Chapter 112:

"I'm actually...a wine bottle... seems pretty good?" Banasa said.

"Why, I will turn into a golden retriever!" Mimosa wanted to cry without tears, thinking that no one should find her!

"I'm the sun of the golden dawn, how could I become a dung fork?" Klaus was furious.

"Why is this dung fork not easy to use today? Forget it, waste dung fork, goodbye!" A man who was using Klaus said, and threw 'Klaus' into the cesspool.

"I knock! I knock! I knock!" Klaus broke his defense in an instant, no longer caring about his aristocratic demeanor. If he can still move at this time, he must start the humane destruction mode!

"I turned into a tortoise!" Yuno walked along the path with a blank expression. Why did he have a relationship with a tortoise? Could this be implying something?

"Baa~~~ Grass, it's so unpalatable..." Qiami spat out the grass in her mouth in disgust, and she turned into a sheep!

"I have turned into a haystack. How can I record everything that happened now? I have no choice but to remember it with my heart!" Gordon frowned. In fact, he did not object to becoming a haystack. The key is that you have to Keep your hand for him, he still has to write a live diary!

"Ahh! How did I become like a little girl!" Noelle looked up and down at her little arms and legs, she looked like a baby, but apart from her smaller body, it seemed that her status was in the middle The village is quite high.

At this moment, Noelle couldn't help but think that it seems that they have all been assigned roles by the middle-aged man, but they don't know what Asta and the others have been assigned to?

"System! What's the situation? How could my power disappear!" Asta couldn't help asking.

"The power of the host is temporarily sealed by the middle-aged giant. I can untie it, but it is not necessary, because the difference between the strength of the host and this person is too great. Exposure in advance will only be detrimental to the host, so the best solution at present It is to complete the task according to the rules set by the middle-aged giant, so as to get rid of the middle-aged giant." The system gave a more pertinent solution.

Go to bed early, brothers, this is the last chapter for today! .

Chapter 261 Aldin, the Abandoned Son of God!

"It seems that we can only play the game now, but where have everyone else gone?" Asta couldn't help asking.

"They were all teleported into different characters just like the host, but because the host was teleported into the protagonist of this world, the little monster, it is very likely that Noelle was teleported by the middle-aged giant into the village flower that the little monster likes." System road.

"No way, this middle-aged giant actually thinks we are a couple?" Asta was slightly helpless, and then a strange memory was introduced into Asta's mind through magic. Asta is better able to substitute the memory of the little monster from the character.

"It's amazing, this memory is like a USB hard drive, and my brain is like a computer host, just plug it in and you can read this memory, and even feel what the little monster felt back then..." Asta was shocked road.

"God's magic, memory transfer!" The middle-aged giant passed the information of the world he was in to everyone with a flick of his fingers, and Asta and Noelle, who were selected as the hero and heroine, received special preferential treatment. The memories of the hero and heroine were lost.

"This middle-aged giant is so powerful..." Gray sighed while covering his eyes.

"Aldin? The abandoned son of God, who has been unable to use God's magic since he was born, but his body contains magic power that makes even God feel terrified?"

Asta quickly digested the memory of the "little monster" from the middle-aged giant. Unexpectedly, he really had a relationship with the abandoned son. First, he traveled to the world of ninjutsu and became Rock Lee who could not use ninjutsu normally. Going to the magic world to become Asta who can't use magic normally, and now cosplaying to become Aldin who can't use the magic of God, it's just a wish!

"Dinisha... the Goddess of the village of Shenqi, she was born with powerful magic of God and a beautiful appearance, and she was obedient to her parents. Only in the matter of Ordin, she had an invisible resistance with her parents." Noelle I quickly accepted the memory of the heroine Denisa, and when I came to the mirror, I was shocked by Denisa's amazing face~.

"Asta, will he be teleported into Aldin?" Noelle couldn't help but think this way, after all, she can only have strong emotions when facing Asta's 'Ordin', if If it's another person, I'm afraid she won't be able to play the role of Denisa-yet.

"Dinisha, Bane, the son of the God King of Excalibur City, has sent a letter of appointment again. This is the ninth time he has sent a letter of appointment. I am afraid that he will be a little ignorant if he refuses." Denisa's father Morgan Walked up to Noelle and said.

"Ah? Father, I think we can wait a little longer. I'm only nine years old now. If I marry now, others will say that my father can't wait to climb the ladder!" Noelle said according to Denisa's usual rejection method.

"It's also reasonable, and this Excalibur City is more generous every time, and the number of dowry gifts will increase if you reject them a few times, and my daughter is so young, even if I send it here now, I can't get married. By my side, it’s not too late to wait until I’m sixteen!” Morgan rubbed his hands excitedly and went back to count the betrothal gifts from the God King this time.

"ε=(′ο`*))) Alas! Although Denisa has both parents, her parents obviously regard Denisa as a tool for making money..." Noelle sighed for a long time, Denisa is exactly Only by taking advantage of her parents' greed can she delay the marriage proposal again and again. However, this method cannot reverse the final outcome after all, so Denisa has always pinned her hopes on Aldin's outbreak.

As a goddess, Denisa has a special ability. She can feel whether a person is kind or not, and can also feel how powerful a person's magical potential is.

Since she was a child, many favored people of heaven have approached her and asked her to predict her potential.

Including Bane, the son of God of the Excalibur City, whose potential is like a sleeping god. If there is no accident, he will become a **** in this life. At that time, the Excalibur City will have two gods and become the most powerful force in the vicinity.

But Barn is not the person with the most powerful magical potential she has ever seen. Who would have thought that Aldin, who is called the abandoned son of God and the son of the devil in the village, has the strongest magical potential she has ever seen. Ordin Ding's potential is so strong that if he had to use a unit of measurement to describe it, it would be equivalent to ten Baths!

And she didn't detect the end of Aldin's potential, that is to say, Aldin's potential is so great that it might make the gods terrified!

····Ask for flowers·····0

But what really moved her was Aldin's heart. Although she was insulted and rejected by everyone since she was a child, Aldin's heart was always pure and kind, and even she couldn't detect a trace of resentment towards others.

At this time, although Denisa didn't like Ordin yet, she was full of curiosity about Ordin, and would inadvertently look at Ordin when playing with her friends. It was this kind of unconscious observation that made Denisa's understanding of Ordin deepens, deepens...

"According to my memory, when the evening is approaching, everyone will gather in the open space of the village to play during the slack season. The adults play cards, drink and chat, and the children play hide-and-seek. At this time, Denisa will always dance with a group of girls. Rubber band." Asta came to the open space according to the guidance of his memory, but he didn't stand out ostentatiously, but 'habitually' hid in the haystack.


"What the **** kind of habit is this!" Asta couldn't help complaining about Ordin's habit, thinking that he would continue to exercise after confirming whether Denisa was Noelle, but because Ordin There is no chakra in his body, so he can't use the Eight Door Dunjia Formation to open it.

"Will Aldin come here?" Noelle was surrounded by her friends and came to the open space, only to see two little girls scrambling to pull up the rubber bands, and then looked at Noelle expectantly, because Noelle She is the most beautiful little girl dancing rubber band in the village. Not only the boys love to watch it, but they also like it. They hope to become as elegant as Noelle.

"Look, Denisa is here!" The little boy in the village originally wanted to continue chasing and beating Asta, but because Asta was running too fast, he returned to the open space and waited. Noelle came over and all forgot about beating Asta. After all, no one is as fragrant as a goddess!

"Malan Blossom 21..." The little girl in the village had already started to accompany Noelle. Noelle didn't care to look for Ordin's figure, and jumped up like a duck on a shelf, but soon Noelle I got used to my brand new body, and every move I made was extremely nimble, beautiful and beautiful.

Chapter 262 God and Magic World!

"Is this Noelle and Asta?" Gordon, who had turned into a pile of haystacks, suddenly saw the picture of Asta and the two of them in front of his eyes. This is why the middle-aged giant wanted them to keep up with the plot. The scenes experienced by the two of Asta appeared before everyone's eyes.

"Suddenly there is more information about this world in my mind. It turns out that no matter what attributes in this world, **** magic is in front, such as **** thunder magic, **** flame magic..." Banassa said lazily, and originally thought that becoming a Bottles would be boring, but seeing Noelle and Asta in front of my eyes made me feel a lot better.

From their point of view, Asta and Noelle's real bodies can be seen directly from Ordin and Denisa.

"Why is Asta the male lead, and I'm a turtle?" Yuno's resentment deepened. "two twenty seven"

"Don't be sad ~ Yuno, I'm with you!" For some unknown reason, Sylph was not turned into another creature by the middle-aged giant, and she was sitting playfully on Yuno's tortoise head , if Asta sees this scene, he will definitely not be able to help but complain that this scene is too easy to make people think wrong!

"Magna! You turned into a tree!" Lak excitedly floated above Magna's head.

"What are you doing?" Magna didn't expect that those who turned into objects or animals could see each other.

"It's nothing, I just want thunder and rain all of a sudden!" Luke said, suddenly there was lightning and thunder, and it was only the small area where Magna was located that was raining with lightning and thunder.

"I'm protruding (哉盘哉)!" Magna was furious. This Lak is simply not a human being. It's okay to bully him before, but now he has turned into a cloud and bullies him in a different way. The key is He can't resist now, isn't this bullying honest people!

"Luck, don't play tricks, now we should be more united, okay?" Fenlaar, who had turned into a grass, couldn't help but said after seeing this scene.

"Okay!" Lark nodded, and then adjusted his position. This time, even Finlar was perfectly covered by lightning and thunder.

"I'll wipe~" Fenlaar screamed and ran to the side. Fortunately, he can run away, otherwise, like Magna, he can only stick to the same place, which is really bad luck!

"Little grass, little grass!" Chami rushed over suddenly, his eyes turned green when he saw the moving Fenla.

"Ah! Cannibalism!" Fenlaar ran away with his hairs standing on end, and Chami immediately chased after him.

"Cami, calm down, this is your teammate!" Mimosa jumped out at the right time to stop Chami, otherwise Finlar would turn into sheep dung!

But in the eyes of outsiders, all of this is just a grass that suddenly ran wildly, and then the sheep held the grass tightly, and when it was about to bite, a golden retriever ran out to stop the sheep.

"By the way, what has Senior Klaus become?" After Mimosa stopped the farce, she couldn't help thinking, she had seen Yuno just now, and Yuno had turned into a little turtle, his The wind elf Sylph sat on his head, but after a long time, she found almost everyone but Klaus was not found.

"It doesn't matter, now Cousin Noelle has become Denisa, and Asta has become Ordin, I'm going to find Asta!" Mimosa said while running in the open space where Asta was in the picture go.

"Could this Denisa be Noelle? It doesn't look like it at all from the outside!" Asta poked his head out from the haystack, watching Noelle's mouth twitching with a rubber band, and couldn't help but be fascinated I don't know how long it took, and suddenly a little boy pointed at him in surprise, "I knock! Ordin is here, and he dares to peek at the goddess dancing rubber bands!"

"Mad, you can see the goddess too? Brothers, hit me!" A group of children rushed towards Asta while talking, but the adults around them didn't stop them, as if they were already used to it, after all, who Will you stand up for a child who has no father and even a missing mother?

If it weren't for the particularity of Shenqi Village, I'm afraid Ordin would have become a nourishment in the weeds long ago.

"Damn!" Asta's first reaction was to run away, but he quickly realized that he ran a hammer. Although his physical fitness is not good now, his physical skills have already been integrated into the depths of his soul. These are just children, what's the big deal?

In fact, Asta didn't know that he would have the idea of ​​running away. This was interfered by the memory magic of the middle-aged giant, and the purpose was to better restore the original scene...

"Little guy, can you drink a glass of juice?" The middle-aged giant held Gray with one hand in the magic palace, and then placed it on a floating tray in front of his eyes.

"Ah! I'm so scared and ashamed!" Gray was suddenly at a loss.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, I just want someone to accompany me to read the memories, my memory magic will not only transfer the memory, but also the character of the character, so at this time Asta and Nuo Al is someone you are familiar with, but not someone you are familiar with, they will be influenced by Ordin and Denisa in some decisions, and as time goes by, this influence will become more and more important!" The middle-aged giant narrated steadily, as for the five villagers under his feet, they had been cast into a sleeping magic, and these people would forget everything that happened in the magic palace after waking up.

Seeing that the middle-aged giant had no ill intentions towards him, Gray immediately became bolder. After tasting the grape juice sent by the elf, Gray asked worriedly, "Can Asta and Noelle return to their original state? ?”

"This magic will disappear at 5.0 after they leave the small world. For people with strong willpower, it will have no effect and will not affect his will, so Asta should not have any effect, but Noelle..." The middle-aged giant will not make an evaluation here, because it is difficult for Noelle to say, because Noelle's will is constantly vacillating between firmness and weakness, but what is certain is that as time goes by, Denisa's understanding of Noelle El's influence is sure to fade.

"Asta is going to be beaten again!" Gordon watched with a melancholy expression as a dozen children ran out of the open space after chasing Asta.

"Luck, stop playing, hurry up and help Asta, there are so many people, you still have to kill Asta!" Finlar said.

"That's right!" Lak finally stopped playing and started rushing towards Asta's location.

Chapter 263 Youth is to keep getting stronger!

Noelle also wanted to stop it, but suddenly thought that if he stopped it like this, Ordin (Asta) might be spared from being beaten this time, but if these children see that they favor Ordin, there will definitely be more troubles afterwards. Crazy revenge, so Noelle can only watch Aldin (Asta) go away worriedly.

"Attention all contestants. You must first survive until the day when the son of the **** king, Baan, welcomes his bride. When that day comes, you will naturally return to your original state. Before that, you must survive!" the voice of the middle-aged giant It rang in everyone's ears.

"Anyway, Aldin (Asta) has been beaten since he was a child, so he shouldn't be beaten to death this time, right? And I'm not sure whether this Ordin is played by Asta." Noelle could only do this comfort myself.

"His grandma, watch me sweep the legs!" Asta ran and suddenly stopped and pretended to fall, but in fact came to the ground with a 360-degree sweep, sweeping over seven or eight chasing fast child.


"I wipe it, it hurts me to death!" The children cried out immediately after falling off their backs.

"Hit him with stones!" Some children didn't dare to chase after them, and started picking up 13 stones from the ground and throwing them at Asta, but is Asta's years of hard training just for naught? Even if the body was not his at this time, Asta easily dodged these stones.

Moreover, Asta not only hides, but also specially picks people to run. Every time he is about to be hit, he bows his head or turns around and the stone hits the person in front of him. Soon these children are all thrown out with the stone on their heads. big bag.

"Everyone, don't smash it, beat him with a wooden stick!" A child in the lead suddenly.

"Wang!" At this moment, Mimosa finally rushed over. She frightened a child away with bluff, and then stood at Asta's feet. Asta looked at Mimosa, but he couldn't recognize him. Mimosa who turned into a golden retriever, but I feel that this repair dog is a little pretty!

"Is it because of being single for too long?" Asta pouted.

"Mr. Asta, why do you keep looking at me like this!" Mimosa blushed immediately, and then held Asta's trousers with her mouth to signal Asta to run quickly.

"Don't run, I haven't stopped these guys yet!" Asta clenched his fists. He wasn't Ordin back then, so he wouldn't be angry with these brats. Of course, he wouldn't do it himself, because he He knows how to survive better than Aldin, and now he has no power to continue. If he breaks these children, those adults will not show mercy!

Although the village of Shenqi has restrictions, the villagers cannot use magic within the village, but the power of an adult is much stronger than that of a child, which cannot be compensated by any skill, unless it breaks through its own magic like the Bamen Dunjia Formation Power is limited, but unfortunately he can't use it now, so he wants to survive until

"Mr. Asta is really full of masculinity at all times!" Mimosa looked at Asta with admiration.

At this time, a child had already picked up a big wood and hit Asta on the head.

"Wow, woof, woof!" Mimosa yelled anxiously. Although Asta didn't look back, as if he had eyes behind him, he easily dodged the wooden stick by lowering his head. Then he quickly lifted his left shoulder and used the principle of leverage Successfully flew the child's wooden stick out.

"This is still Ordin?" The boy holding the wooden stick was astonished, but the other children didn't notice this detail. In the blink of an eye, seven or eight people were hitting Asta with a big stick. Those who have the fish in water generally shuttle among the sticks.

And when Ashtar is dodging, he will always bump into other people inadvertently. These children who are hit by bumps seem to be possessed by evil spirits. It's just that the center of gravity was unstable and he hit the wooden stick drawn by his companion with his head.

Soon, these children were beaten to death by their own people.

"Oh, stop beating, it's really evil today, let's watch the goddess dance rubber bands!" A fairly prestigious kid couldn't bear it anymore.

"I agree!"

"I agree too!" The other children either said with their heads covered or their teeth covered.

"Ordin, let you go today, and if you dare to peek at the goddess jumping rubber bands next time, I will beat you to death, do you hear me!" the leader, the baby-headed Quark, said viciously.

"I heard it!" Asta looked at Quark with a smile, just now counting Quark's most sticks.

"Unlucky! Let's go!" Quark hurriedly led a group of children limping towards the open space.

"Mr. Asta is amazing too. He didn't do anything during the whole process, but these children turned on their backs. Sure enough, no matter what the lion becomes, they are all lions!" Mimosa couldn't help rubbing his head against Aspen. She found that this kind of rubbing is really smart for canines. No wonder her puppies like to rub her like this!

"Ahhh! Ahhh! It's all over, but it doesn't matter, if you dare to hit Asta, let me see how I can deal with you!" Lak said, a bolt of lightning struck the children, followed by a downpour of rain, these children The nose was already bruised and the face was swollen, and the wound became more painful when it was exposed to rain.

At this moment, these children couldn't care less about watching Noelle jumping the rubber band, and ran away one after another, fleeing home to hide from the rain.

"It's wonderful, Asta is really awesome, almost every movement is wonderful, isn't this the charm of physical arts!" Klaus was emotional in the toilet. He used to look down on physical arts all the time. Yes, after all, in the world of magic, magic is still respected, but Asta told him with crisp movements that physical skills seem to be more chic and handsome!

"I want to record this moment, keep it firmly in my mind, and write it when I get back!" Gordon's eyes widened, and his brain started to run crazily, he didn't want to let go of a single picture.

"Asta is still amazing, he can still fight back against more than a dozen enemies." Magna smacked his lips.

"Maybe this is the gap?" You Nuo couldn't help feeling ashamed. He was also facing a predicament. He would have to rush to the street even if he couldn't use magic anymore!

"Don't be dejected, Yuno is the best!" Sylph started bouncing up and down, which reminded Yuno of the words Asta often said during training, "Youth is to keep getting stronger !Become stronger!".

Chapter 264 Survival? Pediatrics!

"Of course I won't give up, I will continue to catch up with him!" Yuno's eyes began to become firm, who said that being a tortoise can't make you stronger? Asta is now a kid who is equally self-improving, and he can too!

So Yuno immediately began to recall all his magic. He simulated the process of casting spells in his mind again and again, trying to make every spell casting be the most perfect form!

"This is only Asta who can do this, maybe the leader Yejian can do it too, after all, the leader Yejian is also very strong!" Banasa couldn't help but sigh, and then saw Asta hugging him. Leaving Mimosa and walking towards the clearing in the village.