on his face, hunting for points, this is his purpose of keeping up with Kerr!


Well, this chapter has arrived ahead of schedule, no surprises!

This is the third update of Gagen.

The flowers are almost 4,000, brothers, work harder tonight, and try to break through 4,000 flowers!

There should be another update tonight.

Depending on the situation, there will be more and more.


Chapter 20 Raptor Bandit Group

When everyone deviated from the road and walked up the mountain road, Hao Fan had already checked the surrounding situation.

"Two on the big tree in the front left, two behind the boulder, five squatting in the grass on the right, and ten trailing behind. The number of people is a bit small. I hope that when we reach the serious place, one or two hundred people will emerge. Bar!"

Hao Fan was a little disappointed. Not to mention the lack of people, this clumsy hidden technology is enough to prove that these people's magic power is not high, but no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat, so we should give those people the points that are exchanged for healing potions. Earn it back!

"Brother Kerr, why do I feel like someone is following us?"

A teenager timidly walked up to Kerr to preach.

"Yeah, Brother Kerr, are there bandits around here?"

A few more sensitive teenagers could not help but gather around Kerr, and a heavy atmosphere formed in the team for a moment, and the faces of the three girls became even more tense.

"Finally someone noticed it, and it's not hopeless."

Hao Fan glanced at Yunuo and didn't speak, but Yunuo seemed to know what Hao Fan meant, and immediately pretended to be indifferent. Although everyone was on guard at this time, it was already too late. If Hao Fan hadn't followed , these boys and girls are all going to die today!

"It's just some wind and grass, don't be nervous."

Kerr spoke casually.

"But, I feel like someone is there!"

A teenager said nervously.

"I remember your name is Chuck, right? Do you know why I want to unite everyone? It is because the mountain road is not flat that we have to go together. Now there are so many of us, and we all want to join the Magic Knights The proud son of heaven, I believe that even if you encounter a few bandits who don't have long eyes, you will be able to deal with it easily, so you shouldn't be afraid. Could it be that you want to embarrass yourself by acting like a coward in front of the three beautiful ladies? "

Kerr preached like a spring breeze, and I have to say that he still has a good way of coaxing people, and under this flattery, everyone's fear was immediately dispelled.

"Even Chuck, you are too shameful. There are so many of us, how could any bandits dare to rob us!"

"Now I kind of want to meet a robber!"

The teenagers began to work hard to draw boundaries with Chek, as if this could show their bravery, and some even wished to meet a few robbers now to show their strength.


The three girls also laughed lightly, and the previous terrifying atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

Kerr walked to the front of the line, a grim expression slowly formed on his face. In his opinion, these ignorant boys and girls are as weak as lambs, and they are simply slaughtered at will!

Hao Fan glanced at the fat boy who said he wanted to meet a robber, and thought that he would not save this boy even if he cried for his father and mother, so let him show his bravery in front of beautiful women!

Kerr led the crowd to walk for a while, and this time they finally came to the hinterland of the mountain. The robbers who had been so carelessly hiding their bodies before, didn't even want to pretend, and came out of the dark one after another.

Some of these people are missing an arm, some are missing an eye, and some are full of horrible scars. They are all in the prime of life, and they have a very strong smell of blood since they appeared. This is a murder to a certain extent. The breath that will be contaminated, judging from the aura of these people, they are all thieves licking blood!


Chuck's frightened voice became sharper.

"There are really robbers?"

"Brother Kerr, what do we do now!"

The faces of the boys in a skirt changed. Some boys even collapsed to the ground with weak soles of their feet just by seeing the ferocious appearance of these robbers.

And the obese boy who had been clamoring to fight the robber for 300 rounds now even twitched the fat on his face.

"Brother Kerr, quickly lead us to resist!"

Seeing that everyone was almost terrified, a young man said anxiously, if this continues, they might be defeated without the robbers!

"Resist? Are you joking?"

Kerr suddenly laughed eccentrically, as if he had heard a big joke, and turned his head to look at everyone sarcastically. At this time, his face was a little distorted, and the nobleness he had pretended before instantly turned into hostility. This change of face made everyone Everyone was shocked.

Those three girls who had some interest in Kerr before were even more frightened and trembling, feeling that this world is really terrible. A person who was polite before can turn into a thug in a blink of an eye!

"Are you with them?"

Chuck collapsed on the floor and preached, but he realized it too late.

"Hahaha, it's time for a surprise, everyone is welcome to come to the temporary camp of our mighty Raptor Bandit Group. You twenty-seven teenagers who are about to take part in the assessment of the Magic Knights, do a sacrifice!"

Kerr was standing on a rock, and at this time he had completely torn his face with everyone, and when he was talking, members of the Raptor Bandit would come out from the depths of the jungle from time to time, and there were more than a hundred of them in total!

"You actually want to sacrifice us?"